Description of the web services

Table of contents

The web services are the tools used to process the data. The web services can also be used in a concatenated way, where the output of the first web service is the input for the next web service. This is demonstrated in the use cases.

Screenshot (17)

Data validation and QC services 🌍

Service Explanation
Data format validation The LifeWatch portal uses a specific standard data format based on Darwin Core and the OBIS Schema (see above). This service checks if the uploaded data file matches this standard LifeWatch data format.
Show on map This service generates a map based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file. The resulting map is available in the result report.
Check OBIS file This service checks if the uploaded data file matches the OBIS Schema (mandatory and missing fields), checks the format of the date and coordinates and checks if the observation points are located at sea or on land. This service also performs a WoRMS taxon match.

EMODnet Biology 🐾

Service Explanation
Number of observations in a 1000m radius around a point Returns the number of observations in the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) of taxon in a radius of 1000 meter around a point, based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file.

​​Geographical services - Administrative boundaries 🗺️

These web services return the name and code of administrative boundaries, such as EMODnet regions, Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), ICES Ecoregions, IHO Sea Areas, Intersect of the EEZ and IHO (Marine Regions), World Countries, and FAO Fishing Areas, based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file.​​

Service Explanation
Exclusive Economic Zone  
FAO Fishing areas  
ICES Ecoregions  
IHO Sea areas  
Intersect of the EEZ and IHO  
World countries Returns the country based on latitude and longitude

Geographical services - Bathymetry 📐

Service Explanation
Bathymetry Southern Bight of the North Sea Returns the bathymetry for points in the Southern Bight of the North Sea (from the “Limited Atlas of the Belgian Part of the North Sea”), based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file.
​​GEBCO bathymetry Returns the bathymetry from the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file.
MARSPEC: global marine bathymetrie (Resolution: 30 arc seconds)s Returns the global marine bathymetry with a resolution of 30 arc seconds from the Ocean Climate Layers for Marine Spatial Ecology (MARSPEC), based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file

Geographical services - Biogeographical classification 🗾

Large Marine Ecosystems of the World
Longhurst Provinces
Marine Ecoregions of the World
Marine Provinces of the World
Marine Realms of the World
World countries

Geographical services - Environmental data 🌡️

Calcite (mean) [mol/m3]
Chlorophyll A (maximum) [mol/m3]
Chlorophyll A (mean) [mol/m3]
Chlorophyll A (minimum) [mol/m3]
Chlorophyll A (range) [mol/m3]
Cloud fraction (maximum) [%]
Cloud fraction (mean) [%]
Cloud fraction (minimum) [%]
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (maximum) [m-1]
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (mean) [m-1]
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm (minimum) [m-1]
Dissolved oxygen [ml/l]
pH [no unit]
Phosphate [µmol/l]
Photosynthetically available radiation (maximum) [Einstein/m2/day]
Photosynthetically available radiation (mean) [Einstein/m2/day]
Salinity [PSS]
Sea surface temperature (maximum) [Celsius]
Sea surface temperature (mean) [Celsius]
Sea surface temperature (minimum) [Celsius]
Sea surface temperature (range) [Celsius]
Silicate [µmol/l]

Geographical services - Features 🐟

Service Explanation
Shoals (Belgian Continental Shelf) Indicates if a given location in the Belgian Continental Shelf is situated on a shoal, based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file, and gives the name and group of the shoal.

Geographical services - Protected areas 🍀

Service Explanation
Flemish Ecological Network Indicates if a given location is situated within the Flemish Ecological Network, based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file, and gives the type and name of the VEN-area. The Flemish Ecological Network (VEN) is a selection of valuable and sensitive natural areas in Flanders. The Flemish government gives priority to nature conservation and nature development in these areas.

Geographical services - Total biological valuation 🌿

Service Explanation
Terrestrial Biological Valuation (v22) Returns the terrestrial biological value of a location in the Flemish Region, based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file and the Biological Valuation Map (version 22). The Biological Valuation Map is a uniform field-driven survey of the land cover and vegetation in the Flemish Region.
Marine Biological Valuation Map for the Belgian Part of the North Sea Returns the total marine biological value of a location in the Belgian Continental Shelf, based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file and the Biological Valuation Map for the Belgian Continental Shelf (BWZee) produced in 2007.

Marineregions gazetteer services 🌐

Service Explanation
Get lat-long by mrgid Returns the latitude and longitude of the centroid and the preferred gazetteer name of a Marine Regions ID (MRGID), based on the MRGID in the uploaded data file.
Get lat-long by name Returns the latitude, longitude, matched name and the Marine Regions ID (MRGID) of a given gazetteer name in the uploaded data file.
Get gazetteer name by lat-long Returns the Marine Regions place name and the Marine Regions ID (MRGID) of the bounding box (radius 3) based on Latitude and Longitude in the uploaded data file.
Get lat-long by accepted name Returns the latitude, longitude, accepted name and the Marine Regions ID (MRGID) of a given gazetteer name in the uploaded data file.

Other taxon services 🐝

Service Explanation
Get AphiaID World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) Returns the (first) exact matching AphiaID for a given taxon name, based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Get GUID Pan-European Species Infrastructure The service returns the Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) from PESI for a given taxon name, based on ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Reverse taxon match by ITIS TSN Returns the Aphia record (scientific name, taxonomic status, etc.) based on the Taxonomic Serial Number (TSN) of the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) in the uploaded data file.
Reverse taxon match by AphiaID Returns the Aphia record (scientific name, taxonomic status, etc.) based on the AphiaID of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) in the uploaded data file.

Taxon match services 🦦

Service Explanation
Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure (PESI) The service matches your taxon list with the Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure database (PESI), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file. Website information :
Paleobiology Database (PaleoDB) The service matches your taxon list with the Paleobiology Database (PaleoDB), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) The service matches your taxon list with the Integrated Taxonomic information System (ITIS), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Taxon match Global Names Index (GNI) The service matches your taxon list with the Global Names Index (GNI), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Index Fungorum (IF) The service matches your taxon list with the Index Fungorum (IF) database, based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
International Plant Names Index (IPNI) The service matches your taxon list with the International Plant Names Index (IPNI), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) The service matches your taxon list with the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Taxon match Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera (IRMNG) The service matches your taxon list with the Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera (IRMNG), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Catalogue of Life (CoL) The service matches your taxon list with the Catalogue of Life (CoL), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.

Taxon match services WoRMS Regional Species Databases 🐙

Service Explanation
Taxon match African Register of Marine Species (AfReMaS) The service matches your taxon list with the African Register of Marine Species (AfReMaS), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Taxon match Belgian Register of Marine Species (BeRMS) The service matches your taxon list with the Belgian Register of Marine Species (BeRMS), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Taxon match Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS) The service matches your taxon list with the Register of Antarctic Marine Species (RAMS), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Taxon match services WoRMS Thematic Species Databases  
Taxon match IOC-UNESCO Taxonomic Reference List of Harmful Micro Algae (HAB) The service matches your taxon list with the IOC-UNESCO Taxonomic Reference List of Harmful Micro Algae (HAB), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Taxon match World Register of Deep-Sea Species (WoRDSS) The service matches your taxon list with the World Register of Deep-Sea Species (WoRDSS), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Taxon match World Register of Marine Introduced Species (WRIMS) The service matches your taxon list with the World Register of Marine Introduced Species (WRIMS), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.
Taxon match World Register of marine Cave Species (WoRCS) The service matches your taxon list with the World Register of marine Cave Species (WoRCS), based on the ScientificName in the uploaded data file.

Taxon observations 🔬

Service Explanation
Number of observations of a marine taxon Returns all observation points (latitude and longitude) in the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) for a specific species, based on the ScientificNameID in the uploaded data file. Website information:
Taxon list of a certain region Returns a taxon list based on observations from the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) for a certain region, based on the Marine Regions ID (MRGID) in the uploaded data file. Website information:
Occurence of a taxon is located within a known distribution record The service verifies if the coordinates of the taxon observation in the uploaded data file are located within a distribution record of that taxon in WoRMS/Aphia. In the result report a map is available which shows the coordinates in the uploaded data file and the distribution records of the taxa in WoRMS/Aphia. Website information:

​Tidal services 🌊

Service Explanation
Calculate tidal reduction Calculates tidal heights in NAP (Normaal Amsterdams Peil), GLLWS (Gemiddeld Laag LaagWater bij Springtij), and TAW (Tweede Algemene Waterpassing) based on Latitude, Longitude and EventDate in the uploaded data file. The calculations are based on the M2 tidal reduction algorithm and the water levels measured by the monitoring network Flemish Banks.

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