Data on CTD-profile data from LifeWatch sampling campaigns in the Belgian part of the North Sea.
How to interpret this dataset
Query options
Timeframe: Starting and stopping date for the query.
Stations: Name or code of sampling station or receiver code.
Bins: Number of measurements in a certain depth bin.
Available columns
Station: Name or code of sampling station or receiver code.
CastId: Unique identifier to specify a single CTD-cast.
Depth: Bottom depth to surface from echosounder 200Hz in m.
Status: An identifier to specify whether a specific measurement was taken in the up-cast, the down-cast, near the bottom, or during the calibration-phase at the surface.
Latitude: Center latitude in decimal degrees, WGS84.
Longitude: Center longitude in decimal degrees, WGS84.
Time: Time in UTC, beginning of sample timeperiod.
Obs3+: Turbidity measured by the CTD (expressed in NTU)
AltM: Altimetry measured by the CTD (expressed in m).
Par: Photosynthetic Active Radiation.
FIECO-AFL: Fluorescence measured by the CTD (expressed in mg/m3).
Oxigenvoltage: Oxygen measured by the CTD (expressed in V).
Sbeox0Mg/L: Oxygen measured by CTD (expressed in mg/L).
Sbeox0PS: Oxygen percentage measured by CTD.
PrdM: Pressure measured by the CTD (expressed in db).
Temperature: Temperature of air or the water body, expressed in degrees Celcius.
C0uS/cm: Conducitivity of the water body, expressed in ms/cm.
Salinity: Salinity of the water body, expressed in PSU.
Soundspeed: The velocity of sound through the water body, expressed in m/s.
Density: Calculated densities of zooplankton expressed in specimens/m³, by using the count, fraction, volumeM or volumeC.
DescSpeed: The speed by which the CTD-carroussel was winched through the water column, expressed in m/s.
Flag: A quality flag associated with a certain measurement.
In the framework of the Lifewatch marine observatory a number of fixed stations on the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) are visited on a monthly or seasonal basis using the RV Simon Stevin. A grid of nine stations covers the coastal zone and are sampled monthly. Eight additional stations, located further at sea, are sampled on a seasonal basis. This dataset contains CTD-profile data from LifeWatch sampling campaigns in the Belgian part of the North Sea.
How to cite these data
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium (2020): LifeWatch observatory data: monthly CTD temperature and salinity measurements in the Belgian Part of the North Sea https://doi.org/10.14284/537. Accessed through the LifeWatch Data Explorer / lwdataexplorer R package.
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Please acknowledge as: This work makes use of the LifeWatch observation data and infrastructure (provided by VLIZ) funded by Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) as part of the Belgian contribution to LifeWatch.
These data are also available in the R language with the lwdataxplorer package.