Data from buoys installed in the Belgian Part of the North Sea.
How to interpret this dataset
Query options
Timeframe: Starting and stopping date for the query.
Stations: List of stations to be included in the query.
Available columns
Station:Name or code of sampling station or receiver code.
Time: Time in of observation UTC.
Latitude: Latitude in decimal degrees, WGS84.
Longitude: Longitude in decimal degrees, WGS84 .
Air temperature (°C): Air temperature in °C.
AtmPress (dBar): Atmospheric pressure in dBar.
Avg Wind direction (deg): Direction of the wind in deg.
Avg Wind speed (m/s): Speed of the wind in m/s.
Chlorophyll (µg/L): Concentration of Chlorophyll expressed in µg/L.
Conductivity (mS/cm): Electrical conductivity standard deviation of the water body by CTD, expressed in degrees mS/cm.
Dissolved oxygen (µM): Dissolved oxygen in the water in µmol/l.
DO (mg/l): Oxygen dissolved in the water body in mg/l.
Level Harbour (mTAW) 1min: Water lever in mTAW measured in the Harbor side averaged every 1 min.
Level Harbour (mTAW): Waterlevel in mTAW measured in Ostend at the time.
Level Spuikom (mTAW): Waterlevel in mTAW measured in the Spuikom at the time.
NH3 (ppb): Concentration of NH3 in the water body expressed in ppb. Not measured anymore.
NO3 (ppb): Concentration of nitrate in the water body, expressed in ppb. Not measured anymore.
Oxygen sat. (%): Percentage of dissolved oxygen in the water relative to atmospheric concentration
pCO2 air (ppm): Partial pressure of CO2 in the air expressed in uatm.
pH (raw): pH of seawater not corrected for Temperature, Salinity. Not measured anymore.
PO4 (ppb): Concentration of dissolved phosphate in water expressed in ppb.
Rain (mm): Accumulation of rain measured in mm.
Rain15 (mm): Accumulation of rain measured in mm averaged every 15min.
RelHumidity (%): Relative humidity in %.
Salinity (PSU): Salinity of the water body, expressed in Practical Salinity Units.
SiO2 (ppb): Concentration of silicate in the water body, expressed in ppb. Not measured anymore.
SolarEnergy (W/m²): Solar energy in W/m².
Tilt X (deg): Horizontal movement of the platform in degrees.
Tilt Y (deg): Vertical movement of the platform in degrees.
Turbidity (NTU): Optical backscatter as turbidity of the water body, expressed in Nephelometric Turbidity Units.
Turbidity(FBU): Optical backscatter as turbidity of the water body, expressed in Formazin Backscatter Units.
Voltage (V): Battery power, voltage in V.
Water pressure (dBar):Pressure of the water body, expressed in decibars.
Water temperature (°C): Temperature of the water body, expressed in degrees Celcius.
Watercurrent (cm/s): Speed of water current in cm/s
Watercurrent (deg): Direction of current in deg relative to
xCO2 air (ppm): Molar fraction of CO2 in the air expressed in ppm (not corrected for H2O concentration).
xCO2 sea (ppm): Molar fraction of CO2 in the water expressed in ppm (not corrected for H2O concentration).
The Flanders Marine Institute within it’s remit and scope in RIs such as ICOS and Lifewatch, is operating 4 fixed point research and monitoring stations. Three of them are in the Oostende Spuikom and harbor and one is in the Thornton Bank. The stations have capacity for robust and frequent (e.g. 1 hr sync interval) near real time (NRT) transmission of data and are equipped with in situ sensors, for physical and biogeochemical parameters. Data from these stations are also available through the ICOS Carbon Portal and the Spuikom monitoring website
How to cite these data
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium (2015): ICOS and LifeWatch observatory data: buoy data https://doi.org/10.14284/536. Accessed through the LifeWatch Data Explorer / lwdataexplorer R package.
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Please acknowledge as: This work makes use of the LifeWatch observation data and infrastructure (provided by VLIZ) funded by Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) as part of the Belgian contribution to LifeWatch.
These data are also available in the R language with the lwdataxplorer package.