Retrieves the European Tracking Network (ETN) data from the LifeWatch project. Need valid authentication to access the entire data. To get an account, register via the Lifewatch RShiny registration webpage.

  usr = NULL,
  pwd = NULL,
  params = FALSE,



Starting date for the query


Stopping date for the query


One of ('Time bins','Residencies','Active network','Detections')


Sample period, one of ("1 day", "1 week", "60 min","10 min", "1 min")


List of networks to be included in the query. See listEtnProjects.


List of projects to be included in the query. See listEtnProjects.


Username to connect to ETN database


Password to connect to ETN database


If TRUE, returns a list with the dataset and the query parameters applied in the server side. IF FALSE returns only the data.


Reserved for internal use.


Dataframe with the specified ETN data.


getEtnData("2020-04-19", "2020-04-21", action = "Time bins", by = "1 day",
networks = "All", projects = "All")
#> - Query mode: Post request to OpenCPU server
#> No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
#> - Query parameters: 
#>    - daterange: c("2020-04-19", "2020-04-21")
#>    - type: ETN data
#>    - binSize: 1 day
#>    - calculate: Time bins
#>    - projects: All
#>    - tagProjects: All
#>    counts   scientific_name                  project            network
#> 1       2 Anguilla anguilla    2015 PhD Verhelst_eel         Zeeschelde
#> 2      19 Anguilla anguilla    2015 PhD Verhelst_eel         Zeeschelde
#> 3      33 Anguilla anguilla    2015 PhD Verhelst_eel         Zeeschelde
#> 4       2 Anguilla anguilla Delfzijl Drie Delfzijlen Delfzijl 2014-2015
#> 5       2 Anguilla anguilla Delfzijl Drie Delfzijlen Delfzijl 2014-2015
#> 6     174 Anguilla anguilla    2015 PhD Verhelst_eel         Zeeschelde
#> 7     420 Anguilla anguilla    2015 PhD Verhelst_eel         Zeeschelde
#> 8       2 Anguilla anguilla Delfzijl Drie Delfzijlen Delfzijl 2014-2015
#> 9      66 Anguilla anguilla    2015 PhD Verhelst_eel         Zeeschelde
#> 10     28 Anguilla anguilla    2015 PhD Verhelst_eel         Zeeschelde
#>          time longitude latitude          station    receiver           code
#> 1  2020-04-21    3.7783  51.0066              s-2 VR2W-112287 A69-1602-30342
#> 2  2020-04-20    3.7783  51.0066              s-2 VR2W-112287 A69-1602-30342
#> 3  2020-04-19    3.7783  51.0066              s-2 VR2W-112287 A69-1602-30342
#> 4  2020-04-21    6.9242  53.3282 DD gemaal binnen VR2W-114166 A69-1601-19427
#> 5  2020-04-19    6.9242  53.3282 DD gemaal binnen VR2W-114166 A69-1601-19427
#> 6  2020-04-21    3.7883  51.0235              s-1 VR2W-113526 A69-1602-30349
#> 7  2020-04-19    3.7883  51.0235              s-1 VR2W-113526 A69-1602-30349
#> 8  2020-04-20    6.9242  53.3282 DD gemaal binnen VR2W-114166 A69-1601-19424
#> 9  2020-04-21    3.7783  51.0066              s-2 VR2W-112287 A69-1602-30341
#> 10 2020-04-20    3.7783  51.0066              s-2 VR2W-112287 A69-1602-30341
#>    moratorium
#> 1           0
#> 2           0
#> 3           0
#> 4           0
#> 5           0
#> 6           0
#> 7           0
#> 8           0
#> 9           0
#> 10          0
getEtnData("2016-01-01", "2017-12-31", action = "All", by = "1 week",
networks = "Azorean acoustic receiver network", projects = "Lifewatch", params = TRUE)
#> - Query mode: Post request to OpenCPU server
#> No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
#> - Query parameters: 
#>    - daterange: c("2016-01-01", "2017-12-31")
#>    - type: ETN data
#>    - binSize: 1 week
#>    - calculate: All
#>    - projects: Azorean acoustic receiver network
#>    - tagProjects: Lifewatch
#> $mdf
#>      duration remaining
#> 1        1176      9084
#> 2        1161     11028
#> 3        2913      5847
#> 4        2099        NA
#> 5        2918        NA
#> 6       16104        NA
#> 7        2987        NA
#> 8        2987        NA
#> 9        1167      7044
#> 10       1069        NA
#> 11      84288        NA
#> 12      82728        NA
#> 13       1238        NA
#> 14         NA        NA
#> 15       5504        NA
#> 16       4776        NA
#> 17       5503        NA
#> 18       1069        NA
#> 19       4776        NA
#> 20       1824        NA
#> 21       1455      9513
#> 22       2808        NA
#> 23       1214        NA
#> 24       1296        NA
#> 25       1262        NA
#> 26       1739        NA
#> 27      23239        NA
#> 28       1464      4114
#> 29      35156        NA
#> 30       2448        NA
#> 31      35084        NA
#> 32      35084        NA
#> 33       2976        NA
#> 34        984        NA
#> 35       1313        NA
#> 36      75568        NA
#> 37       1008        NA
#> 38      12852        NA
#> 39       1440        NA
#> 40      21480        NA
#> 41       2928        NA
#> 42       1008        NA
#> 43      21480        NA
#> 44       1008        NA
#> 45        984        NA
#> 46        984        NA
#> 47      29829        NA
#> 48      29829        NA
#> 49      28389        NA
#> 50       3444      9480
#> 51       2436        NA
#> 52       2184        NA
#> 53       2160        NA
#> 54       2160        NA
#> 55       2160        NA
#> 56      21480        NA
#> 57      21480        NA
#> 58      75568        NA
#> 59       1737        NA
#> 60      21816        NA
#> 61       1008        NA
#> 62      50838        NA
#> 63       2436      7737
#> 64       2184        NA
#> 65       2160        NA
#> 66       2184        NA
#> 67      18576        NA
#> 68       4776        NA
#> 69       1008        NA
#> 70       2184        NA
#> 71       1008        NA
#> 72       1008        NA
#> 73      18576        NA
#> 74        984        NA
#> 75       1008        NA
#> 76       2462        NA
#> 77       3424        NA
#> 78      75568        NA
#> 79       1008        NA
#> 80      13527        NA
#> 81      75568        NA
#> 82      75568        NA
#> 83       1008        NA
#> 84       1765        NA
#> 85       1092        NA
#> 86       4776        NA
#> 87       2486        NA
#> 88      13584        NA
#> 89       1118        NA
#> 90       2821        NA
#> 91       4620        NA
#> 92       1070        NA
#> 93       6432        NA
#> 94       1166        NA
#> 95      74992        NA
#> 96       1261        NA
#> 97      75568        NA
#> 98       1405        NA
#> 99       1167        NA
#> 100      2964      3432
#> 101      4296        NA
#> 102      2160        NA
#> 103      4017        NA
#> 104      1608        NA
#> 105      4296        NA
#> 106      4296        NA
#> 107      1406        NA
#> 108      2461        NA
#> 109      2990        NA
#> 110     71344        NA
#> 111      1092        NA
#> 112      2928        NA
#> 113      2965        NA
#> 114      2966        NA
#> 115      2989        NA
#> 116      1176        NA
#> 117      2184        NA
#> 118      2941        NA
#> 119      1093        NA
#> 120      9300        NA
#> 121      1092        NA
#> 122      2964     -2208
#> 123      2928        NA
#> 124       657        NA
#> 125     12720        NA
#> 126      1824        NA
#> 127     12912        NA
#> 128      1512        NA
#> 129     11904        NA
#> 130      2184        NA
#> 131      2184        NA
#> 132      1092        NA
#> 133      3471     11016
#> 134       648        NA
#> 135      2943        NA
#> 136       648        NA
#> 137     13872        NA
#> 138       648        NA
#> 139      1740     15779
#> 140      2184        NA
#> 141      2184        NA
#> 142      2184        NA
#> 143      3120        NA
#> 144      3422        NA
#> 145       984        NA
#> 146       972        NA
#> 147      4512        NA
#> 148      2136        NA
#> 149      2136        NA
#> 150      4512        NA
#> 151      2184        NA
#> 152      3504        NA
#> 153      3515        NA
#> 154       972        NA
#> 155      3519        NA
#> 156      4512        NA
#> 157      2942      6154
#> 158      1944        NA
#> 159      1737        NA
#> 160     19428        NA
#> 161      1512        NA
#> 162      3518        NA
#> 163      3470        NA
#> 164       201        NA
#> 165      3480        NA
#> 166      1311        NA
#> 167       203        NA
#> 168      1311        NA
#> 169      4512        NA
#> 170      1311        NA
#> 171     23112        NA
#> 172      2655        NA
#> 173      1311        NA
#> 174      1762        NA
#> 175      1310        NA
#> 176     30504        NA
#> 177      1310        NA
#> 178      5976     10704
#> 179      3112        NA
#> 180      1762        NA
#> 181     13032        NA
#> 182     12840        NA
#> 183     23160        NA
#> 184      3111        NA
#> 185      3110        NA
#> 186      2664        NA
#> 187      2664        NA
#> 188      2664        NA
#> 189     12840        NA
#> 190      5199        NA
#> 191      5199        NA
#> 192      5199        NA
#> 193     12840        NA
#> 194      5199        NA
#> 195     12840        NA
#> 196      1762        NA
#> 197      5198        NA
#> 198      5198        NA
#> 199      5200        NA
#> 200     12840        NA
#> 201      1499        NA
#> 202      4647        NA
#> 203      4647        NA
#> 204      4647        NA
#> 205      4648        NA
#> 206     12840        NA
#> 207      2680      6645
#> 208      4647        NA
#> 209     11544        NA
#> 210      4648        NA
#> 211      4648        NA
#> 212      4648        NA
#> 213      3160        NA
#> 214      3160        NA
#> 215      3160        NA
#> 216      3160        NA
#> 217      3160        NA
#> 218      3108        NA
#> 219      3160        NA
#> 220      3160        NA
#> 221      2606        NA
#> 222      2605        NA
#> 223      2605        NA
#> 224      2605        NA
#> 225      2605        NA
#> 226      2605        NA
#> 227      3088        NA
#> 228      2604        NA
#> 229      2604        NA
#> 230      2604        NA
#> 231      1968        NA
#> 232      2602        NA
#> 233      1512        NA
#> 234      9519        NA
#> 235      1968        NA
#> 236      2602        NA
#> 237      2601        NA
#> 238      2601        NA
#> 239      2598        NA
#> 240     44606        NA
#> 241      2598        NA
#> 242      2128        NA
#> 243      1944        NA
#> 244      7032        NA
#> 245     44601        NA
#> 246      2123        NA
#> 247     44602        NA
#> 248     19428        NA
#> 249      2678      6645
#> 250      2592        NA
#> 251      1752        NA
#> 252      2616        NA
#> 253      2616        NA
#> 254      1752        NA
#> 255      2616        NA
#> 256      2592        NA
#> 257      2616        NA
#> 258      2592        NA
#> 259      1752        NA
#> 260      2616        NA
#> 261      1944        NA
#> 262     44601        NA
#> 263      1752        NA
#> 264      1800        NA
#> 265      1800        NA
#> 266      1776        NA
#> 267      2592        NA
#> 268      2616        NA
#> 269      1800        NA
#> 270      1776        NA
#> 271      1944        NA
#> 272      1800        NA
#> 273     13560        NA
#> 274     13392        NA
#> 275      1944        NA
#> 276     13392        NA
#> 277      1776        NA
#> 278      1800        NA
#> 279     13392        NA
#> 280      1788        NA
#> 281      1800        NA
#> 282      1800        NA
#> 283      1800        NA
#> 284      1800        NA
#> 285      1800        NA
#> 286     13776        NA
#> 287      8568        NA
#> 288      1776        NA
#> 289      1608        NA
#> 290      1800        NA
#> 291     21792        NA
#> 292      1776        NA
#> 293      2136        NA
#> 294      2677      6645
#> 295      2680      6645
#> 296      2679      6645
#> 297      2679      6645
#> 298      2676      6645
#> 299      2678      6645
#> 300      2679      6645
#> 301     13728        NA
#> 302     21768        NA
#> 303      1720        NA
#> 304     13560        NA
#> 305     13776        NA
#> 306     13776        NA
#> 307     21744        NA
#> 308     21744        NA
#> 309     21648        NA
#> 310     21672        NA
#> 311     12936        NA
#> 312      2510        NA
#> 313      2448        NA
#> 314     13728        NA
#> 315      3120        NA
#> 316      3120        NA
#> 317     12936        NA
#> 318      2504        NA
#> 319     12864        NA
#> 320      2438        NA
#> 321      1719        NA
#> 322      1718        NA
#> 323      1718        NA
#> 324      1718        NA
#> 325      1766      6096
#> 326      2136        NA
#> 327      2184        NA
#> 328      1746        NA
#> 329      1745        NA
#> 330      1744        NA
#> 331      2808        NA
#> 332      2808        NA
#> 333      2808        NA
#> 334      2160        NA
#> 335      2808        NA
#> 336      2808        NA
#> 337      2280        NA
#> 338      1790        NA
#> 339      1992        NA
#> 340      2160        NA
#> 341      2160        NA
#> 342     13385        NA
#> 343     13208        NA
#> 344     13400        NA
#> 345     13239        NA
#> 346      1572        NA
#> 347     13404        NA
#> 348     13215        NA
#> 349     13406        NA
#> 350     13398        NA
#> 351     13352        NA
#> 352     13235        NA
#> 353     13234        NA
#> 354     13235        NA
#> 355     13407        NA
#> 356     13422        NA
#> 357     13408        NA
#> 358     13407        NA
#> 359     13407        NA
#> 360     13424        NA
#> 361     13401        NA
#> 362     13380        NA
#> 363     13381        NA
#> 364     13168        NA
#> 365     13356        NA
#> 366     13379        NA
#> 367     13354        NA
#> 368     13361        NA
#> 369     13216        NA
#> 370     13191        NA
#> 371     13231        NA
#> 372     13355        NA
#> 373     13233        NA
#> 374     13232        NA
#> 375     13233        NA
#> 376     13425        NA
#> 377     13400        NA
#> 378     13401        NA
#> 379     13426        NA
#> 380     13192        NA
#> 381     13252        NA
#> 382     13253        NA
#> 383     13402        NA
#> 384     13403        NA
#> 385     13428        NA
#> 386     13162        NA
#> 387     13164        NA
#> 388     13164        NA
#> 389     13165        NA
#> 390      6249        NA
#> 391      6248        NA
#> 392      6129        NA
#> 393      6249        NA
#> 394      6249        NA
#> 395      6129        NA
#> 396      6250        NA
#> 397      6252        NA
#> 398      6250        NA
#> 399      6130        NA
#> 400      5459        NA
#> 401      5472        NA
#> 402      5472        NA
#> 403      6251        NA
#> 404      6251        NA
#> 405      6131        NA
#> 406      5460        NA
#> 407      5463        NA
#> 408      5462        NA
#> 409      6106        NA
#> 410      6107        NA
#> 411      9830        NA
#> 412      6106        NA
#> 413      6109        NA
#> 414      6000        NA
#> 415      6105        NA
#> 416      6107        NA
#> 417      6108        NA
#> 418      6109        NA
#> 419      6853        NA
#> 420      5148        NA
#> 421      5148        NA
#> 422      5148        NA
#> 423      5149        NA
#> 424      5149        NA
#> 425      2592        NA
#> 426     44602        NA
#> 427     55043        NA
#> 428      2096        NA
#> 429      2097        NA
#> 430     19428        NA
#> 431      2097        NA
#> 432     19428        NA
#> 433     44606        NA
#> 434      2097        NA
#> 435       608     11448
#> 436      2098        NA
#> 437     19428        NA
#> 438      2100        NA
#> 439      2099        NA
#> 440      2136        NA
#> 441      2099        NA
#> 442      2121        NA
#> 443      2136        NA
#> 444      2122        NA
#> 445      2122        NA
#> 446     58752        NA
#> 447     19428        NA
#> 448      2136        NA
#> 449      2123        NA
#> 450      2123        NA
#> 451      2098        NA
#> 452      1789      8184
#> 453      1800      6327
#> 454      1992        NA
#> 455      1992        NA
#> 456      1787        NA
#> 457      2136        NA
#> 458      1800      4512
#> 459      1813        NA
#> 460      1813        NA
#> 461      1791     11391
#> 462      2136        NA
#> 463      1992      4872
#> 464     60879    -58800
#> 465     56245    -54037
#> 466      3936        NA
#> 467      1992        NA
#> 468      1992        NA
#> 469      1992        NA
#> 470      1992        NA
#> 471      1992      6912
#> 472      1992        NA
#> 473      3936        NA
#> 474     58056        NA
#> 475     58056        NA
#> 476     58056        NA
#> 477     58056        NA
#> 478     58056        NA
#> 479     58056        NA
#> 480     58056        NA
#> 481     58056        NA
#> 482     58728        NA
#> 483     58752        NA
#> 484     58752        NA
#> 485     58752        NA
#> 486     58752        NA
#> 487     58752        NA
#> 488     47317        NA
#> 489     51327        NA
#> 490     47993        NA
#> 491     48012        NA
#> 492      4152        NA
#> 493    123947        NA
#> 494     66184        NA
#> 495     66184        NA
#> 496     66184        NA
#> 497     66184        NA
#> 498     66184        NA
#> 499     66184        NA
#> 500     66184        NA
#> 501     57400        NA
#> 502     65416        NA
#> 503     57280        NA
#> 504     66184        NA
#> 505     57400        NA
#> 506     66184        NA
#> 507     75568        NA
#> 508     75568        NA
#> 509     75568        NA
#> 510     75568        NA
#> 511     75568        NA
#> 512     75568        NA
#> 513     75568        NA
#> 514     66184        NA
#> 515    108052        NA
#> 516     62464        NA
#> 517     62464        NA
#> 518     62464        NA
#> 519     62464        NA
#> 520     62464        NA
#> 521     62464        NA
#> 522     62464        NA
#> 523     62464        NA
#> 524     62464        NA
#> 525     62464        NA
#> 526     62462        NA
#> 527     62464        NA
#> 528     66112        NA
#> 529     57280        NA
#> 530     57280        NA
#> 531     57256        NA
#> 532     57256        NA
#> 533     57256        NA
#> 534     57256        NA
#> 535     57256        NA
#> 536     57256        NA
#> 537     57232        NA
#> 538     57232        NA
#> 539     57232        NA
#> 540     57232        NA
#> 541     57232        NA
#> 542     57232        NA
#> 543    121560        NA
#> 544    121560        NA
#> 545    121560        NA
#> 546    121560        NA
#> 547     97815        NA
#> 548    121560        NA
#> 549     79944        NA
#> 550     79944        NA
#> 551     79944        NA
#> 552     79944        NA
#> 553     79944        NA
#> 554     79944        NA
#> 555     90912        NA
#> 556     90912        NA
#> 557     90912        NA
#> 558     90912        NA
#> 559     90912        NA
#> 560     90912        NA
#> 561     74241        NA
#> 562     75568        NA
#> 563     74244        NA
#> 564     75568        NA
#> 565    142176        NA
#> 566    142176        NA
#> 567    142176        NA
#> 568    142176        NA
#> 569    142176        NA
#> 570    142176        NA
#> 571    142176        NA
#> 572    142176        NA
#> 573    142176        NA
#> 574    142176        NA
#> 575    142176        NA
#> 576    142176        NA
#> 577     65472        NA
#> 578     65472        NA
#> 579     65472        NA
#> 580     65472        NA
#> 581     65472        NA
#> 582     65472        NA
#> 583     65472        NA
#> 584     65472        NA
#> 585     65472        NA
#> 586     65472        NA
#> 587     65472        NA
#> 588     65472        NA
#> 589     65472        NA
#> 590      4152        NA
#> 591    110133        NA
#> 592    110454        NA
#> 593    117515        NA
#> 594    109462        NA
#> 595    111286        NA
#> 596    110133        NA
#> 597    111286        NA
#> 598    110637        NA
#> 599    111286        NA
#> 600    112510        NA
#> 601    108982        NA
#> 602    108982        NA
#> 603    109486        NA
#> 604    107662        NA
#> 605    108982        NA
#> 606    108971        NA
#> 607     40080        NA
#> 608     19428        NA
#> 609     87336        NA
#> 610      3840        NA
#> 611     87336        NA
#> 612     88512        NA
#> 613     88512        NA
#> 614     88512        NA
#> 615     88512        NA
#> 616     90168        NA
#> 617     88272        NA
#> 618     88512        NA
#> 619     88512        NA
#> 620     93216        NA
#> 621     88320        NA
#> 622     88440        NA
#> 623     87312        NA
#> 624     39096        NA
#> 625      4152        NA
#> 626     44604        NA
#> 627     44604        NA
#> 628     44964        NA
#> 629     41940        NA
#> 630     44964        NA
#> 631     44964        NA
#> 632     44988        NA
#> 633     44988        NA
#> 634     40548        NA
#> 635     40548        NA
#> 636     19428        NA
#> 637     46598        NA
#> 638      4104        NA
#> 639     19428        NA
#> 640     19428        NA
#> 641     82656        NA
#> 642     19428        NA
#> 643    145272        NA
#> 644    145272        NA
#> 645    145272        NA
#> 646    145272        NA
#> 647    145272        NA
#> 648    145272        NA
#> 649    145296        NA
#> 650    145296        NA
#> 651    145296        NA
#> 652    145296        NA
#> 653    143688        NA
#> 654    143064        NA
#> 655    145296        NA
#> 656     58056        NA
#> 657     58056        NA
#> 658      3936        NA
#> 659     75568        NA
#> 660     75568        NA
#> 661     75568        NA
#> 662     75568        NA
#> 663     75568        NA
#> 664     75568        NA
#> 665     50838        NA
#> 666     50838        NA
#> 667     50838        NA
#> 668     50838        NA
#> 669     50838        NA
#> 670     50838        NA
#> 671     50838        NA
#> 672     50838        NA
#> 673     50838        NA
#> 674     50838        NA
#> 675     50838        NA
#> 676     50838        NA
#> 677     50838        NA
#> 678     50838        NA
#> 679     50838        NA
#> 680     50838        NA
#> 681     50838        NA
#> 682     50838        NA
#> 683     44484        NA
#> 684     44462        NA
#> 685     44412        NA
#> 686     56208        NA
#> 687     36250        NA
#> 688     36250        NA
#> 689     36250        NA
#> 690     36250        NA
#> 691      3840        NA
#> 692     36250        NA
#> 693     36250        NA
#> 694     45384        NA
#> 695     73488        NA
#> 696     72480        NA
#> 697     72480        NA
#> 698      4104        NA
#> 699     36048        NA
#> 700     39096        NA
#> 701      4152        NA
#> 702      3816        NA
#> 703     19428        NA
#> 704     35077        NA
#> 705     35077        NA
#> 706     35077        NA
#> 707     35077        NA
#> 708     35077        NA
#> 709     36973        NA
#> 710      6666        NA
#> 711      4104        NA
#> 712      4104        NA
#> 713      4152        NA
#> 714    133788        NA
#> 715    133368        NA
#> 716     19428        NA
#> 717    132192        NA
#> 718    130992        NA
#> 719    127008        NA
#> 720    126471        NA
#> 721    124872        NA
#> 722    124560        NA
#> 723    119549        NA
#> 724    117397        NA
#> 725      3936        NA
#> 726      4104        NA
#> 727    111513        NA
#> 728    109453        NA
#> 729       408      -276
#> 730    101893        NA
#> 731     94526        NA
#> 732     94523        NA
#> 733     94522        NA
#> 734       840        NA
#> 735     94328        NA
#> 736     92842        NA
#> 737     89723        NA
#> 738     84295        NA
#> 739     83192        NA
#> 740     19428        NA
#> 741     70856        NA
#> 742     69655        NA
#> 743     66775        NA
#> 744     19428        NA
#> 745     62256        NA
#> 746     59293        NA
#> 747      2136        NA
#> 748     58621        NA
#> 749     58500        NA
#> 750      3792        NA
#> 751     40043        NA
#> 752     38640        NA
#> 753      2136        NA
#> 754     19428        NA
#> 755     19428        NA
#> 756      2136        NA
#> 757      3792        NA
#> 758     46920        NA
#> 759     19428        NA
#> 760     34736        NA
#> 761     34736        NA
#> 762     34736        NA
#> 763     53287        NA
#> 764     19428        NA
#> 765     19428        NA
#> 766      2136        NA
#> 767     19428        NA
#> 768     19428        NA
#> 769     19428        NA
#> 770     58920        NA
#> 771     19428        NA
#> 772      2507        NA
#> 773     19428        NA
#> 774     19428        NA
#> 775     19428        NA
#> 776     19428        NA
#> 777     19428        NA
#> 778     31311        NA
#> 779     31503        NA
#> 780     31503        NA
#> 781     31311        NA
#> 782     31359        NA
#> 783     31503        NA
#> 784      2509        NA
#> 785     31311        NA
#> 786     31191        NA
#> 787     31311        NA
#> 788     31311        NA
#> 789     31695        NA
#> 790     31359        NA
#> 791     31239        NA
#> 792     30903        NA
#> 793      3159        NA
#> 794     19428        NA
#> 795     19428        NA
#> 796     19428        NA
#> 797     19428        NA
#> 798     19428        NA
#> 799     19428        NA
#> 800     19428        NA
#> 801     19428        NA
#> 802     19428        NA
#> 803      2136        NA
#> 804     19428        NA
#> 805     19428        NA
#> 806      1762        NA
#> 807     19428        NA
#> 808     35184        NA
#> 809     19428        NA
#> 810     72516        NA
#> 811     72516        NA
#> 812     19428        NA
#> 813     19428        NA
#> 814     19428        NA
#> 815      9300        NA
#> 816     19428        NA
#> 817     19428        NA
#> 818     19428        NA
#> 819     19428        NA
#> 820     19428        NA
#> 821     19428        NA
#> 822     19428        NA
#> 823     19428        NA
#> 824     19428        NA
#> 825     19428        NA
#> 826     19428        NA
#> 827     19428        NA
#> 828     19428        NA
#> 829     19428        NA
#> 830     19428        NA
#> 831      4479        NA
#> 832      5607        NA
#> 833      3816        NA
#> 834      3816        NA
#> 835      6432        NA
#> 836      8328        NA
#> 837      9300        NA
#> 838      8328        NA
#> 839      8328        NA
#> 840      8328        NA
#> 841     11148        NA
#> 842     11148        NA
#> 843     13608        NA
#> 844      6408        NA
#> 845      4752        NA
#> 846      4752        NA
#> 847      4455        NA
#> 848      4455        NA
#> 849      4454        NA
#> 850      4451        NA
#> 851      4488        NA
#> 852      4545        NA
#> 853      4519        NA
#> 854      4523        NA
#> 855      4523        NA
#> 856      4524        NA
#> 857      4519        NA
#> 858      4526        NA
#> 859      4500        NA
#> 860      4500        NA
#> 861      4499        NA
#> 862      1512        NA
#> 863      4599        NA
#> 864      4598        NA
#> 865      4599        NA
#> 866      4598        NA
#> 867      4597        NA
#> 868      4512        NA
#> 869      4620        NA
#> 870      4620        NA
#> 871      4598        NA
#> 872      4305        NA
#> 873      4306        NA
#> 874      4309        NA
#> 875      4311        NA
#> 876      4312        NA
#> 877      4310     13212
#> 878      4308        NA
#> 879      6528      1234
#> 880      4311        NA
#> 881      4306        NA
#> 882      4310        NA
#> 883      4283        NA
#> 884      4282        NA
#> 885      4392        NA
#> 886      6528      1234
#> 887      6528      1234
#> 888      6528      1234
#> 889      6528      4426
#> 890      6552      4392
#> 891      6528      4392
#> 892      3801        NA
#> 893      4622        NA
#> 894     17918        NA
#> 895      4332        NA
#> 896      6528      1234
#> 897      6528      4426
#> 898      6528      1234
#> 899      6528      1234
#> 900      6528      1233
#> 901      6552      1287
#> 902      6552      1283
#> 903      6552      1571
#> 904      4138        NA
#> 905      4164        NA
#> 906      4163        NA
#> 907      4164        NA
#> 908      4092        NA
#> 909      4091        NA
#> 910      4090        NA
#> 911      4104        NA
#> 912      4167        NA
#> 913      4167        NA
#> 914      4168        NA
#> 915      4167        NA
#> 916      9300        NA
#> 917      9300        NA
#> 918      9300        NA
#> 919      9300        NA
#> 920      9300        NA
#> 921      9300        NA
#> 922      9300        NA
#> 923      9300        NA
#> 924      9300        NA
#> 925      9300        NA
#> 926      9300        NA
#> 927      9300        NA
#> 928      9084        NA
#> 929      9084        NA
#> 930      9084        NA
#> 931      9084        NA
#> 932      9084        NA
#> 933      9300        NA
#> 934      6408        NA
#> 935      6432        NA
#> 936      4104        NA
#> 937      3661        NA
#> 938      4621        NA
#> 939      3672        NA
#> 940      6336     10690
#> 941      6336     10690
#> 942      6336     11032
#> 943      5508      5440
#> 944      4138        NA
#> 945      9300        NA
#> 946      4021        NA
#> 947      3975        NA
#> 948      6552      1571
#> 949      5136        NA
#> 950      5112        NA
#> 951      5112        NA
#> 952      4020        NA
#> 953      3488        NA
#> 954      4176        NA
#> 955      4176        NA
#> 956      3672        NA
#> 957      3672        NA
#> 958      3672        NA
#> 959      3672        NA
#> 960      3801        NA
#> 961      3777        NA
#> 962      3776        NA
#> 963      3778        NA
#> 964      3779        NA
#> 965      3778        NA
#> 966      3776        NA
#> 967      3780        NA
#> 968      3782        NA
#> 969      3783        NA
#> 970      3781        NA
#> 971      4020        NA
#> 972      1512        NA
#> 973      3974        NA
#> 974      3973        NA
#> 975      3973        NA
#> 976      3640        NA
#> 977      3489        NA
#> 978      8989        NA
#> 979      8988        NA
#> 980      8990        NA
#> 981      8991        NA
#> 982      5136        NA
#> 983      4018        NA
#> 984      3816        NA
#> 985      3816        NA
#> 986      3816        NA
#> 987      3816        NA
#> 988      3816        NA
#> 989      4498        NA
#> 990      4476        NA
#> 991      4475        NA
#> 992      4475        NA
#> 993      4474        NA
#> 994      4473        NA
#> 995      4473        NA
#> 996      4472        NA
#> 997      5122        NA
#> 998      3802        NA
#> 999     28320        NA
#> 1000    18648        NA
#> 1001    27520        NA
#> 1002     3588        NA
#> 1003     3662        NA
#> 1004     6207        NA
#> 1005     6199        NA
#> 1006     3658        NA
#> 1007     3657        NA
#> 1008     3456        NA
#> 1009     1512        NA
#> 1010     2136        NA
#> 1011     4017        NA
#> 1012     4528        NA
#> 1013     3480        NA
#> 1014     3480        NA
#> 1015     4296        NA
#> 1016     4296        NA
#> 1017     3449        NA
#> 1018     3448        NA
#> 1019     3445        NA
#> 1020     3445        NA
#> 1021     3360        NA
#> 1022     3360        NA
#> 1023     3360        NA
#> 1024     3360        NA
#> 1025    26664        NA
#> 1026     3473        NA
#> 1027     3470        NA
#> 1028     3473        NA
#> 1029     3470        NA
#> 1030     3473        NA
#> 1031     3469        NA
#> 1032     3471        NA
#> 1033     3472        NA
#> 1034     3472        NA
#> 1035     3449        NA
#> 1036    26664        NA
#> 1037    26664        NA
#> 1038    26664        NA
#> 1039    26664        NA
#> 1040    26664        NA
#> 1041    26664        NA
#> 1042    26664        NA
#> 1043    26664        NA
#> 1044    26664        NA
#> 1045    26664        NA
#> 1046    26664        NA
#> 1047    26664        NA
#> 1048    26664        NA
#> 1049    26664        NA
#> 1050    26664        NA
#> 1051    26664        NA
#> 1052    26664        NA
#> 1053    26688        NA
#> 1054    26688        NA
#> 1055    26688        NA
#> 1056    26712        NA
#> 1057    26712        NA
#> 1058    26712        NA
#> 1059    26712        NA
#> 1060    26712        NA
#> 1061    26712        NA
#> 1062    26712        NA
#> 1063    26712        NA
#> 1064    33174        NA
#> 1065    33174        NA
#> 1066    33222        NA
#> 1067    33174        NA
#> 1068    33174        NA
#> 1069    33174        NA
#> 1070    33174        NA
#> 1071    33174        NA
#> 1072    33174        NA
#> 1073    33174        NA
#> 1074    33174        NA
#> 1075    33174        NA
#> 1076    33174        NA
#> 1077    33174        NA
#> 1078    33174        NA
#> 1079    33174        NA
#> 1080    33174        NA
#> 1081    33174        NA
#> 1082    33222        NA
#> 1083    33174        NA
#> 1084    33222        NA
#> 1085    33222        NA
#> 1086    33222        NA
#> 1087    33222        NA
#> 1088    33222        NA
#> 1089    33174        NA
#> 1090    33174        NA
#> 1091    33174        NA
#> 1092    33222        NA
#> 1093    33222        NA
#> 1094    33222        NA
#> 1095    29310        NA
#> 1096    26934        NA
#> 1097    26934        NA
#> 1098    30030        NA
#> 1099    30030        NA
#> 1100    30030        NA
#> 1101    30030        NA
#> 1102    30030        NA
#> 1103    30030        NA
#> 1104    30030        NA
#> 1105    30030        NA
#> 1106     3360        NA
#> 1107    26664        NA
#> 1108    26664        NA
#> 1109    26712        NA
#> 1110    27096        NA
#> 1111    27096        NA
#> 1112    27096        NA
#> 1113    27096        NA
#> 1114    27096        NA
#> 1115    27096        NA
#> 1116    26040        NA
#> 1117    26040        NA
#> 1118    26040        NA
#> 1119    26040        NA
#> 1120    26760        NA
#> 1121    26760        NA
#> 1122    26760        NA
#> 1123    26760        NA
#> 1124    26760        NA
#> 1125    26760        NA
#> 1126    26760        NA
#> 1127    26760        NA
#> 1128    26760        NA
#> 1129    26760        NA
#> 1130    26760        NA
#> 1131    29544        NA
#> 1132    29544        NA
#> 1133    29544        NA
#> 1134    29520        NA
#> 1135    29304        NA
#> 1136    29664        NA
#> 1137    29520        NA
#> 1138    29664        NA
#> 1139    29904        NA
#> 1140    29976        NA
#> 1141    28752        NA
#> 1142    29736        NA
#> 1143    29520        NA
#> 1144    29664        NA
#> 1145    29664        NA
#> 1146    29664        NA
#> 1147    29664        NA
#> 1148    29520        NA
#> 1149    29448        NA
#> 1150    29448        NA
#> 1151    29664        NA
#> 1152    29544        NA
#> 1153    30000        NA
#> 1154    30024        NA
#> 1155    29664        NA
#> 1156    29304        NA
#> 1157    29664        NA
#> 1158    29520        NA
#> 1159    29520        NA
#> 1160    31872        NA
#> 1161    29520        NA
#> 1162    32376        NA
#> 1163    32352        NA
#> 1164    29664        NA
#> 1165    29664        NA
#> 1166    29664        NA
#> 1167    30192        NA
#> 1168    29520        NA
#> 1169    29496        NA
#> 1170    29304        NA
#> 1171    29304        NA
#> 1172    29352        NA
#> 1173    30024        NA
#> 1174    29304        NA
#> 1175    29304        NA
#> 1176    30264        NA
#> 1177    29496        NA
#> 1178    29448        NA
#> 1179     2136        NA
#> 1180    29520        NA
#> 1181    29544        NA
#> 1182    29520        NA
#> 1183    29304        NA
#> 1184    29328        NA
#> 1185    29304        NA
#> 1186    29376        NA
#> 1187    29304        NA
#> 1188    33888        NA
#> 1189    30552        NA
#> 1190    30480        NA
#> 1191    30432        NA
#> 1192     2136        NA
#> 1193    30432        NA
#> 1194    30432        NA
#> 1195     2136        NA
#> 1196     4169        NA
#> 1197     8328        NA
#> 1198    22896    -12792
#> 1199    39720        NA
#> 1200    39120        NA
#> 1201    38232        NA
#> 1202     2136        NA
#> 1203    45000        NA
#> 1204    38232        NA
#> 1205    30888        NA
#> 1206    29400        NA
#> 1207    30888        NA
#> 1208     2136        NA
#> 1209     3360        NA
#> 1210    22656        NA
#> 1211     2136        NA
#> 1212    33192        NA
#> 1213     2136        NA
#> 1214    21576        NA
#> 1215    33192        NA
#> 1216     2136        NA
#> 1217     2136        NA
#> 1218     2136        NA
#> 1219     9300        NA
#> 1220     9300        NA
#> 1221     9300        NA
#> 1222     9300        NA
#> 1223     9300        NA
#> 1224     9084        NA
#> 1225     9084        NA
#> 1226      608      9616
#> 1227     9300        NA
#> 1228      609        NA
#> 1229     2136        NA
#> 1230    22505        NA
#> 1231    22496        NA
#> 1232    22746        NA
#> 1233     9300        NA
#> 1234     2136        NA
#> 1235     9300        NA
#> 1236     9300        NA
#> 1237     9300        NA
#> 1238     9300        NA
#> 1239     9300        NA
#> 1240       NA        NA
#> 1241    20774        NA
#> 1242     9300        NA
#> 1243     9300        NA
#> 1244     9300        NA
#> 1245    20773        NA
#> 1246    46608        NA
#> 1247    45984        NA
#> 1248    45984        NA
#> 1249    45984        NA
#> 1250    38304        NA
#> 1251    33192        NA
#> 1252    33192        NA
#> 1253    33192        NA
#> 1254     9300        NA
#> 1255     9300        NA
#> 1256    20654        NA
#> 1257    25680        NA
#> 1258    20824        NA
#> 1259     2136        NA
#> 1260     9300        NA
#> 1261    23239        NA
#> 1262    27483        NA
#> 1263    22758        NA
#> 1264     9300        NA
#> 1265     5136        NA
#> 1266     1464        NA
#> 1267    27483        NA
#> 1268     8315        NA
#> 1269    23290        NA
#> 1270    11051        NA
#> 1271    23239        NA
#> 1272     3288        NA
#> 1273    34988        NA
#> 1274     2136        NA
#> 1275     2136        NA
#> 1276    35060        NA
#> 1277    35108        NA
#> 1278     5004        NA
#> 1279    35132        NA
#> 1280    35156        NA
#> 1281     5004        NA
#> 1282    26980        NA
#> 1283    26218        NA
#> 1284    26218        NA
#> 1285    26005        NA
#> 1286    26005        NA
#> 1287    26218        NA
#> 1288    26982        NA
#> 1289    26218        NA
#> 1290      615        NA
#> 1291     6661        NA
#> 1292     1464        NA
#> 1293     8544        NA
#> 1294     3660        NA
#> 1295     1404        NA
#> 1296     4548        NA
#> 1297     8544        NA
#> 1298     8544        NA
#> 1299     8544        NA
#> 1300     7008        NA
#> 1301     6469        NA
#> 1302     6480        NA
#> 1303     4548        NA
#> 1304     6465        NA
#> 1305     6660        NA
#> 1306     6660        NA
#> 1307     3108        NA
#> 1308     1596        NA
#> 1309     3108        NA
#> 1310    14216        NA
#> 1311    15013        NA
#> 1312    14173        NA
#> 1313    23045        NA
#> 1314    23045        NA
#> 1315    23045        NA
#> 1316    23045        NA
#> 1317    23045        NA
#> 1318    23265        NA
#> 1319    23045        NA
#> 1320    23045        NA
#> 1321    23097        NA
#> 1322    23097        NA
#> 1323    22759        NA
#> 1324    19046        NA
#> 1325    18710        NA
#> 1326    18587        NA
#> 1327    14173        NA
#> 1328    27000        NA
#> 1329     2280        NA
#> 1330    16262        NA
#> 1331    16260        NA
#> 1332    16259        NA
#> 1333    16236        NA
#> 1334    30168        NA
#> 1335    13704        NA
#> 1336    13704        NA
#> 1337    13592        NA
#> 1338    13431        NA
#> 1339    12672        NA
#> 1340     1248        NA
#> 1341      614     16896
#> 1342    13776        NA
#> 1343      614     13704
#> 1344      614     10330
#> 1345     1464        NA
#> 1346     1464        NA
#> 1347     1464        NA
#> 1348     1464        NA
#> 1349     1464        NA
#> 1350     1776        NA
#> 1351     1776        NA
#> 1352     1776        NA
#> 1353     1776        NA
#> 1354     1776        NA
#> 1355      617     16920
#> 1356      617     16529
#> 1357      617     11513
#> 1358      617      9607
#> 1359     1464     10408
#> 1360     1464        NA
#> 1361     1464        NA
#> 1362      984        NA
#> 1363      984        NA
#> 1364     1344        NA
#> 1365     1344       184
#> 1366     1344        NA
#> 1367      613     10330
#> 1368      617      9607
#> 1369     1344        NA
#> 1370     1344        NA
#> 1371      617      9607
#> 1372    12182        NA
#> 1373     1344       184
#> 1374    12516        NA
#> 1375    19095        NA
#> 1376      617      9607
#> 1377    14232        NA
#> 1378    12567        NA
#> 1379    14218        NA
#> 1380    14904        NA
#> 1381     2506        NA
#> 1382    12096        NA
#> 1383    12432        NA
#> 1384    12432        NA
#> 1385    12432        NA
#> 1386    12432        NA
#> 1387    12024     -7742
#> 1388    11400        NA
#> 1389    11376        NA
#> 1390    11352        NA
#> 1391    11320        NA
#> 1392    11208      -240
#> 1393    11208      1234
#> 1394    11208      1234
#> 1395    13144        NA
#> 1396    13144        NA
#> 1397    12552        NA
#> 1398    11520        NA
#> 1399    12576        NA
#> 1400    12552        NA
#> 1401    12552        NA
#> 1402    12576        NA
#> 1403    12576        NA
#> 1404    12552        NA
#> 1405    12552        NA
#> 1406    12576        NA
#> 1407    12576        NA
#> 1408    12576        NA
#> 1409    12576        NA
#> 1410    12552        NA
#> 1411    12552        NA
#> 1412    12576        NA
#> 1413    12576        NA
#> 1414    12576        NA
#> 1415    12576        NA
#> 1416    12517        NA
#> 1417    12516        NA
#> 1418    12360        NA
#> 1419    12360        NA
#> 1420    12360        NA
#> 1421    10872      1570
#> 1422    11160      1571
#> 1423    27552        NA
#> 1424    12557        NA
#> 1425    12040        NA
#> 1426    12567        NA
#> 1427    12567        NA
#> 1428    12557        NA
#> 1429    12557        NA
#> 1430    12557        NA
#> 1431    12557        NA
#> 1432    12556        NA
#> 1433    12556        NA
#> 1434    12556        NA
#> 1435    12556        NA
#> 1436    12556        NA
#> 1437    12556        NA
#> 1438    12556        NA
#> 1439    12556        NA
#> 1440    12556        NA
#> 1441    12542        NA
#> 1442    12542        NA
#> 1443    12542        NA
#> 1444    12542        NA
#> 1445    12542        NA
#> 1446    12541        NA
#> 1447    12541        NA
#> 1448    12541        NA
#> 1449    12325        NA
#> 1450    12329        NA
#> 1451    11940        NA
#> 1452    12326        NA
#> 1453    12327        NA
#> 1454    12330        NA
#> 1455    11943        NA
#> 1456    12327        NA
#> 1457    11983        NA
#> 1458    12333        NA
#> 1459    12325        NA
#> 1460    10344        NA
#> 1461    20654        NA
#> 1462    10191        NA
#> 1463    10190        NA
#> 1464    10214        NA
#> 1465    11712        NA
#> 1466    27552        NA
#> 1467    27552        NA
#> 1468    27552        NA
#> 1469    13497        NA
#> 1470    11400        NA
#> 1471    11712        NA
#> 1472    12984        NA
#> 1473    13368        NA
#> 1474    12552        NA
#> 1475    11760        NA
#> 1476    11616        NA
#> 1477     9696        NA
#> 1478     9567        NA
#> 1479     9519        NA
#> 1480     9832        NA
#> 1481    19392        NA
#> 1482    14568        NA
#> 1483     9072        NA
#> 1484     9519        NA
#> 1485     8722        NA
#> 1486     8722        NA
#> 1487     8745        NA
#> 1488     8352        NA
#> 1489     8352        NA
#> 1490     8328        NA
#> 1491     9804        NA
#> 1492     9807        NA
#> 1493     9806        NA
#> 1494     9805        NA
#> 1495     8891        NA
#> 1496     9687        NA
#> 1497     9686        NA
#> 1498     9686        NA
#> 1499     7992        NA
#> 1500     8506        NA
#> 1501     8506        NA
#> 1502     8506        NA
#> 1503     8506        NA
#> 1504    10166        NA
#> 1505     7359        NA
#> 1506     7360        NA
#> 1507     7355        NA
#> 1508     7359        NA
#> 1509     8507        NA
#> 1510     8555        NA
#> 1511     7356        NA
#> 1512     8511        NA
#> 1513     8509        NA
#> 1514     8509        NA
#> 1515     8511        NA
#> 1516     8560        NA
#> 1517     8506        NA
#> 1518     8551        NA
#> 1519     8557        NA
#> 1520     8559        NA
#> 1521     8508        NA
#> 1522     8507        NA
#> 1523     8556        NA
#> 1524     8558        NA
#> 1525     7032        NA
#> 1526    11760        NA
#> 1527    11760        NA
#> 1528    11376        NA
#> 1529    11376        NA
#> 1530    11760        NA
#> 1531    11376        NA
#> 1532    11376        NA
#> 1533    11760        NA
#> 1534     9528        NA
#> 1535    11760        NA
#> 1536    11760        NA
#> 1537    11760        NA
#> 1538    11760        NA
#> 1539    27384        NA
#> 1540    20616        NA
#> 1541    20478        NA
#> 1542    27480        NA
#> 1543    20456        NA
#> 1544     4808        NA
#> 1545    27528        NA
#> 1546    48864        NA
#> 1547    13493      4939
#> 1548    13493        NA
#> 1549    13493        NA
#> 1550     2808        NA
#> 1551    13392        NA
#> 1552    13416        NA
#> 1553    13560        NA
#> 1554    13752        NA
#> 1555    13560        NA
#> 1556    13560        NA
#> 1557    13272        NA
#> 1558    13272        NA
#> 1559    13392        NA
#> 1560    13272        NA
#> 1561    13272        NA
#> 1562    13584        NA
#> 1563    13584        NA
#> 1564     3444      4008
#> 1565    13584        NA
#> 1566    13584        NA
#> 1567    13584        NA
#> 1568    13776        NA
#> 1569    18741        NA
#> 1570    18645        NA
#> 1571    18741        NA
#> 1572    18645        NA
#> 1573    18645        NA
#> 1574    18645        NA
#> 1575    18645        NA
#> 1576    18645        NA
#> 1577    18741        NA
#> 1578    18645        NA
#> 1579    18645        NA
#> 1580    18645        NA
#> 1581    18645        NA
#> 1582    18741        NA
#> 1583    18741        NA
#> 1584    18645        NA
#> 1585    18741        NA
#> 1586    18645        NA
#> 1587    18645        NA
#> 1588    18645        NA
#> 1589    18645        NA
#> 1590    18741        NA
#> 1591    18741        NA
#> 1592    18741        NA
#> 1593    13776        NA
#> 1594    18645        NA
#> 1595    18741        NA
#> 1596    18645        NA
#> 1597    18645        NA
#> 1598    18741        NA
#> 1599    18645        NA
#> 1600    18741        NA
#> 1601    18741        NA
#> 1602    18741        NA
#> 1603    18645        NA
#> 1604    18645        NA
#> 1605    18741        NA
#> 1606    18741        NA
#> 1607    18645        NA
#> 1608    18645        NA
#> 1609    18741        NA
#> 1610    18645        NA
#> 1611    18645        NA
#> 1612    18741        NA
#> 1613    18645        NA
#> 1614    18741        NA
#> 1615    18741        NA
#> 1616    18645        NA
#> 1617    18741        NA
#> 1618    18741        NA
#> 1619    18645        NA
#> 1620    18741        NA
#> 1621    18645        NA
#> 1622    18645        NA
#> 1623    18645        NA
#> 1624    18741        NA
#> 1625    18741        NA
#> 1626    18645        NA
#> 1627    18741        NA
#> 1628    18645        NA
#> 1629    11736        NA
#> 1630    18645        NA
#> 1631    18741        NA
#> 1632    18741        NA
#> 1633    18741        NA
#> 1634    18645        NA
#> 1635    18645        NA
#> 1636    18741        NA
#> 1637    18645        NA
#> 1638    18741        NA
#> 1639    18741        NA
#> 1640    18645        NA
#> 1641    13776        NA
#> 1642    18645        NA
#> 1643    18645        NA
#> 1644    18741        NA
#> 1645    18741        NA
#> 1646    18741        NA
#> 1647    18741        NA
#> 1648    18741        NA
#> 1649    18741        NA
#> 1650    18645        NA
#> 1651    13752        NA
#> 1652    11688        NA
#> 1653    13752        NA
#> 1654    13752        NA
#> 1655    11688        NA
#> 1656     1320      3744
#> 1657    13752        NA
#> 1658    13752        NA
#> 1659    13728        NA
#> 1660    12912        NA
#> 1661    13728        NA
#> 1662    13728        NA
#> 1663    13728        NA
#> 1664    13728        NA
#> 1665    11760        NA
#> 1666    14904        NA
#> 1667    14904        NA
#> 1668    14904        NA
#> 1669    19440        NA
#> 1670    14904        NA
#> 1671    14904        NA
#> 1672    14904        NA
#> 1673    14904        NA
#> 1674    19752        NA
#> 1675    12504        NA
#> 1676    12504        NA
#> 1677    12504        NA
#> 1678    12504        NA
#> 1679     6336      -441
#> 1680     6480      1021
#> 1681     6480      1021
#> 1682     6480        NA
#> 1683    14880        NA
#> 1684    14880        NA
#> 1685    13080        NA
#> 1686    13080        NA
#> 1687     5808        NA
#> 1688    12420        NA
#> 1689    12420        NA
#> 1690    12420        NA
#> 1691    12420        NA
#> 1692    12420        NA
#> 1693    12420        NA
#> 1694    12420        NA
#> 1695    12420        NA
#> 1696    12420        NA
#> 1697    12420        NA
#> 1698    12420        NA
#> 1699    12420        NA
#> 1700    12420        NA
#> 1701    12420        NA
#> 1702    12420        NA
#> 1703    12228        NA
#> 1704    11892        NA
#> 1705    11892        NA
#> 1706    11892        NA
#> 1707    11892        NA
#> 1708    11892        NA
#> 1709    11892        NA
#> 1710    11892        NA
#> 1711    11892        NA
#> 1712    11892        NA
#> 1713    11892        NA
#> 1714    11892        NA
#> 1715    11892        NA
#> 1716    11892        NA
#> 1717    11724        NA
#> 1718    11724        NA
#> 1719     6396        NA
#> 1720     7056        NA
#> 1721     7056        NA
#> 1722    26005        NA
#> 1723    21480        NA
#> 1724    18741        NA
#> 1725    18741        NA
#> 1726    12936        NA
#> 1727    14856        NA
#> 1728     2160        NA
#> 1729    21480        NA
#> 1730    13979        NA
#> 1731     1310     16210
#> 1732     1314        NA
#> 1733    13262        NA
#> 1734    66184        NA
#> 1735    65416        NA
#> 1736    18576        NA
#> 1737    65414        NA
#> 1738     1313        NA
#> 1739    65414        NA
#> 1740     1320     -9192
#> 1741    66184        NA
#> 1742     1464      4116
#> 1743     1464      4116
#> 1744     1464      4116
#> 1745     1464      4116
#> 1746     1464      9516
#> 1747     1464      9514
#> 1748     1464      9514
#> 1749     1464      4116
#> 1750     1464      9490
#> 1751     1320      3744
#> 1752     1320       384
#> 1753     1320      3744
#> 1754     1320       384
#> 1755     1320      3744
#> 1756     1320      3744
#> 1757     1320      3744
#> 1758     1320      3744
#> 1759     1320      3744
#> 1760     1296      4248
#> 1761     1296      4272
#> 1762     1296      4248
#> 1763     1296      4248
#> 1764     1296      4248
#> 1765     1320     -7200
#> 1766     1296      4248
#> 1767     1740        NA
#> 1768    65368        NA
#> 1769    66184        NA
#> 1770    66160        NA
#> 1771    66160        NA
#> 1772    65776        NA
#> 1773    18576        NA
#> 1774    65776        NA
#> 1775    65776        NA
#> 1776     2124        NA
#> 1777    66160        NA
#> 1778     2592        NA
#> 1779    66160        NA
#> 1780    66160        NA
#> 1781    66160        NA
#> 1782    66160        NA
#> 1783    66160        NA
#> 1784    65776        NA
#> 1785    65776        NA
#> 1786    12853        NA
#> 1787    66160        NA
#> 1788    66112        NA
#> 1789    66112        NA
#> 1790    66112        NA
#> 1791     2160        NA
#> 1792    66112        NA
#> 1793    66112        NA
#> 1794    62464        NA
#> 1795    57232        NA
#> 1796    57232        NA
#> 1797    57232        NA
#> 1798    57232        NA
#> 1799     1813        NA
#> 1800    57232        NA
#> 1801    57232        NA
#> 1802    56704        NA
#> 1803    56728        NA
#> 1804    70984        NA
#> 1805    75568        NA
#> 1806     2184        NA
#> 1807    75568        NA
#> 1808    75568        NA
#> 1809    75568        NA
#> 1810    75568        NA
#> 1811     3514        NA
#> 1812     3470        NA
#> 1813    75568        NA
#> 1814    75568        NA
#> 1815    75568        NA
#> 1816    75568        NA
#> 1817    75568        NA
#> 1818    75568        NA
#> 1819    49836        NA
#> 1820    75568        NA
#> 1821    75568        NA
#> 1822     1592        NA
#> 1823    16020        NA
#> 1824    75568        NA
#> 1825    75568        NA
#> 1826     4305        NA
#> 1827     9300        NA
#> 1828     9300        NA
#> 1829    44601        NA
#> 1830     9300        NA
#> 1831     2616        NA
#> 1832    30222        NA
#> 1833    30222        NA
#> 1834    26934        NA
#> 1835    13560        NA
#> 1836      612        NA
#> 1837     2328        NA
#> 1838     2184        NA
#> 1839     1742        NA
#> 1840     2184        NA
#> 1841     1766        NA
#> 1842     1790        NA
#> 1843     1572        NA
#> 1844     6973        NA
#> 1845    26934        NA
#> 1846     5503        NA
#> 1847     6480      -456
#> 1848     5457        NA
#> 1849     5459        NA
#> 1850     5150        NA
#> 1851     5151        NA
#> 1852     5151        NA
#> 1853     5151        NA
#> 1854     5435        NA
#> 1855     5147        NA
#> 1856     5147        NA
#> 1857     5147        NA
#> 1858     5146        NA
#> 1859     5146        NA
#> 1860     5125        NA
#> 1861     5126        NA
#> 1862     5126        NA
#> 1863     5126        NA
#> 1864     5127        NA
#> 1865     5127        NA
#> 1866     5435        NA
#> 1867     5436        NA
#> 1868     5124        NA
#> 1869     5125        NA
#> 1870     5436        NA
#> 1871     5437        NA
#> 1872     5438        NA
#> 1873     5438        NA
#> 1874     5123        NA
#> 1875     5123        NA
#> 1876     5123        NA
#> 1877    44602        NA
#> 1878    26760        NA
#> 1879    58056        NA
#> 1880    75568        NA
#> 1881    75568        NA
#> 1882    75568        NA
#> 1883    75568        NA
#> 1884    75568        NA
#> 1885   110462        NA
#> 1886    44988        NA
#> 1887    44604        NA
#> 1888    44604        NA
#> 1889    44604        NA
#> 1890    44292        NA
#> 1891    44292        NA
#> 1892    44292        NA
#> 1893    43980        NA
#> 1894    44292        NA
#> 1895    43980        NA
#> 1896    43980        NA
#> 1897    43980        NA
#> 1898    43572        NA
#> 1899    43572        NA
#> 1900    40572        NA
#> 1901    40572        NA
#> 1902    40572        NA
#> 1903    40572        NA
#> 1904    40572        NA
#> 1905    40572        NA
#> 1906    40572        NA
#> 1907    40548        NA
#> 1908   143832        NA
#> 1909    37118        NA
#> 1910   125568        NA
#> 1911    19428        NA
#> 1912    19428        NA
#> 1913    54758        NA
#> 1914    19428        NA
#> 1915    19428        NA
#> 1916    19428        NA
#> 1917     3768        NA
#> 1918     3489        NA
#> 1919     3777        NA
#> 1920     3776        NA
#> 1921     3782        NA
#> 1922     3816        NA
#> 1923     3816        NA
#> 1924     3672        NA
#> 1925    29310        NA
#> 1926    20448        NA
#> 1927     9084        NA
#> 1928     9300        NA
#> 1929     9300        NA
#> 1930    46608        NA
#> 1931    46608        NA
#> 1932    46608        NA
#> 1933    46608        NA
#> 1934    12511        NA
#> 1935    14220        NA
#> 1936    13431        NA
#> 1937    13594        NA
#> 1938    16096        NA
#> 1939    12504        NA
#> 1940    12888        NA
#> 1941    12888        NA
#> 1942    12083        NA
#> 1943    14679        NA
#> 1944    12541        NA
#> 1945    27552        NA
#> 1946    26976        NA
#> 1947    26976        NA
#> 1948    26976        NA
#> 1949    26976        NA
#> 1950    26976        NA
#> 1951    26976        NA
#> 1952    14760        NA
#> 1953    25680        NA
#> 1954    14760        NA
#> 1955    27552        NA
#> 1956    27552        NA
#> 1957    27552        NA
#> 1958    27552        NA
#> 1959    27552        NA
#> 1960    27552        NA
#> 1961    27552        NA
#> 1962    27552        NA
#> 1963     8745        NA
#> 1964     8721        NA
#> 1965     8798        NA
#> 1966     8774        NA
#> 1967     8745        NA
#> 1968     8798        NA
#> 1969     8600        NA
#> 1970    48864        NA
#> 1971     8506        NA
#> 1972    13776        NA
#> 1973    29352        NA
#> 1974    22560        NA
#> 1975    20457        NA
#> 1976    13776        NA
#> 1977    13560        NA
#> 1978    13272        NA
#> 1979    13752        NA
#> 1980    13752        NA
#> 1981    11760        NA
#> 1982    11712        NA
#> 1983    14904        NA
#> 1984    11424        NA
#> 1985    11424        NA
#> 1986    11424        NA
#> 1987    12912        NA
#> 1988    12912        NA
#> 1989    12936        NA
#> 1990    12936        NA
#> 1991    12912        NA
#> 1992    12912        NA
#> 1993     9816        NA
#> 1994    29832        NA
#> 1995    13104        NA
#> 1996    12504        NA
#> 1997    12504        NA
#> 1998    12504        NA
#> 1999    55056        NA
#> 2000     1310     16210
#> 2001     1286     16234
#> 2002     1464      4104
#> 2003     1464      4114
#> 2004     1464      4116
#> 2005     1464      4116
#> 2006     1464      4116
#> 2007     1464      4116
#> 2008     1464      4116
#> 2009     1464      4116
#> 2010     1296      2818
#>                                                                               project
#> 1                                                                         cpodnetwork
#> 2                                                                         cpodnetwork
#> 3                                                      Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 4                             Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 5                                                      Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 6                                                                           SPAWNSEIS
#> 7                                                            STRAITS_Portugal_network
#> 8                                                            STRAITS_Portugal_network
#> 9      Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen post-Brexit
#> 10                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 11                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 12                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 13                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 14     Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen post-Brexit
#> 15                            Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 16                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 17                            Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 18                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 19                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 20                                                               Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 21                                                                    Westerschelde 3
#> 22                                                                             BECORV
#> 23                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 24                                                                      Inforbiomares
#> 25                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 26                                                                          Lifewatch
#> 27                                             Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 28                                                                    Westerschelde 2
#> 29                                                       Canaries Angel Shark Project
#> 30                            Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 31                                                       Canaries Angel Shark Project
#> 32                                                       Canaries Angel Shark Project
#> 33                                                                               BPNS
#> 34                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 35                                                               FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 36                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 37                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 38                                           PAM Harbour porpoise Borssele, 2019-2024
#> 39                                                      Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 40                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 41                                             Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 42                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 43                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 44                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 45                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 46                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 47                                                      SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 48                                                      SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 49                                                      SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 50                                                                               BPNS
#> 51                                                                        cpodnetwork
#> 52                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 53                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 54                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 55                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 56                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 57                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 58                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 59                                                                        cpodnetwork
#> 60                                                                          SPAWNSEIS
#> 61                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 62                                                                      NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 63                                                                        cpodnetwork
#> 64                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 65                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 66                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 67                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 68                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 69                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 70                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 71                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 72                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 73                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 74                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 75                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 76                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 77                                                     Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 78                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 79                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 80                                                               FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 81                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 82                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 83                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 84     Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen post-Brexit
#> 85                           Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 86                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 87                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 88                                                                             ResMed
#> 89                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 90                 Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 91                                             Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 92                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 93                                                             Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 94     Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen post-Brexit
#> 95                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 96                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 97                                                                   OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 98                                                     Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 99                                                                          Lifewatch
#> 100                                                                              BPNS
#> 101                                                              Unlocking the Severn
#> 102                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 103                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 104                                                            Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 105                                                            Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 106                                                            Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 107                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 108                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 109                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 110                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 111                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 112                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 113                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 114                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 115                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 116    Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen post-Brexit
#> 117                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 118                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 119                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 120                                                                        VFM_Siljan
#> 121                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 122                                                                              BPNS
#> 123                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 124                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 125                                                                            ResMed
#> 126                                                              Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 127                                                                            ResMed
#> 128                                                              Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 129                                                                            ResMed
#> 130                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 131                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 132                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 133                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 134                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 135                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 136                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 137                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 138                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 139                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 140                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 141                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 142                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 143                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 144                                                    Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 145                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 146                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 147                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 148      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 149      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 150                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 151                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 152                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 153                                                    Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 154                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 155                                                    Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 156                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 157                                                    Turkish Straits Detection Data
#> 158                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 159                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 160                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 161                                                              Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 162                                                    Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 163                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 164                                                              FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 165                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 166                                                              FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 167                                                              FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 168                                                              FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 169                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 170                                                              FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 171                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 172                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 173                                                              FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 174                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 175                                                              FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 176                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 177                                                              FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 178                                                                              BPNS
#> 179                                                    Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 180                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 181                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 182                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 183                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 184                                                    Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 185                                                    Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 186                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 187                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 188                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 189                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 190                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 191                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 192                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 193                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 194                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 195                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 196                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 197                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 198                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 199                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 200                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 201                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 202                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 203                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 204                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 205                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 206                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 207               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 208                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 209                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 210                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 211                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 212                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 213                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 214                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 215                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 216                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 217                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 218                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 219                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 220                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 221                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 222                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 223                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 224                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 225                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 226                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 227                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 228                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 229                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 230                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 231                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 232                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 233                                                              Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 234                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 235                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 236                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 237                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 238                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 239                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 240                                                                          NARVAEEL
#> 241                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 242                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 243                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 244                                                                            BECORV
#> 245                                                                          NARVAEEL
#> 246                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 247                                                                          NARVAEEL
#> 248                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 249               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 250                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 251                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 252                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 253                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 254                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 255                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 256                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 257                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 258                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 259                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 260                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 261                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 262                                                                          NARVAEEL
#> 263                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 264                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 265                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 266                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 267                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 268                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 269                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 270                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 271                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 272                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 273                                                                            ResMed
#> 274                                                                            ResMed
#> 275                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 276                                                                            ResMed
#> 277                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 278                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 279                                                                            ResMed
#> 280                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 281                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 282                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 283                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 284                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 285                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 286                                                                            ResMed
#> 287                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 288                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 289                                                            Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 290                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 291                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 292                                            Fisheries Industry Science Partnership
#> 293      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 294               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 295               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 296               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 297               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 298               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 299               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 300               Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 301                                                                            ResMed
#> 302                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 303                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 304                                                                            ResMed
#> 305                                                                            ResMed
#> 306                                                                            ResMed
#> 307                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 308                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 309                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 310                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 311                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 312                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 313                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 314                                                                            ResMed
#> 315                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 316                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 317                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 318                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 319                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 320                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 321                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 322                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 323                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 324                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 325                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 326      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 327                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 328                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 329                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 330                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 331                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 332                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 333                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 334                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 335                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 336                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 337                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 338                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 339                                                                              BPNS
#> 340                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 341                                                           Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 342                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 343                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 344                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 345                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 346                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 347                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 348                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 349                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 350                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 351                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 352                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 353                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 354                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 355                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 356                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 357                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 358                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 359                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 360                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 361                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 362                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 363                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 364                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 365                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 366                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 367                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 368                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 369                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 370                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 371                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 372                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 373                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 374                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 375                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 376                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 377                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 378                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 379                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 380                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 381                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 382                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 383                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 384                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 385                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 386                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 387                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 388                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 389                                                                      SWIMWAY_2021
#> 390                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 391                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 392                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 393                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 394                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 395                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 396                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 397                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 398                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 399                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 400                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 401                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 402                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 403                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 404                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 405                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 406                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 407                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 408                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 409                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 410                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 411                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 412                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 413                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 414                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 415                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 416                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 417                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 418                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 419  Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 420                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 421                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 422                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 423                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 424                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 425                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 426                                                                          NARVAEEL
#> 427                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 428                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 429                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 430                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 431                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 432                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 433                                                                          NARVAEEL
#> 434                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 435                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 436                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 437                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 438                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 439                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 440      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 441                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 442                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 443      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 444                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 445                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 446                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 447                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 448      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 449                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 450                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 451                           Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 452                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 453                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 454                                                                              BPNS
#> 455                                                                              BPNS
#> 456    Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen post-Brexit
#> 457      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 458                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 459                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 460                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 461                                                                       cpodnetwork
#> 462      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 463                                                                              BPNS
#> 464                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 465                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 466                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 467                                                                              BPNS
#> 468                                                                              BPNS
#> 469                                                                              BPNS
#> 470                                                                              BPNS
#> 471                                                                              BPNS
#> 472                                                                              BPNS
#> 473                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 474                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 475                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 476                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 477                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 478                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 479                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 480                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 481                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 482                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 483                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 484                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 485                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 486                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 487                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 488                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 489                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 490                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 491                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 492                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 493                                                      Jersey Coastal Fish Tracking
#> 494                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 495                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 496                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 497                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 498                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 499                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 500                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 501                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 502                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 503                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 504                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 505                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 506                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 507                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 508                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 509                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 510                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 511                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 512                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 513                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 514                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 515                                                                      MBA_Whitsand
#> 516                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 517                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 518                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 519                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 520                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 521                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 522                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 523                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 524                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 525                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 526                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 527                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 528                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 529                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 530                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 531                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 532                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 533                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 534                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 535                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 536                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 537                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 538                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 539                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 540                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 541                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 542                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 543                                                                      MBA_Whitsand
#> 544                                                                      MBA_Whitsand
#> 545                                                                      MBA_Whitsand
#> 546                                                                      MBA_Whitsand
#> 547                                                                      MBA_Whitsand
#> 548                                                                      MBA_Whitsand
#> 549                                                                        MBA_Massmo
#> 550                                                                        MBA_Massmo
#> 551                                                                        MBA_Massmo
#> 552                                                                        MBA_Massmo
#> 553                                                                        MBA_Massmo
#> 554                                                                        MBA_Massmo
#> 555                                                                       MBA_Wavehub
#> 556                                                                       MBA_Wavehub
#> 557                                                                       MBA_Wavehub
#> 558                                                                       MBA_Wavehub
#> 559                                                                       MBA_Wavehub
#> 560                                                                       MBA_Wavehub
#> 561                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 562                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 563                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 564                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 565                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 566                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 567                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 568                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 569                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 570                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 571                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 572                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 573                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 574                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 575                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 576                                                                 PhD Jeremy Pastor
#> 577                                                                          PhysFish
#> 578                                                                          PhysFish
#> 579                                                                          PhysFish
#> 580                                                                          PhysFish
#> 581                                                                          PhysFish
#> 582                                                                          PhysFish
#> 583                                                                          PhysFish
#> 584                                                                          PhysFish
#> 585                                                                          PhysFish
#> 586                                                                          PhysFish
#> 587                                                                          PhysFish
#> 588                                                                          PhysFish
#> 589                                                                          PhysFish
#> 590                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 591                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 592                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 593                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 594                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 595                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 596                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 597                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 598                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 599                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 600                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 601                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 602                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 603                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 604                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 605                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 606                                                                 PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 607                                                                         PhD_Nolan
#> 608                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 609                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 610                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 611                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 612                                                              OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 613                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 614                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 615                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 616                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 617                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 618                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 619                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 620                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 621                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 622                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 623                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 624                                                                         PhD_Nolan
#> 625                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 626                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 627                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 628                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 629                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 630                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 631                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 632                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 633                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 634                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 635                                                                    Swimway Vechte
#> 636                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 637                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 638                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 639                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 640                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 641                                                                    Kornwerderzand
#> 642                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 643                                                                              EMMN
#> 644                                                                              EMMN
#> 645                                                                              EMMN
#> 646                                                                              EMMN
#> 647                                                                              EMMN
#> 648                                                                              EMMN
#> 649                                                                              EMMN
#> 650                                                                              EMMN
#> 651                                                                              EMMN
#> 652                                                                              EMMN
#> 653                                                                              EMMN
#> 654                                                                              EMMN
#> 655                                                                              EMMN
#> 656                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 657                                                                        DTU-Skjern
#> 658                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 659                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 660                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 661                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 662                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 663                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 664                                                                  OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 665                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 666                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 667                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 668                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 669                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 670                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 671                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 672                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 673                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 674                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 675                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 676                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 677                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 678                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 679                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 680                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 681                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 682                                                                     NTNU-Gaulosen
#> 683                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 684                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 685                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 686                                                                   IG II Fish Pass
#> 687                                                                       Running_eel
#> 688                                                                       Running_eel
#> 689                                                                       Running_eel
#> 690                                                                       Running_eel
#> 691                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 692                                                                       Running_eel
#> 693                                                                       Running_eel
#> 694                                                                   IG II Fish Pass
#> 695                                                                               Ars
#> 696                                                                               Ars
#> 697                                                                               Ars
#> 698                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 699                                                                       Running_eel
#> 700                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 701                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 702                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 703                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 704                                                                          Reelease
#> 705                                                                          Reelease
#> 706                                                                          Reelease
#> 707                                                                          Reelease
#> 708                                                                          Reelease
#> 709                                                                          Reelease
#> 710                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 711                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 712                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 713                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 714                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 715                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 716                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 717                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 718                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 719                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 720                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 721                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 722                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 723                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 724                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 725                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 726                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 727                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 728                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 729                                                                              BPNS
#> 730                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 731                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 732                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 733                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 734                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 735                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 736                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 737                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 738                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 739                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 740                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 741                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 742                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 743                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 744                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 745                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 746                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 747      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 748                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 749                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 750                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 751                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 752                                                 Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 753      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 754                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 755                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 756      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 757                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 758                                                             SMOLTRACK-II-Engeland
#> 759                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 760                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 761                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 762                                                                         SPAWNSEIS
#> 763                                                                         PhD_Nolan
#> 764                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 765                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 766      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 767                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 768                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 769                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 770                                                              SMOLTRACK-I-Engeland
#> 771                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 772                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 773                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 774                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 775                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 776                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 777                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 778                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 779                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 780                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 781                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 782                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 783                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 784                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 785                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 786                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 787                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 788                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 789                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 790                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 791                                                          Dalalven Smolt Migration
#> 792                                              Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 793                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 794                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 795                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 796                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 797                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 798                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 799                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 800                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 801                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 802                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 803      Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 804                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 805                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 806                                                                         Lifewatch
#> 807                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 808                                                                          NARVAEEL
#> 809                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 810                                                                          Scytrack
#> 811                                                                          Scytrack
#> 812                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 813                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 814                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 815                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 816                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 817                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 818                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 819                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 820                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 821                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 822                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 823                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 824                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 825                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 826                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 827                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 828                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 829                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 830                                                                       VFM_Vattern
#> 831                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 832                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 833                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 834                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 835                                                            Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 836                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 837                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 838                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 839                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 840                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 841                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 842                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 843                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 844                                                            Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 845                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 846                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 847                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 848                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 849                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 850                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 851                                                                              BPNS
#> 852                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 853                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 854                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 855                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 856                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 857                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 858                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 859                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 860                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 861                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 862                                                              Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 863                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 864                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 865                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 866                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 867                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 868                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 869                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 870                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 871                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 872                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 873                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 874                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 875                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 876                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 877                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 878                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 879                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 880                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 881                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 882                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 883                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 884                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 885                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 886                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 887                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 888                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 889                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 890                                                                             Dijle
#> 891                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 892                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 893                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 894                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 895                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 896                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 897                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 898                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 899                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 900                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 901                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 902                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 903                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 904                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 905                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 906                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 907                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 908                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 909                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 910                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 911                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 912                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 913                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 914                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 915                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 916                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 917                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 918                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 919                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 920                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 921                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 922                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 923                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 924                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 925                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 926                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 927                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 928                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 929                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 930                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 931                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 932                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 933                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 934                                                            Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 935                                                            Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 936                                                            Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 937                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 938                                            Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 939                                                            Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 940                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 941                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 942                                                                             Dijle
#> 943                                                                        Zeeschelde
#> 944                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 945                                                                       VFM_Malaren
#> 946                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 947                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 948                                                                    2019_Grotenete
#> 949                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 950                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 951                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 952                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 953                                                                            BECORV
#> 954                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 955                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 956                                                     Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 957                                                            Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 958                                                            Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 959                                                            Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 960                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 961                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 962                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 963                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 964                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 965                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 966                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 967                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 968                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 969                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 970                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 971                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 972                                                              Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 973                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 974                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 975                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 976                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 977                                                                            BECORV
#> 978                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 979                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 980                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 981                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 982                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 983                          Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 984                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 985                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 986                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 987                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 988                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 989                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 990                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 991                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 992                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 993                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 994                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 995                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 996                                                                     Inforbiomares
#> 997                                                             Swedish eel migration
#> 998                Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 999                                                              Unlocking the Severn
#> 1000                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1001                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1002               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1003               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1004               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1005               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1006                                                            Swedish eel migration
#> 1007                                                            Swedish eel migration
#> 1008                                                                             BPNS
#> 1009                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1010     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1011                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1012               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1013               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1014               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1015                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1016                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1017                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1018                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1019                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1020                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1021                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1022                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1023                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1024                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1025                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1026                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1027                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1028                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1029                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1030                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1031                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1032                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1033                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1034                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1035                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1036                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1037                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1038                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1039                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1040                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1041                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1042                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1043                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1044                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1045                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1046                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1047                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1048                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1049                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1050                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1051                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1052                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1053                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1054                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1055                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1056                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1057                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1058                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1059                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1060                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1061                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1062                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1063                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1064                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1065                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1066                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1067                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1068                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1069                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1070                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1071                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1072                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1073                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1074                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1075                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1076                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1077                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1078                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1079                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1080                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1081                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1082                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1083                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1084                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1085                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1086                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1087                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1088                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1089                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1090                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1091                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1092                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1093                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1094                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1095                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1096                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1097                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1098                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1099                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1100                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1101                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1102                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1103                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1104                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1105                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1106                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1107                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1108                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1109                                             Ljusne Bay Salmon Spawning Migration
#> 1110                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1111                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1112                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1113                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1114                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1115                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1116                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1117                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1118                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1119                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1120                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1121                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1122                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1123                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1124                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1125                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1126                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1127                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1128                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1129                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1130                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1131                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1132                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1133                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1134                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1135                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1136                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1137                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1138                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1139                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1140                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1141                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1142                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1143                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1144                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1145                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1146                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1147                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1148                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1149                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1150                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1151                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1152                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1153                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1154                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1155                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1156                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1157                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1158                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1159                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1160                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1161                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1162                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1163                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1164                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1165                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1166                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1167                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1168                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1169                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1170                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1171                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1172                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1173                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1174                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1175                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1176                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1177                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1178                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1179     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1180                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1181                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1182                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1183                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1184                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1185                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1186                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1187                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1188                                                                  2020_PhD_Winter
#> 1189                                                                        SPAWNSEIS
#> 1190                                                                        SPAWNSEIS
#> 1191                                                                        SPAWNSEIS
#> 1192     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1193                                                                        SPAWNSEIS
#> 1194                                                                        SPAWNSEIS
#> 1195     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1196                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1197                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1198                                                                 North_sea_wrecks
#> 1199                                                                        PhD_Nolan
#> 1200                                                                        PhD_Nolan
#> 1201                                                                        PhD_Nolan
#> 1202     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1203                                                                        PhD_Nolan
#> 1204                                                                        PhD_Nolan
#> 1205                                                          Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 1206                                                          Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 1207                                                          Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 1208     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1209                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1210                                                                             BPNS
#> 1211     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1212               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1213     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1214                                                                           BECORV
#> 1215               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1216     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1217     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1218     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1219                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1220                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1221                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1222                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1223                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1224                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1225                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1226                                                                      cpodnetwork
#> 1227                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1228                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1229     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1230                  Balearic Tracking Network - Spanish Deep Water Receiver Network
#> 1231                  Balearic Tracking Network - Spanish Deep Water Receiver Network
#> 1232                  Balearic Tracking Network - Spanish Deep Water Receiver Network
#> 1233                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1234     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1235                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1236                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1237                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1238                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1239                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1240                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1241               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1242                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1243                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1244                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1245               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1246               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1247               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1248               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1249               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1250               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1251               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1252               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1253               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1254                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1255                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1256                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1257               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1258                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1259     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1260                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1261                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1262                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1263            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1264                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1265                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1266                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1267                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1268                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1269            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1270               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1271                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1272                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1273                                                     Canaries Angel Shark Project
#> 1274     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1275     Acoustic telemetry on Atlantic cod in the Horns Rev 2 offshore windmill farm
#> 1276                                                     Canaries Angel Shark Project
#> 1277                                                     Canaries Angel Shark Project
#> 1278                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1279                                                     Canaries Angel Shark Project
#> 1280                                                     Canaries Angel Shark Project
#> 1281                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1282                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1283                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1284                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1285                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1286                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1287                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1288                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1289                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1290   Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen post-Brexit
#> 1291               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1292                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1293                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1294                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1295                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1296                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1297                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1298                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1299                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1300                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1301                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1302                                                                             BPNS
#> 1303                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1304                                                                             BPNS
#> 1305               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1306               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1307                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1308                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1309                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1310                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1311                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1312                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1313                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1314                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1315                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1316                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1317                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1318                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1319                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1320                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1321                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1322                                                    SeaMonitor - River Bush study
#> 1323            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1324                                    Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network
#> 1325                                    Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network
#> 1326                                    Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network
#> 1327                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1328                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1329                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1330               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1331               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1332               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1333               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1334                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1335                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1336                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1337                                                                    Inforbiomares
#> 1338                                                                    Inforbiomares
#> 1339               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1340                                                        GIBRALTAR_STRAITS_CURTAIN
#> 1341               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1342                                                                           ResMed
#> 1343               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1344               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1345                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1346                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1347                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1348                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1349                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1350                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1351                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1352                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1353                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1354                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1355               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1356               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1357               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1358               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1359                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1360                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1361                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1362                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1363                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1364                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1365                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1366                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1367               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1368               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1369                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1370                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1371               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1372               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1373                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1374               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1375                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1376               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1377                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1378 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1379                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1380                                                                           ResMed
#> 1381               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1382               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1383                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1384                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1385                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1386                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1387               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1388               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1389               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1390               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1391                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1392                                                                             BPNS
#> 1393                                                                       Zeeschelde
#> 1394                                                                       Zeeschelde
#> 1395               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1396               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1397 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1398 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1399 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1400 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1401 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1402 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1403 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1404 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1405 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1406 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1407 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1408 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1409 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1410 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1411 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1412 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1413 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1414 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1415 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1416 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1417 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1418                                                           Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 1419                                                           Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 1420                                                           Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 1421                                                                       Zeeschelde
#> 1422                                                                       Zeeschelde
#> 1423                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1424 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1425                                    Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network
#> 1426 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1427 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1428 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1429 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1430 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1431 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1432 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1433 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1434 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1435 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1436 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1437 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1438 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1439 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1440 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1441 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1442 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1443 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1444 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1445 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1446 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1447 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1448 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1449               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1450               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1451               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1452               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1453               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1454               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1455               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1456               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1457               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1458               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1459               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1460                                                             Ruim_baan_voor_vis_2
#> 1461                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1462                                    Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network
#> 1463                                    Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network
#> 1464                                    Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network
#> 1465                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1466                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1467                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1468                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1469                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1470                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1471                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1472                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1473                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1474                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1475                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1476                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1477               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1478                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1479               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1480               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1481                                                          Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 1482                                                          Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 1483               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1484               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1485                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1486                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1487                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1488               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1489               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1490               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1491               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1492               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1493               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1494               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1495               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1496               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1497               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1498               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1499               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1500                                                                FarmTrack_Spain22
#> 1501                                                                FarmTrack_Spain22
#> 1502                                                                FarmTrack_Spain22
#> 1503                                                                FarmTrack_Spain22
#> 1504              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1505              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1506              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1507              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1508              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1509              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1510              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1511              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1512              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1513              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1514              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1515              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1516              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1517              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1518              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1519              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1520              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1521              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1522              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1523              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1524              Silver Eel downstream migration in the Walloon Meuse - 2021 to 2024
#> 1525                                                                           BECORV
#> 1526                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1527                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1528                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1529                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1530                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1531                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1532                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1533                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1534                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1535                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1536                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1537                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1538                                                    Sud_le_Innovatieve_monitoring
#> 1539                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1540                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1541                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1542                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1543                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1544                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1545                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1546                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1547                                                                      STR_MOV_ANG
#> 1548                                                                      STR_MOV_ANG
#> 1549                                                                      STR_MOV_ANG
#> 1550               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1551                                                                           ResMed
#> 1552                                                                           ResMed
#> 1553                                                                           ResMed
#> 1554                                                                           ResMed
#> 1555                                                                           ResMed
#> 1556                                                                           ResMed
#> 1557                                                                           ResMed
#> 1558                                                                           ResMed
#> 1559                                                                           ResMed
#> 1560                                                                           ResMed
#> 1561                                                                           ResMed
#> 1562                                                                           ResMed
#> 1563                                                                           ResMed
#> 1564                                                                             BPNS
#> 1565                                                                           ResMed
#> 1566                                                                           ResMed
#> 1567                                                                           ResMed
#> 1568                                                                           ResMed
#> 1569            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1570            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1571            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1572            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1573            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1574            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1575            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1576            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1577            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1578            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1579            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1580            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1581            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1582            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1583            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1584            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1585            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1586            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1587            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1588            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1589            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1590            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1591            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1592            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1593                                                                           ResMed
#> 1594            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1595            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1596            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1597            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1598            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1599            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1600            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1601            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1602            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1603            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1604            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1605            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1606            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1607            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1608            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1609            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1610            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1611            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1612            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1613            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1614            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1615            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1616            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1617            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1618            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1619            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1620            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1621            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1622            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1623            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1624            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1625            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1626            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1627            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1628            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1629                                                                           ResMed
#> 1630            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1631            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1632            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1633            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1634            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1635            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1636            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1637            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1638            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1639            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1640            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1641                                                                           ResMed
#> 1642            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1643            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1644            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1645            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1646            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1647            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1648            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1649            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1650            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1651                                                                           ResMed
#> 1652                                                                           ResMed
#> 1653                                                                           ResMed
#> 1654                                                                           ResMed
#> 1655                                                                           ResMed
#> 1656                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1657                                                                           ResMed
#> 1658                                                                           ResMed
#> 1659                                                                           ResMed
#> 1660                                                                           ResMed
#> 1661                                                                           ResMed
#> 1662                                                                           ResMed
#> 1663                                                                           ResMed
#> 1664                                                                           ResMed
#> 1665                                                                           ResMed
#> 1666                                                                           ResMed
#> 1667                                                                           ResMed
#> 1668                                                                           ResMed
#> 1669                                                                           ResMed
#> 1670                                                                           ResMed
#> 1671                                                                           ResMed
#> 1672                                                                           ResMed
#> 1673                                                                           ResMed
#> 1674                                                                           ResMed
#> 1675                                                                           ResMed
#> 1676                                                                           ResMed
#> 1677                                                                           ResMed
#> 1678                                                                           ResMed
#> 1679                                                                   2019_Grotenete
#> 1680                                                                   2019_Grotenete
#> 1681                                                                   2019_Grotenete
#> 1682                                                                   2019_Grotenete
#> 1683                                                                           ResMed
#> 1684                                                                           ResMed
#> 1685                                                                           ResMed
#> 1686                                                                           ResMed
#> 1687                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1688                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1689                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1690                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1691                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1692                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1693                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1694                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1695                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1696                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1697                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1698                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1699                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1700                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1701                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1702                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1703                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1704                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1705                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1706                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1707                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1708                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1709                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1710                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1711                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1712                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1713                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1714                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1715                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1716                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1717                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1718                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1719                                                              VFM_WestCoastCostal
#> 1720                                                                       Orsted Cod
#> 1721                                                                       Orsted Cod
#> 1722                                              Brown trout in the Falkland Islands
#> 1723               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1724            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1725            SeaMonitor - Migration route of Atlantic salmon in north west Ireland
#> 1726                                                                           ResMed
#> 1727                                                                           ResMed
#> 1728               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1729               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1730                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1731                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1732                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1733                                                                     SWIMWAY_2021
#> 1734                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1735                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1736               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1737                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1738                                                             FISHOWF_Array_France
#> 1739                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1740                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1741                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1742                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1743                                                                  Westerschelde 3
#> 1744                                                                  Westerschelde 3
#> 1745                                                                  Westerschelde 3
#> 1746                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1747                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1748                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1749                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1750                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1751                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1752                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1753                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1754                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1755                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1756                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1757                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1758                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1759                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1760                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1761                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1762                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1763                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1764                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1765                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 1766                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 1767               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1768                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1769                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1770                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1771                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1772                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1773               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1774                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1775                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1776                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1777                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1778                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1779                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1780                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1781                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1782                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1783                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1784                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1785                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1786                                         PAM Harbour porpoise Borssele, 2019-2024
#> 1787                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1788                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1789                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1790                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1791                                                           Basking_shark_Hebrides
#> 1792                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1793                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1794                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1795                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1796                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1797                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1798                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1799                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1800                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1801                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1802                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1803                                                             OTN-Skjerstadfjorden
#> 1804                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1805                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1806               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1807                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1808                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1809                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1810                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1811                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1812               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1813                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1814                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1815                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1816                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1817                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1818                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1819                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1820                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1821                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1822                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1823 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1824                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1825                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1826                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1827                                                                      VFM_Malaren
#> 1828                                                                      VFM_Malaren
#> 1829                                                                         NARVAEEL
#> 1830                                                                      VFM_Malaren
#> 1831               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1832                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1833                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1834                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1835                                                                           ResMed
#> 1836   Duurzame economische dragers in Vlaamse kustvisserijgemeenschappen post-Brexit
#> 1837                                                          Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 1838                                                          Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 1839               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1840                                                          Brasem Ijsselmeergebied
#> 1841               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1842                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1843                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1844               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1845                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1846                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1847                                                                   2019_Grotenete
#> 1848                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1849                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1850                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1851                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1852                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1853                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1854                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1855                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1856                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1857                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1858                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1859                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1860                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1861                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1862                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1863                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1864                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1865                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1866                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1867                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1868                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1869                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1870                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1871                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1872                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1873                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1874                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1875                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1876                          Predators and prey around renewable energy developments
#> 1877                                                                         NARVAEEL
#> 1878                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1879                                                                       DTU-Skjern
#> 1880                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1881                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1882                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1883                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1884                                                                 OTN-Tosenfjorden
#> 1885                                                                PhD Barbara Koeck
#> 1886                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1887                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1888                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1889                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1890                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1891                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1892                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1893                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1894                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1895                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1896                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1897                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1898                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1899                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1900                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1901                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1902                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1903                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1904                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1905                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1906                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1907                                                                   Swimway Vechte
#> 1908                                                                             EMMN
#> 1909                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1910                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1911                                                                      VFM_Vattern
#> 1912                                                                      VFM_Vattern
#> 1913                                                                        PhD_Nolan
#> 1914                                                                      VFM_Vattern
#> 1915                                                                      VFM_Vattern
#> 1916                                                                      VFM_Vattern
#> 1917               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1918                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1919               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1920               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1921               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1922               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1923               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1924                                                            Swedish eel migration
#> 1925                                                   Kalmar Baltic Tracking Network
#> 1926 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1927                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1928                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1929                                                                       VFM_Siljan
#> 1930               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1931               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1932               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1933               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1934                                           Danish Straits Acoustic Infrastructure
#> 1935                         Connectivity of coastal fish in the French Mediterranean
#> 1936                                                                    Inforbiomares
#> 1937                                                                    Inforbiomares
#> 1938                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 1939                                                                           ResMed
#> 1940                                                                           ResMed
#> 1941                                                                           ResMed
#> 1942               Fisheries Innovation for sustainable SHared INTerchannEL resources
#> 1943                                    Galician (NW Spain) acoustic Tracking Network
#> 1944 Long-term array MOnitoring BEhaviour in Illas Atlánticas National Park, NW Spain
#> 1945                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1946                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1947                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1948                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1949                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1950                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1951                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1952                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1953                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1954                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1955                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1956                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1957                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1958                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1959                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1960                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1961                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1962                                                           Vissen_voor_verbinding
#> 1963                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1964                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1965                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1966                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1967                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1968                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1969                                                Azorean acoustic receiver network
#> 1970                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1971                                                                FarmTrack_Spain22
#> 1972                                                                           ResMed
#> 1973                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1974                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1975                                                             Unlocking the Severn
#> 1976                                                                           ResMed
#> 1977                                                                           ResMed
#> 1978                                                                           ResMed
#> 1979                                                                           ResMed
#> 1980                                                                           ResMed
#> 1981                                                                           ResMed
#> 1982                                                                           ResMed
#> 1983                                                                           ResMed
#> 1984                                                                           ResMed
#> 1985                                                                           ResMed
#> 1986                                                                           ResMed
#> 1987                                                                           ResMed
#> 1988                                                                           ResMed
#> 1989                                                                           ResMed
#> 1990                                                                           ResMed
#> 1991                                                                           ResMed
#> 1992                                                                           ResMed
#> 1993                                                                           ResMed
#> 1994                                                                           ResMed
#> 1995                                                                           ResMed
#> 1996                                                                           ResMed
#> 1997                                                                           ResMed
#> 1998                                                                           ResMed
#> 1999                                                                        Lifewatch
#> 2000                                                                  Westerschelde 1
#> 2001                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 2002                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 2003                                                                  Westerschelde 3
#> 2004                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 2005                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 2006                                                                  Westerschelde 3
#> 2007                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 2008                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 2009                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#> 2010                                                                  Westerschelde 2
#>                                                           station
#> 1                                                    bpns-Grafton
#> 2                                                    bpns-Grafton
#> 3                                                       Altinoluk
#> 4                                                          BE-H10
#> 5                                                        Babakale
#> 6                                                           30_22
#> 7                                                          DEEP_W
#> 8                                                          DEEP_E
#> 9                                                PelFish_CPower-2
#> 10                                                    pradio_glas
#> 11                                                             19
#> 12                                                             19
#> 13                                                       Limankoy
#> 14                                                           <NA>
#> 15                                                         BE-J08
#> 16                                                  LSTOuistreham
#> 17                                                         BE-J09
#> 18                                                   roche_guazer
#> 19                                        bell_essart_de_langrune
#> 20                                             Zwarte_Haan_Buiten
#> 21                                                         ws-F42
#> 22                                                  Ocean Revival
#> 23                                                        Kiyikoy
#> 24                                                  Pedra do Leao
#> 25                                                         Kefken
#> 26                                               bpns-Buitenratel
#> 27                                                             S1
#> 28                                                         ws-25A
#> 29                                                           LG01
#> 30                                                         BE-G11
#> 31                                                           LG03
#> 32                                                           LG08
#> 33                                                        bpns-D1
#> 34                                                  Australbush W
#> 35                                                       SN_E12_B
#> 36                                                             26
#> 37                                              Eddystone reef NE
#> 38                                                           MT01
#> 39                                   Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen schut
#> 40                                                         131825
#> 41                                                            VB4
#> 42                                                   Hand Deeps S
#> 43                                                         131818
#> 44                                                     Phillips S
#> 45                                      West Rutts Cathedral rock
#> 46                                                  East Rutts SE
#> 47                                              BUSH SEWAGE WORKS
#> 48                                               BUSH IRON BRIDGE
#> 49                                                 BUSH GOLF CLUB
#> 50                                                   bpns-Whitley
#> 51                                                bpns-Birkenfels
#> 52                                                      Selsey 12
#> 53                                                       Selsey 7
#> 54                                                       Selsey 9
#> 55                                                      Boulder 1
#> 56                                                         481215
#> 57                                                         481241
#> 58                                                             40
#> 59                                               bpns-Buitenratel
#> 60                                                             41
#> 61                                                          Medoc
#> 62                                                              1
#> 63                                                bpns-Birkenfels
#> 64                                                       Selsey 5
#> 65                                                      Boulder 2
#> 66                                                       Selsey 8
#> 67                                                         131814
#> 68                                                     le_parfond
#> 69                                                        Unicorn
#> 70                                                      Selsey 11
#> 71                                               Eddystone reef N
#> 72                                                   Hand Deeps N
#> 73                                                         131815
#> 74                                                  West Rutts SE
#> 75                                                Hand Deeps main
#> 76                                                     Ocaklar YR
#> 77                                                          Revs5
#> 78                                                             64
#> 79                                                         551083
#> 80                                                       SN_E12_B
#> 81                                                             42
#> 82                                                             55
#> 83                                                         551082
#> 84                                             Pelfish-Gardencity
#> 85                                                BEAUDUC_MILLIEU
#> 86                                                     courselles
#> 87                                                      B.Kemikli
#> 88                                                            B21
#> 89                                                     M.Ereglisi
#> 90                                                        GIFFARD
#> 91                                                           NOB7
#> 92                                                      Selimpasa
#> 93                                                             N4
#> 94                                                   bpns-Cpower2
#> 95                                                             51
#> 96                                                           Sile
#> 97                                                             61
#> 98                                                      Sultanice
#> 99                                                   bpns-Grafton
#> 100                                                      bpns-KB2
#> 101                                                    Ashleworth
#> 102                                                      Selsey 4
#> 103                                            GRUISSAN_ETANG_MUR
#> 104                                                       WAD-Z15
#> 105                                           Cleveringsluis-west
#> 106                                                      Zoutkamp
#> 107                                                        Ibrice
#> 108                                                      Fıstıklı
#> 109                                                       Lapseki
#> 110                                                            72
#> 111                                                 BEAUDUC_LARGE
#> 112                                                           VB1
#> 113                                                       Kumkale
#> 114                                                   Seddulbahir
#> 115                                                      Gelibolu
#> 116                                               Pelfish_Grafton
#> 117                                                   Kingmere NE
#> 118                                                      Karanfil
#> 119                                                      R.Feneri
#> 120                                                         st_23
#> 121                                                      A.Feneri
#> 122                                          bpns-middelkerkebank
#> 123                                                           VB9
#> 124                                               bpns-Armscpower
#> 125                                                           M06
#> 126                                               Heijning_Buiten
#> 127                                                           M07
#> 128                                        Noordpolderzijl_Buiten
#> 129                                                           M08
#> 130                                                      Selsey 2
#> 131                                                   Kingmere SE
#> 132                                                  BEAUDUC_COTE
#> 133                                          FISHINTEL_Laura2_bis
#> 134                             East Head Spit Chichester Harbour
#> 135                                                       W_MINQS
#> 136                                  NW Winner Chichester Harbour
#> 137                                                       ECREHOU
#> 138                                 East Stoke Chichester Harbour
#> 139                                         FISHINTEL_Radartoren7
#> 140                                                   Kingmere SW
#> 141                                                   Kingmere CS
#> 142                                                   Kingmere CN
#> 143                                                        131806
#> 144                                                         Revs9
#> 145                                             Lord Stonehaven W
#> 146                                                FRONTIGNAN_MER
#> 147                                                         C35 W
#> 148                                                            28
#> 149                                                             1
#> 150                                                         C23 W
#> 151                                                          Ursa
#> 152                                               FISHINTEL_OHVS3
#> 153                                                         Revs2
#> 154                                              FRONTIGNAN_ETANG
#> 155                                                         Revs3
#> 156                                                         A38 W
#> 157                                                      Dardanos
#> 158                                              Dancing  Ledge 6
#> 159                                              bpns-Buitenratel
#> 160                                                          J110
#> 161                                        Spijksterpompen_Buiten
#> 162                                                         Revs4
#> 163                                           FISHINTEL_Mistwrak1
#> 164                                                        COU_14
#> 165                                           FISHINTEL_Mistwrak2
#> 166                                                           YN3
#> 167                                                        COU_09
#> 168                                                           YN1
#> 169                                                         A23 W
#> 170                                                           YN2
#> 171                                                        131803
#> 172                                                 Stennis Ledge
#> 173                                                           YN4
#> 174                                               bpns-Gardencity
#> 175                                                           YN5
#> 176                                                    BOUEE_POEM
#> 177                                                           YN6
#> 178                                                      bpns-VG2
#> 179                                                         Revs8
#> 180                                               bpns-Gardencity
#> 181                                                   Brigitte SE
#> 182                                                            32
#> 183                                          Poole Harbour inside
#> 184                                                         Revs7
#> 185                                                         Revs6
#> 186                                                     Lyme Cobb
#> 187                                                  Pomeranian W
#> 188                                                  Pomeranian E
#> 189                                                            31
#> 190                                              Poole Rocks FS 5
#> 191                                              Poole Rocks FS 6
#> 192                                              Poole Rocks FS 7
#> 193                                                            33
#> 194                                              Poole Rocks FS 8
#> 195                                                            35
#> 196                                               bpns-Gardencity
#> 197                                             Poole Rocks FS 11
#> 198                                             Poole Rocks FS 12
#> 199                                           Southbourne Rough 2
#> 200                                                            34
#> 201                                                    Alderney S
#> 202                                                      Utopia 1
#> 203                                                      Utopia 2
#> 204                                                      Utopia 3
#> 205                                                      Utopia 4
#> 206                                                            36
#> 207                                                       we-ak-1
#> 208                                                 Bracklesham 1
#> 209                                                 Australbush E
#> 210                                             Bembridge Ledge 1
#> 211                                             Bembridge Ledge 2
#> 212                                             Bembridge Ledge 3
#> 213                                                         Wreck
#> 214                                                        Acland
#> 215                                                  Jenny Hunter
#> 216                                                        Somers
#> 217                                                         Outer
#> 218                                              bpns-Buitenratel
#> 219                                                      Maudsley
#> 220                                                         Old O
#> 221                                               Western Gate NE
#> 222                                               Western Gate SE
#> 223                                               Western Gate SW
#> 224                                               Western Gate CE
#> 225                                               Western Gate CW
#> 226                                               Western Gate NW
#> 227                                                  bpns-Grafton
#> 228                                                 Needles Outer
#> 229                                                Needles Middle
#> 230                                                 Needles Inner
#> 231                                                    Lilla Edet
#> 232                                          St Catherines Innest
#> 233                                          Delfzijl_Damsterdiep
#> 234                                                       PLEMONT
#> 235                                                    Lilla Edet
#> 236                                           St Catherines Inner
#> 237                                           St Catherines Outer
#> 238                                          St Catherines Outest
#> 239                                              Kimmeridge Outer
#> 240                                                           NE3
#> 241                                              Kimmeridge Inner
#> 242                                               Portland Bill E
#> 243                                                  Nordre River
#> 244                                                    Guadiana 9
#> 245                                                           NE4
#> 246                                               Portland Bill W
#> 247                                                           NE7
#> 248                                                           95I
#> 249                                                       we-ak-7
#> 250                                                  Tenants E SW
#> 251                                                 Bracklesham 2
#> 252                                           Empress of India NE
#> 253                                                 St Dunstans S
#> 254                                                     Bullock 2
#> 255                                                 St Dunstans N
#> 256                                                    Sawtooth S
#> 257                                                   Tenants W S
#> 258                                                   Baygitano N
#> 259                                                 Bracklesham 3
#> 260                                                    Salsette N
#> 261                                                  Nordre River
#> 262                                                           NE8
#> 263                                                     Bullock 1
#> 264                                                 Swanage Outer
#> 265                                                 Swanage Inner
#> 266                                           Southbourne Rough 1
#> 267                                                   Baygitano S
#> 268                                                    Salsette S
#> 269                                               Dancing Ledge 1
#> 270                                           Southbourne Rough 4
#> 271                                                    Gota River
#> 272                                              Dancing  Ledge 5
#> 273                                                           B06
#> 274                                                           B13
#> 275                                                    Gota River
#> 276                                                           B14
#> 277                                           Southbourne Rough 3
#> 278                                               Dancing Ledge 3
#> 279                                                           B17
#> 280                                                bpns-Faulbaums
#> 281                                               Dancing Ledge 2
#> 282                                               Dancing Ledge 4
#> 283                                              Poole Rocks FS 1
#> 284                                              Poole Rocks FS 3
#> 285                                              Poole Rocks FS 2
#> 286                                                           C03
#> 287                                                     22SP_FD 2
#> 288                                             Poole Rocks FS 10
#> 289                                           Cleveringsluis-oost
#> 290                                              Poole Rocks FS 4
#> 291                                                            37
#> 292                                              Poole Rocks FS 9
#> 293                                                             2
#> 294                                                       we-ak-8
#> 295                                                       we-ak-2
#> 296                                                       we-ak-5
#> 297                                                       we-ak-3
#> 298                                                      we-ak-10
#> 299                                                       we-ak-6
#> 300                                                       we-ak-4
#> 301                                                           C25
#> 302                                                            45
#> 303                                            langouste_nord_est
#> 304                                                           B08
#> 305                                                           C01
#> 306                                                           C02
#> 307                                                            52
#> 308                                                            50
#> 309                                                            42
#> 310                                                            44
#> 311                                                            11
#> 312                                            UoE_West Eddystone
#> 313                                                        BE-J11
#> 314                                                           C30
#> 315                                                        481234
#> 316                                                        481226
#> 317                                                             1
#> 318                                                 UoE_Wrigglers
#> 319                                                            39
#> 320                                               bpns-Birkenfels
#> 321                                                      tevennec
#> 322                                                   roche_burel
#> 323                                                   basse_jaune
#> 324                                                 basse_vieille
#> 325                                        FISHINTEL_Gardencity_3
#> 326                                                             3
#> 327                                             Lemmer IJsselmeer
#> 328                                                         stiff
#> 329                                        chaussee_de_keller_sud
#> 330                                                       nividic
#> 331                                                 Makkum Boezem
#> 332                                               Stavoren Boezem
#> 333                                                 Lemmer Boezem
#> 334                                   Medemblik IJsselmeer, haven
#> 335                                           Stavoren IJsselmeer
#> 336                                                        IJssel
#> 337                                             Makkum IJsselmeer
#> 338                                                bpns-Faulbaums
#> 339                                                     bpns-WK12
#> 340                                  Medemblik IJsselmeer, inlaat
#> 341                                  Medemblik IJsselmeer, gemaal
#> 342                                              22SP_BO 44-MR 29
#> 343                                                   22SP_BS 11A
#> 344                                                    22SP_BS 1A
#> 345                                                    22SP_FD 19
#> 346                                                   PALAVAS_EST
#> 347                                                22SP_NM 1-ZM 2
#> 348                                                     22SP_O 17
#> 349                                                     22SP_OM 3
#> 350                                                      22SP_P 1
#> 351                                                      22SP_P 5
#> 352                                                     22SP_RG 1
#> 353                                                22SP_RG 2-VH 1
#> 354                                                     22SP_RG 6
#> 355                                                     22SP_S 17
#> 356                                                    22SP_SG 12
#> 357                                                    22SP_SG 16
#> 358                                                    22SP_SG 18
#> 359                                                    22SP_SG 22
#> 360                                                     22SP_SG 3
#> 361                                                     22SP_SM 5
#> 362                                                    22SP_SO 23
#> 363                                                    22SP_SO 31
#> 364                                                    22SP_SO 51
#> 365                                                      22SP_T 2
#> 366                                                     22SP_T 27
#> 367                                                 22SP_T 6-VH 1
#> 368                                                      22SP_T 9
#> 369                                                     22SP_V 5A
#> 370                                                     22SP_VB 7
#> 371                                                    22SP_VH 17
#> 372                                                     22SP_VH 2
#> 373                                                     22SP_VH 4
#> 374                                                    22SP_VH 4A
#> 375                                                     22SP_VH 5
#> 376                                                22SP_VL 2-SG 1
#> 377                                                     22SP_VL 9
#> 378                                                     22SP_VS 1
#> 379                                                    22SP_VS 12
#> 380                                                    22SP_VS 28
#> 381                                                     22SP_W 14
#> 382                                                      22SP_W 3
#> 383                                                     22SP_WM 3
#> 384                                                     22SP_ZM 4
#> 385                                                    22SP_ZS 14
#> 386                                                    22SP_WK EG
#> 387                                                     22SP_ED-B
#> 388                                                     22SP_ZS 5
#> 389                                                     22SP_ZS 6
#> 390                                                        BE-C05
#> 391                                                        BE-C06
#> 392                                                        BE-C07
#> 393                                                        BE-D04
#> 394                                                        BE-D05
#> 395                                                        BE-D07
#> 396                                                        BE-E05
#> 397                                                        BE-F03
#> 398                                                        BE-F04
#> 399                                                        BE-F05
#> 400                                                        BE-F10
#> 401                                                        BE-F11
#> 402                                                        BE-F12
#> 403                                                        BE-G03
#> 404                                                        BE-G04
#> 405                                                        BE-G05
#> 406                                                        BE-G10
#> 407                                                        BE-K09
#> 408                                                        BE-K10
#> 409                                                        ME-B13
#> 410                                                        ME-B14
#> 411                                                        COU_10
#> 412                                                        ME-C13
#> 413                                                        ME-C15
#> 414                                                        ME-C16
#> 415                                                        ME-D13
#> 416                                                        ME-D14
#> 417                                                        ME-D15
#> 418                                                        ME-D16
#> 419                                                            10
#> 420                                                        ME-G06
#> 421                                                        ME-G08
#> 422                                                        ME-G09
#> 423                                                        ME-G10
#> 424                                                        ME-G11
#> 425                                                        BE-J10
#> 426                                                           NE2
#> 427                                        bpns-Reefballs Belwind
#> 428                                                        BE-E03
#> 429                                                        BE-E04
#> 430                                                           90I
#> 431                                                        BE-E05
#> 432                                                           90K
#> 433                                                           NE6
#> 434                                                        BE-E06
#> 435                                    bpns-Belwindreefballs-CPOD
#> 436                                                        BE-E07
#> 437                                                           90G
#> 438                                                        BE-H09
#> 439                                                        BE-H11
#> 440                                                             4
#> 441                                                        BE-H12
#> 442                                                        ME-C12
#> 443                                                             5
#> 444                                                        ME-D13
#> 445                                                        ME-E14
#> 446                                                     Station 5
#> 447                                                           90E
#> 448                                                             6
#> 449                                                        ME-G16
#> 450                                                        ME-H17
#> 451                                                        BE-H08
#> 452                                                bpns-Faulbaums
#> 453                                               bpns-Westhinder
#> 454                                                    bpns-ZAND4
#> 455                                                      bpns-LNG
#> 456                                             PelFish-Faulbaums
#> 457                                                             7
#> 458                                                bpns-Faulbaums
#> 459                                          bpns-cpowerreefballs
#> 460                                          bpns-cpowerreefballs
#> 461                                               bpns-Westhinder
#> 462                                                             8
#> 463                                                      bpns-OH1
#> 464                                        bpns-Oostendebank Oost
#> 465                                                bpns-Gootebank
#> 466                                                         25_22
#> 467                                                      bpns-ZW1
#> 468                                            bpns-WENDUINEBANKW
#> 469                                                       bpns-W1
#> 470                                                       bpns-WZ
#> 471                                                       bpns-O6
#> 472                                                     bpns-WK14
#> 473                                                         15_22
#> 474                                                    Station 14
#> 475                                                    Station 12
#> 476                                                    Station 11
#> 477                                                    Station 10
#> 478                                                    Station 9C
#> 479                                                    Station 8C
#> 480                                                    Station 8D
#> 481                                                    Station 7C
#> 482                                                    Station 13
#> 483                                                     Station 6
#> 484                                                     Station 4
#> 485                                                     Station 3
#> 486                                                     Station 2
#> 487                                                     Station 1
#> 488                                        bpns-Reefballs Belwind
#> 489                                                bpns-Gootebank
#> 490                                        bpns-Middelkerke South
#> 491                                                      bpns-WK9
#> 492                                                            18
#> 493                                               Portelet Bay NE
#> 494                                                             0
#> 495                                                             2
#> 496                                                             3
#> 497                                                             4
#> 498                                                             5
#> 499                                                             8
#> 500                                                             9
#> 501                                                            10
#> 502                                                            11
#> 503                                                            11
#> 504                                                            12
#> 505                                                            12
#> 506                                                            13
#> 507                                                             3
#> 508                                                            13
#> 509                                                            30
#> 510                                                             6
#> 511                                                            31
#> 512                                                            18
#> 513                                                             8
#> 514                                                            14
#> 515                                                            L1
#> 516                                                            47
#> 517                                                            48
#> 518                                                            49
#> 519                                                            50
#> 520                                                            51
#> 521                                                            52
#> 522                                                            53
#> 523                                                            54
#> 524                                                            55
#> 525                                                            57
#> 526                                                            58
#> 527                                                            59
#> 528                                                            60
#> 529                                                            61
#> 530                                                            62
#> 531                                                            63
#> 532                                                            64
#> 533                                                            65
#> 534                                                            66
#> 535                                                            67
#> 536                                                            68
#> 537                                                            69
#> 538                                                            70
#> 539                                                            71
#> 540                                                            72
#> 541                                                            73
#> 542                                                            74
#> 543                                                            L1
#> 544                                                            L2
#> 545                                                            L3
#> 546                                                            L4
#> 547                                                            L5
#> 548                                                            L6
#> 549                                                            M1
#> 550                                                            M2
#> 551                                                            M3
#> 552                                                            M4
#> 553                                                            M5
#> 554                                                            M6
#> 555                                                       WH - 01
#> 556                                                       WH - 02
#> 557                                                       WH - 03
#> 558                                                       WH - 04
#> 559                                                       WH - 05
#> 560                                                       WH - 06
#> 561                                                            70
#> 562                                                            72
#> 563                                                            71
#> 564                                                            66
#> 565                                                          AMP1
#> 566                                                          AMP2
#> 567                                                          AMP3
#> 568                                                          AMP4
#> 569                                                          AMP5
#> 570                                                          AMP8
#> 571                                                          AMP9
#> 572                                                         AMP10
#> 573                                                         AMP11
#> 574                                                         AMP12
#> 575                                                         AMP13
#> 576                                                         AMP14
#> 577                                                             1
#> 578                                                             2
#> 579                                                             3
#> 580                                                             4
#> 581                                                             5
#> 582                                                             6
#> 583                                                             7
#> 584                                                             8
#> 585                                                             9
#> 586                                                            10
#> 587                                                            11
#> 588                                                            12
#> 589                                                            13
#> 590                                                            17
#> 591                                                          Z6E4
#> 592                                                          Z1E4
#> 593                                                       CL2_bis
#> 594                                                            BL
#> 595                                                         Coll3
#> 596                                                          Z5E4
#> 597                                                         Coll1
#> 598                                                            BB
#> 599                                                         Coll2
#> 600                                                           CL1
#> 601                                                            BM
#> 602                                                            BC
#> 603                                                           CL6
#> 604                                                           CL5
#> 605                                                           BCY
#> 606                                                            BA
#> 607                                                          <NA>
#> 608                                                           85J
#> 609                                                            36
#> 610                                                            19
#> 611                                                            34
#> 612                                                             1
#> 613                                                            62
#> 614                                                            47
#> 615                                                            57
#> 616                                                            28
#> 617                                                             1
#> 618                                                            49
#> 619                                                             5
#> 620                                                            11
#> 621                                                            56
#> 622                                                            14
#> 623                                                            45
#> 624                                                          <NA>
#> 625                                                            16
#> 626                                                   VR2W-119069
#> 627                                                   VR2W-130586
#> 628                                                   VR2W-119066
#> 629                                                   VR2W-134235
#> 630                                                   VR2W-119060
#> 631                                                   VR2W-119055
#> 632                                                   VR2W-133154
#> 633                                                   VR2W-119064
#> 634                                                   VR2W-115193
#> 635                                                   VR2W-115194
#> 636                                                           85I
#> 637                                             Ponta da Passagem
#> 638                                                             5
#> 639                                                           85H
#> 640                                                           80J
#> 641                                                        IJM NO
#> 642                                                           80I
#> 643                                                             1
#> 644                                                             2
#> 645                                                             6
#> 646                                                            16
#> 647                                                            19
#> 648                                                            22
#> 649                                                            23
#> 650                                                            32
#> 651                                                            33
#> 652                                                            34
#> 653                                                            34
#> 654                                                            34
#> 655                                                            37
#> 656                                                    Station 7D
#> 657                                                    Station 9D
#> 658                                                         10_22
#> 659                                                            67
#> 660                                                            53
#> 661                                                            12
#> 662                                                            69
#> 663                                                            46
#> 664                                                            50
#> 665                                                             2
#> 666                                                             3
#> 667                                                             4
#> 668                                                             5
#> 669                                                             6
#> 670                                                             7
#> 671                                                             8
#> 672                                                             9
#> 673                                                            10
#> 674                                                            11
#> 675                                                            12
#> 676                                                            13
#> 677                                                            14
#> 678                                                            15
#> 679                                                            16
#> 680                                                            17
#> 681                                                            18
#> 682                                                            19
#> 683                                                             6
#> 684                                                            29
#> 685                                                            38
#> 686                                               Pristol village
#> 687                                                        Sound8
#> 688                                                        Sound1
#> 689                                                        Sound3
#> 690                                                        Sound4
#> 691                                                         22_22
#> 692                                                        Sound6
#> 693                                                        Sound7
#> 694                                                     Ruse (BG)
#> 695                                                           St6
#> 696                                                           St1
#> 697                                                           St2
#> 698                                                            12
#> 699                                                        Sound2
#> 700                                                            26
#> 701                                                             2
#> 702                                                      548486_b
#> 703                                                           80G
#> 704                                                  Releasesite1
#> 705                                                  Releasesite2
#> 706                                                  Releasesite3
#> 707                                                  Releasesite4
#> 708                                                  Releasesite5
#> 709                                                      Johnring
#> 710                                                  basse_du_lis
#> 711                                                            13
#> 712                                                             6
#> 713                                                             3
#> 714  37 BDJC                                                     
#> 715  33 FOR fundo sul                                            
#> 716                                                           80E
#> 717  13 bx barca                                                 
#> 718  43 MCB fundo                                                
#> 719  47 Canal                                                    
#> 720  26 GIG fundo norte1                                         
#> 721  51 SMA ambrosio                                             
#> 722  13 bx barca                                                 
#> 723  38 condor fora fundo                                        
#> 724  13 bx barca                                                 
#> 725                                                             9
#> 726                                                             7
#> 727  46 Canal                                                    
#> 728  43 MCB fundo                                                
#> 729                                                    bpns-bloso
#> 730  79 s mateus fundo                                           
#> 731  26 GIG fundo norte1                                         
#> 732  76 127 w                                                    
#> 733  75 127 e                                                    
#> 734                                                        481214
#> 735  61 banco smateus w                                          
#> 736  81 calheta fundo                                            
#> 737  28 PAL coroa norte                                          
#> 738  79 s mateus fundo                                           
#> 739  40 acores fundo sul                                         
#> 740                                                           75I
#> 741  38 condor fora fundo                                        
#> 742  67 ACO fundo ne                                             
#> 743  55 candelaria                                               
#> 744                                                           70J
#> 745  25 condor fundo este                                        
#> 746  90 PAL fossa                                                
#> 747                                                             9
#> 748  63 baixa inhames                                            
#> 749  56 condor fundo nw                                          
#> 750                                                       svenner
#> 751  11 bx sul oeste                                             
#> 752  93 lucky strike                                             
#> 753                                                            10
#> 754                                                           70H
#> 755                                                           70D
#> 756                                                            11
#> 757                                                           luc
#> 758                                                          TBM1
#> 759                                                           60F
#> 760                                                            46
#> 761                                                             8
#> 762                                                            43
#> 763                                                          <NA>
#> 764                                                           60D
#> 765                                                           50H
#> 766                                                            13
#> 767                                                           50F
#> 768                                                           50D
#> 769                                                           45F
#> 770                                      Tamar River Sailing Club
#> 771                                                           40D
#> 772                                                    UoE_Dodman
#> 773                                                           40B
#> 774                                                           35F
#> 775                                                           30E
#> 776                                                           30D
#> 777                                                           30B
#> 778                                                           187
#> 779                                                           180
#> 780                                                           184
#> 781                                                           190
#> 782                                                           192
#> 783                                                           182
#> 784                                                   UoE_Gwineas
#> 785                                                           186
#> 786                                                           195
#> 787                                                           188
#> 788                                                           189
#> 789                                                           150
#> 790                                                           194
#> 791                                                           193
#> 792                                                           R22
#> 793                                                        COU_09
#> 794                                                           20D
#> 795                                                          190R
#> 796                                                          190P
#> 797                                                          180R
#> 798                                                          180P
#> 799                                                          170L
#> 800                                                          165O
#> 801                                                          160O
#> 802                                                          160L
#> 803                                                            14
#> 804                                                          155N
#> 805                                                          150P
#> 806                                               bpns-Gardencity
#> 807                                                          150N
#> 808                                                           NE9
#> 809                                                          150L
#> 810                                                          Rec8
#> 811                                                          Rec9
#> 812                                                          140N
#> 813                                                          140L
#> 814                                                          140J
#> 815                                                         st_10
#> 816                                                          130N
#> 817                                                          130L
#> 818                                                          130J
#> 819                                                          130H
#> 820                                                          120L
#> 821                                                          120J
#> 822                                                          120H
#> 823                                                          110H
#> 824                                                          110G
#> 825                                                           10D
#> 826                                                          105I
#> 827                                                          100L
#> 828                                                          100I
#> 829                                                          100H
#> 830                                                          100F
#> 831                                                           BOB
#> 832                                                       MISTRAL
#> 833                                                   Scilly_FS_b
#> 834                                                      548687_b
#> 835                                                            N3
#> 836                                                           VB6
#> 837                                                         st_11
#> 838                                                           VB8
#> 839                                                          VB11
#> 840                                                           VB5
#> 841                                                          NOB5
#> 842                                                          NOB8
#> 843                                                        SOUND1
#> 844                                                            N1
#> 845                                                   Scilly_FS_d
#> 846                                                   Scilly_FS_a
#> 847                                                      Baleeira
#> 848                                                      3 milhas
#> 849                                                            56
#> 850                                                            24
#> 851                                                bpns-LottoBuoy
#> 852                                          Jardim das Gorgonias
#> 853                                                 Pedra do Meio
#> 854                                                            12
#> 855                                                            13
#> 856                                                            15
#> 857                                                            26
#> 858                                                     Fim total
#> 859                                                            23
#> 860                                                            22
#> 861                                                            21
#> 862                                           Delfzijl_Eemskanaal
#> 863                                                         UPLB2
#> 864                                                           LB2
#> 865                                                         UPLB1
#> 866                                                           LB1
#> 867                                                 LILLEBJYLLAND
#> 868                                                          VB15
#> 869                                                          VB14
#> 870                                                          NOB6
#> 871                                                     LILLEBFYN
#> 872                                                          NOB2
#> 873                                                          NOB3
#> 874                                                         NOB10
#> 875                                                         NOB12
#> 876                                                         NOB14
#> 877                                                         NOB11
#> 878                                                          NOB9
#> 879                                                         s-10a
#> 880                                                         NOB13
#> 881                                                          NOB4
#> 882                                                 RA_ST_CYPRIEN
#> 883                                                 PREVOST_ETANG
#> 884                                                   PREVOST_MER
#> 885                                                    River Popa
#> 886                                                          s-8a
#> 887                                                           s-7
#> 888                                                           s-5
#> 889                                                           s-6
#> 890                                                           M-6
#> 891                                                s-Dendermonde2
#> 892                                                         SB_14
#> 893                                                          VB16
#> 894                                                          VB15
#> 895                                                      RA_CANET
#> 896                                                          s-4a
#> 897                                                          s-4c
#> 898                                                           s-3
#> 899                                                          s-2a
#> 900                                                    s-wichelen
#> 901                                                          s-12
#> 902                                                          s-11
#> 903                                                      bn-Walem
#> 904                                                        Sado 2
#> 905                                                    Oresund_S6
#> 906                                                    Oresund_S4
#> 907                                                    Oresund_S5
#> 908                                          PORT_LA_NOUVELLE_MER
#> 909                                        PORT_LA_NOUVELLE_ETANG
#> 910                                                LEUCATE_TONTON
#> 911                                                 LEUCATE_CONCH
#> 912                                                      SOUND2.5
#> 913                                                        SOUND4
#> 914                                                        SOUND8
#> 915                                                        SOUND6
#> 916                                                          st_1
#> 917                                                          st_2
#> 918                                                          st_3
#> 919                                                          st_4
#> 920                                                          st_5
#> 921                                                          st_6
#> 922                                                          st_7
#> 923                                                          st_8
#> 924                                                          st_9
#> 925                                                         st_13
#> 926                                                         st_14
#> 927                                                         st_15
#> 928                                                         st_16
#> 929                                                         st_17
#> 930                                                         st_18
#> 931                                                         st_19
#> 932                                                         st_20
#> 933                                                         st_21
#> 934                                                            N2
#> 935                                                            S1
#> 936                                                            S5
#> 937                                                    CARNON_MER
#> 938                                                          VB15
#> 939                                        Dokummer Nieuwe zijlen
#> 940                                                           s-9
#> 941                                                           s-8
#> 942                                                       me-7-2b
#> 943                                                          s-4b
#> 944                                                        Sado 4
#> 945                                                         st_23
#> 946                                              BARCARES_BARRAGE
#> 947                                                    SETE-ETANG
#> 948                                                          ru-1
#> 949                                                      Sthlm_fw
#> 950                                                 Sodertalje_sw
#> 951                                                 Sodertalje_fw
#> 952                                               LEUCATE_BARRAGE
#> 953                                                        APPA S
#> 954                                                   Oresund_S0b
#> 955                                                   Oresund_S3b
#> 956                                                    Oostmahorn
#> 957                                                LM midden-west
#> 958                                                Oude Robbengat
#> 959                                                LM midden-oost
#> 960                                                         SB_11
#> 961                                                         SB_01
#> 962                                                         SB_03
#> 963                                                         SB_04
#> 964                                                         SB_05
#> 965                                                         SB_07
#> 966                                                         SB_08
#> 967                                                         SB_09
#> 968                                                         SB_13
#> 969                                                         SB_15
#> 970                                                         SB_10
#> 971                                          LEUCATE_PONTON_ISOLE
#> 972                                            Delfzijl_Duurswold
#> 973                                                      SETE_MER
#> 974                                              MARSEILLAN_ETANG
#> 975                                                MARSEILLAN_MER
#> 976                                                 LEUCATE_EPAVE
#> 977                                                        APPA N
#> 978                                                    Bråviken_C
#> 979                                                    Bråviken_D
#> 980                                                    Bråviken_A
#> 981                                                    Bråviken_B
#> 982                                                    Sthlm_sw_1
#> 983                                         GRUISSAN_ETANG_PONTON
#> 984                                                      548483_b
#> 985                                                      548489_b
#> 986                                                   Scilly_FS_c
#> 987                                                      548495_b
#> 988                                                      548484_b
#> 989                                                          PNA2
#> 990                                                            16
#> 991                                                            17
#> 992                                                            19
#> 993                                                             7
#> 994                                                             6
#> 995                                                             5
#> 996                                                         PNA 1
#> 997                                                    Sthlm_sw_2
#> 998                                                         SB_16
#> 999                                                 Diglis Island
#> 1000                                             Temeside Cottage
#> 1001                                             Worcester Bridge
#> 1002                                                      E_MINQS
#> 1003                                                   W_GUERNSEY
#> 1004                                                     NOIRMONT
#> 1005                                                       S_SARK
#> 1006                                                    Hideviken
#> 1007                                                    Hideviken
#> 1008                                               bpns-Trapegeer
#> 1009                                            Delfzijl_Havenkom
#> 1010                                                           15
#> 1011                                              GRUISSAN_PILONE
#> 1012                                                UoE_Wrigglers
#> 1013                                         FISHINTEL_Laura2_bis
#> 1014                                          FISHINTEL_Mistwrak1
#> 1015                                               Robbengatsluis
#> 1016                                             Nieuwe Robbengat
#> 1017                                                    SN_roche2
#> 1018                                                     SN_E12_A
#> 1019                                                     SN_G06_C
#> 1020                                                     SN_E12_C
#> 1021                                                       WAD-O2
#> 1022                                                      WAD-Z16
#> 1023                                                     WAD-SURF
#> 1024                                                      WAD-Z18
#> 1025                                                          R29
#> 1026                                                     SN_F03_B
#> 1027                                                     SN_A12_A
#> 1028                                                     SN_F03_C
#> 1029                                                     SN_A12_C
#> 1030                                                     SN_F03_A
#> 1031                                                     SN_A12_B
#> 1032                                                     SN_B05_A
#> 1033                                                     SN_B05_C
#> 1034                                                     SN_B05_B
#> 1035                                                    SN_roche1
#> 1036                                                          R30
#> 1037                                                           R1
#> 1038                                                          R11
#> 1039                                                          R18
#> 1040                                                           R5
#> 1041                                                          R28
#> 1042                                                          R31
#> 1043                                                           R4
#> 1044                                                           R6
#> 1045                                                          R27
#> 1046                                                           R3
#> 1047                                                          R32
#> 1048                                                           R9
#> 1049                                                          R25
#> 1050                                                           R8
#> 1051                                                          R19
#> 1052                                                          R33
#> 1053                                                          R12
#> 1054                                                          R15
#> 1055                                                          R17
#> 1056                                                          R23
#> 1057                                                          R26
#> 1058                                                          R20
#> 1059                                                          R16
#> 1060                                                           R7
#> 1061                                                          R21
#> 1062                                                          R10
#> 1063                                                          R14
#> 1064                                                        Ler19
#> 1065                                                        Ler38
#> 1066                                                        Ler36
#> 1067                                                         Ler8
#> 1068                                                        Ler37
#> 1069                                                        Ler12
#> 1070                                                         Ler7
#> 1071                                                        Ler16
#> 1072                                                        Ler10
#> 1073                                                        Ler13
#> 1074                                                        Ler18
#> 1075                                                        Ler29
#> 1076                                                        Ler27
#> 1077                                                        Ler39
#> 1078                                                        Ler34
#> 1079                                                        Ler15
#> 1080                                                        Ler35
#> 1081                                                         Ler9
#> 1082                                                        Ler25
#> 1083                                                        Ler28
#> 1084                                                        Ler26
#> 1085                                                        Ler33
#> 1086                                                        Ler22
#> 1087                                                        Ler23
#> 1088                                                        Ler31
#> 1089                                                        Ler11
#> 1090                                                        Ler14
#> 1091                                                        Ler17
#> 1092                                                        Ler24
#> 1093                                                        Ler21
#> 1094                                                        Ler20
#> 1095                                                        Ler30
#> 1096                                                          Em7
#> 1097                                                          Em8
#> 1098                                                         Vir5
#> 1099                                                         Vir7
#> 1100                                                         Vir8
#> 1101                                                         Vir4
#> 1102                                                         Vir6
#> 1103                                                         Vir1
#> 1104                                                         Vir2
#> 1105                                                         Vir3
#> 1106                                                      WAD-Z13
#> 1107                                                          R13
#> 1108                                                          R24
#> 1109                                                          R34
#> 1110                                                         Ler1
#> 1111                                                         Ler3
#> 1112                                                         Ler4
#> 1113                                                         Ler5
#> 1114                                                         Ler2
#> 1115                                                         Ler6
#> 1116                                                          Em4
#> 1117                                                          Em2
#> 1118                                                          Em1
#> 1119                                                          Em3
#> 1120                                                        Ler51
#> 1121                                                        Ler45
#> 1122                                                        Ler53
#> 1123                                                        Ler48
#> 1124                                                        Ler49
#> 1125                                                        Ler44
#> 1126                                                        Ler43
#> 1127                                                        Ler47
#> 1128                                                        Ler40
#> 1129                                                        Ler46
#> 1130                                                        Ler50
#> 1131                                                    Acle Dyke
#> 1132                                                   Acle River
#> 1133                                                    Ant Mouth
#> 1134                                               Barton Broad N
#> 1135                                                      Belaugh
#> 1136                                                Catfield Dyke
#> 1137                                                      Horning
#> 1138                                                 Horsey Broad
#> 1139                                               Potter Heigham
#> 1140                                                  Thurne Lion
#> 1141                                            Potter Heigham US
#> 1142                                                   Sutton Arm
#> 1143                                                   Upton Dyke
#> 1144                                             Potter Boatyard1
#> 1145                                                    Dove Farm
#> 1146                                                Martham Ferry
#> 1147                                               Hickling Broad
#> 1148                                              St Benets Abbey
#> 1149                                                Hoveton Trail
#> 1150                                                     HGB Gate
#> 1151                                                  Womack Dyke
#> 1152                                                  Stalham Arm
#> 1153                                                  HGB Hudsons
#> 1154                                                   Neatishead
#> 1155                                              Dungeons Corner
#> 1156                                                      HGB LBW
#> 1157                                                  Candle Dyke
#> 1158                                                      Wayford
#> 1159                                                      Irstead
#> 1160                                                  How Hill DS
#> 1161                                                  How Hill US
#> 1162                                                 Horning Dyke
#> 1163                                               Irstead Shoals
#> 1164                                                    Belaugh 2
#> 1165                                                   Coltishall
#> 1166                                                     Burntfen
#> 1167                                               SWB Fleet Dyke
#> 1168                                                          SWB
#> 1169                                               Ranworth Broad
#> 1170                                                         HLB1
#> 1171                                             Wroxham Broad US
#> 1172                                               Salhouse River
#> 1173                                                Wroxham River
#> 1174                                                 Bridge Broad
#> 1175                                                 Decoy Broad1
#> 1176                                                 Didlers Mill
#> 1177                                              Malthouse Broad
#> 1178                                             Salhouse Broad W
#> 1179                                                           12
#> 1180                                                Turf Fen Mill
#> 1181                                                 Horning Hall
#> 1182                                               Barton Broad S
#> 1183                                            Salhouse Broad E1
#> 1184                                                     HGB Dam1
#> 1185                                                     HGB LBE1
#> 1186                                             Wroxham Broad DS
#> 1187                                                    Pound End
#> 1188                                                     Oby Mill
#> 1189                                                           40
#> 1190                                                           51
#> 1191                                                           28
#> 1192                                                           16
#> 1193                                                           27
#> 1194                                                            8
#> 1195                                                           17
#> 1196                                                      SOUND10
#> 1197                                                         VB10
#> 1198                                                  SMS Mainz 4
#> 1199                                                         <NA>
#> 1200                                                         <NA>
#> 1201                                                         <NA>
#> 1202                                                           18
#> 1203                                                         <NA>
#> 1204                                                         <NA>
#> 1205                                               Markerwadden 3
#> 1206                                               Markerwadden 1
#> 1207                                               Markerwadden 2
#> 1208                                                           19
#> 1209                                                       WAD-O1
#> 1210                                               bpns-LottoBuoy
#> 1211                                                           20
#> 1212                                                       481204
#> 1213                                                           21
#> 1214                                             Barra Faro Olhão
#> 1215                                                       481203
#> 1216                                                           22
#> 1217                                                           23
#> 1218                                                           24
#> 1219                                                         st_1
#> 1220                                                         st_3
#> 1221                                                        st_13
#> 1222                                                        st_14
#> 1223                                                        st_15
#> 1224                                                        st_18
#> 1225                                                        st_19
#> 1226                                       bpns-Reefballs belwind
#> 1227                                                        st_21
#> 1228                                       bpns-Reefballs belwind
#> 1229                                                           25
#> 1230                                              Estaca de Bares
#> 1231                                                Cabo de Peñas
#> 1232                                                    Tarragona
#> 1233                                                        st_26
#> 1234                                                           26
#> 1235                                                        st_28
#> 1236                                                        st_29
#> 1237                                                        st_30
#> 1238                                                        st_31
#> 1239                                                        st_32
#> 1240                                                         <NA>
#> 1241                                                     548688_b
#> 1242                                                        st_33
#> 1243                                                        st_34
#> 1244                                                        st_35
#> 1245                                                     548694_b
#> 1246                                                       131801
#> 1247                                                       481196
#> 1248                                                       481199
#> 1249                                                       481202
#> 1250                                                       481198
#> 1251                                                       481240
#> 1252                                                       481194
#> 1253                                                       481238
#> 1254                                                        st_36
#> 1255                                                        st_37
#> 1256                                                 bpns-Grafton
#> 1257                                                       131799
#> 1258                                              AP_bpns-Grafton
#> 1259                                                           27
#> 1260                                                        st_38
#> 1261                                                           S7
#> 1262                                                           S4
#> 1263                                                           G7
#> 1264                                                        st_39
#> 1265                                                    AGDE_RA_4
#> 1266                                               Farmsum_Binnen
#> 1267                                                           S6
#> 1268                                                          VB7
#> 1269                                                           G2
#> 1270                                                       Burhou
#> 1271                                                           S2
#> 1272                                                    Dollard_4
#> 1273                                                         LG02
#> 1274                                                           29
#> 1275                                                           30
#> 1276                                                         LG07
#> 1277                                                         LG05
#> 1278                                                      Depper1
#> 1279                                                         LG06
#> 1280                                                         LG04
#> 1281                                                      Depper2
#> 1282                                                        PH2-1
#> 1283                                                         SC_8
#> 1284                                                         SC_5
#> 1285                                                         SC_1
#> 1286                                                         SC_4
#> 1287                                                         SC_7
#> 1288                                                        MB1-1
#> 1289                                                         SC_6
#> 1290                                              bpns-Westhinder
#> 1291                                         langouste_nord_ouest
#> 1292                                               Farmsum_Buiten
#> 1293                                                Wirdumerdraai
#> 1294                        Navigation Buoy-Boya Tarifa-Shallow 1
#> 1295                               Barco Hundido Tarifa-Shallow 2
#> 1296                                    Arrecife artificial Conil
#> 1297                                                       Blokum
#> 1298                                                Brug de Punt 
#> 1299                                            Ingang Drentse Aa
#> 1300                                     Receiver Drentsche Aa 17
#> 1301                                                       SOUND1
#> 1302                                                     bpns-ZA2
#> 1303                                                Barco Marcelo
#> 1304                                                   bpns-A1BIS
#> 1305                                            langouste_sud_est
#> 1306                                          langouste_sud_ouest
#> 1307                                     Boya 4 Roja salida Cádiz
#> 1308                                  Mejillonera isla Cristina 2
#> 1309                                     Fondeo Caño Sancti Petri
#> 1310                                                         RIOU
#> 1311                                               CALANQUE_CACAU
#> 1312                                          CALANQUE_SOUBEYRANE
#> 1313                                                  BAY OUTER 2
#> 1314                                                  BAY OUTER 1
#> 1315                                                  BAY OUTER 3
#> 1316                                                  BAY INNER 4
#> 1317                                                  BAY INNER 3
#> 1318                                               BUSH GOLF CLUB
#> 1319                                                  BAY INNER 1
#> 1320                                                  BAY INNER 2
#> 1321                                            BUSH SEWAGE WORKS
#> 1322                                             BUSH IRON BRIDGE
#> 1323                                                       SHROVE
#> 1324                                                        Rande
#> 1325                                                        Muros
#> 1326                                                         Cies
#> 1327                                            CALANQUE_DEVENSON
#> 1328                                             Almadraba Zahara
#> 1329                                              Almadraba Conil
#> 1330                                                 East Rutts 1
#> 1331                                                    Ullswater
#> 1332                                            Lord Stonehaven E
#> 1333                                                   Phillips N
#> 1334                                            LEUCATE_FALAISE_2
#> 1335                                                   PREVOST_24
#> 1336                                                   PREVOST_31
#> 1337                                                           14
#> 1338                                                 Pedra Bonita
#> 1339                                                     548693_b
#> 1340                                             Almadraba Tarifa
#> 1341                                           FISHINTEL_QuoVadis
#> 1342                                                          C05
#> 1343                                          FISHINTEL_Bowsprite
#> 1344                                          FISHINTEL_Bowsprite
#> 1345                                                Hunze_en_Aa_4
#> 1346                                                Hunze_en_Aa_1
#> 1347                                                Hunze_en_Aa_2
#> 1348                                                Hunze_en_Aa_5
#> 1349                                                Hunze_en_Aa_3
#> 1350                                   Den_Helder_Helsdeur_Buiten
#> 1351                                  Den_Helder_Oostoever_Buiten
#> 1352                                             Harlingen_Buiten
#> 1353                                             Harlingen_Binnen
#> 1354                                             Roptazijl_Buiten
#> 1355                                              FISHINTEL_OHVS2
#> 1356                                              FISHINTEL_OHVS1
#> 1357                                              FISHINTEL_OHVS4
#> 1358                                              FISHINTEL_OHVS1
#> 1359                                              Rozema_8_Buiten
#> 1360                                         Gemaal_Fiemel_Buiten
#> 1361                                             Breebaard_Binnen
#> 1362                                     Nieuwe_Statenzijl_Buiten
#> 1363                                     Nieuwe_Statenzijl_Binnen
#> 1364                                                           D5
#> 1365                                                           D7
#> 1366                                                          D17
#> 1367                                           FISHINTEL_QuoVadis
#> 1368                                              FISHINTEL_OHVS2
#> 1369                                                          Kr5
#> 1370                                                          D13
#> 1371                                              FISHINTEL_OHVS3
#> 1372                                           UoE_West Eddystone
#> 1373                                                           D3
#> 1374                                               French Banks 2
#> 1375                                              bpns-Birkenfels
#> 1376                                              FISHINTEL_OHVS4
#> 1377                                                PLANIER_OUEST
#> 1378                                                           11
#> 1379                                                PLANIER_LARGE
#> 1380                                                          G08
#> 1381                                                 UoE_Falmouth
#> 1382                                                       548487
#> 1383                                  Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen Stuw
#> 1384                                             Ezumazijl buiten
#> 1385                                                   Nije Feart
#> 1386                                             Ezumazijl binnen
#> 1387                                                UoE_Wrigglers
#> 1388                                                  Kingmere CC
#> 1389                                                     Selsey 1
#> 1390                                                    Selsey 10
#> 1391                                               bpns-Faulbaums
#> 1392                                         bpns-middelkerkebank
#> 1393                                                   s-Wetteren
#> 1394                                                         s-4b
#> 1395                                                       COU_07
#> 1396                                                       COU_03
#> 1397                                                           23
#> 1398                                                            8
#> 1399                                                            5
#> 1400                                                           17
#> 1401                                                           19
#> 1402                                                            3
#> 1403                                                            2
#> 1404                                                            1
#> 1405                                                           18
#> 1406                                                           10
#> 1407                                                           20
#> 1408                                                            6
#> 1409                                                            7
#> 1410                                                           16
#> 1411                                                           15
#> 1412                                                           13
#> 1413                                                           11
#> 1414                                                           14
#> 1415                                                            9
#> 1416                                                           20
#> 1417                                                           24
#> 1418                                                           S4
#> 1419                                                           S3
#> 1420                                                           S2
#> 1421                                                          s-1
#> 1422                                                   du-Hamveer
#> 1423                                           Kommerzijlsterdiep
#> 1424                                                           28
#> 1425                                                      Aguarda
#> 1426                                                            5
#> 1427                                                           12
#> 1428                                                            7
#> 1429                                                            9
#> 1430                                                           22
#> 1431                                                            4
#> 1432                                                           21
#> 1433                                                           13
#> 1434                                                           14
#> 1435                                                           27
#> 1436                                                            6
#> 1437                                                            3
#> 1438                                                            8
#> 1439                                                           23
#> 1440                                                            2
#> 1441                                                            1
#> 1442                                                           18
#> 1443                                                           25
#> 1444                                                           26
#> 1445                                                           15
#> 1446                                                           19
#> 1447                                                           16
#> 1448                                                           20
#> 1449                                                   nord_epave
#> 1450                                                    la_jument
#> 1451                                                        skeiz
#> 1452                                                basse_maurice
#> 1453                                                calemarguiers
#> 1454                                      chaussee_de_keller_nord
#> 1455                                                  lizenn_wenn
#> 1456                                                     echaudes
#> 1457                                              chausse_de_sein
#> 1458                                              roches_argenton
#> 1459                                                roche_gautier
#> 1460                                                  Dollard_6_2
#> 1461                                               bpns-Faulbaums
#> 1462                                                      Ribeira
#> 1463                                                        Muros
#> 1464                                                         Cies
#> 1465                                                    BERRE_MER
#> 1466                                            Starkenborgh oost
#> 1467                              Aduarderdiep Starkenborgh noord
#> 1468                                        Aduarderdiep Reitdiep
#> 1469                                                  PLANIER_EST
#> 1470                                                    AGDE_RA_2
#> 1471                                                BERRE_ETANG_2
#> 1472                                         COTE_BLEU_Couronne_2
#> 1473                                             COTE_BLEU_CORAIL
#> 1474                                       FILERE_CORSAIRE_THAU_1
#> 1475                                         COTE_BLEU_Couronne_1
#> 1476                                                 151 FLO CRUZ
#> 1477                                                   Sawtooth N
#> 1478                                              bpns-Birkenfels
#> 1479                                                     NOIRMONT
#> 1480                                                       COU_02
#> 1481                                                    Vossemeer
#> 1482                                             Medemblik Polder
#> 1483                                                  Brigitte NW
#> 1484                                                      Giffard
#> 1485                                             320 FLO ferreiro
#> 1486                                             321 FLO ferreiro
#> 1487                                             322 FLO ferreiro
#> 1488                                                       Lab NW
#> 1489                                                       Lab SE
#> 1490                                                    Yewforest
#> 1491                                                     dervinis
#> 1492                                                     barriere
#> 1493                                                      triagoz
#> 1494                                                  bar_ar_gall
#> 1495                                                  hms_pylades
#> 1496                                                        epave
#> 1497                                                  petit_lejon
#> 1498                                                  grand_lejon
#> 1499                                        FISHINTEL_Radartoren7
#> 1500                                                   FTSanpedro
#> 1501                                                    FTAguilas
#> 1502                                                    FTSagunto
#> 1503                                                      FTAltea
#> 1504                                                         AMEE
#> 1505                                                PROFONDEVILLE
#> 1506                                                        FREYR
#> 1507                                                     HERMALLE
#> 1508                                                    BOUVIGNES
#> 1509                                                          HUY
#> 1510                                                       LANAYE
#> 1511                                                        ENGIS
#> 1512                                                       DINANT
#> 1513                                                     ANNEVOIE
#> 1514                                                        ANHEE
#> 1515                                                     HASTIERE
#> 1516                                           KEIZERSVEERBRUG_LB
#> 1517                                                   KINKEMPOIS
#> 1518                                                 CANAL_ALBERT
#> 1519                                                     ROERMOND
#> 1520                                           KEIZERSVEERBRUG_RB
#> 1521                                                        NAMUR
#> 1522                                                       SCLAYN
#> 1523                                                        LINNE
#> 1524                                                         MOOK
#> 1525                                                   Guadiana 7
#> 1526                                                  Liester Ryd
#> 1527                                               Moarster Feart
#> 1528                                        Strobosser Trekfeart 
#> 1529                                                     Alddjip 
#> 1530                                                      Kolkwei
#> 1531                                                 Dokkumer Ee 
#> 1532                                           Dokkumer Grutdiep 
#> 1533                                            Eastrumer Opfeart
#> 1534                                          Humaldawei (zijtak)
#> 1535                                             Sud Ie - trailer
#> 1536                                                    De Kolken
#> 1537                                            Humaldawei (brug)
#> 1538                                                      Wetsens
#> 1539                                                    Daweshill
#> 1540                                               DS Powick Weir
#> 1541                                                   Duck Brook
#> 1542                                                   Manor Farm
#> 1543                                                    Mitre Oak
#> 1544                                                      Newnham
#> 1545                                              Teme Confluence
#> 1546                                               US Diglis Weir
#> 1547                                          Vistula River mouth
#> 1548                                          Vistula River mouth
#> 1549                                          Vistula River mouth
#> 1550                                            Lord Stonehaven W
#> 1551                                                          B02
#> 1552                                                          B03
#> 1553                                                          B04
#> 1554                                                          C18
#> 1555                                                          B05
#> 1556                                                          B09
#> 1557                                                          B12
#> 1558                                                          B15
#> 1559                                                          B16
#> 1560                                                          B18
#> 1561                                                          B19
#> 1562                                                          B20
#> 1563                                                          B22
#> 1564                                          bpns-nieuwpoortbank
#> 1565                                                          B23
#> 1566                                                          B24
#> 1567                                                          B25
#> 1568                                                          C04
#> 1569                                                           55
#> 1570                                                           65
#> 1571                                                           48
#> 1572                                                           66
#> 1573                                                           79
#> 1574                                                           87
#> 1575                                                           94
#> 1576                                                           76
#> 1577                                                           25
#> 1578                                                           90
#> 1579                                                           99
#> 1580                                                           62
#> 1581                                                           88
#> 1582                                                           38
#> 1583                                                           28
#> 1584                                                           86
#> 1585                                                           58
#> 1586                                                           77
#> 1587                                                           68
#> 1588                                                           74
#> 1589                                                           82
#> 1590                                                           42
#> 1591                                                           20
#> 1592                                                           32
#> 1593                                                          C08
#> 1594                                                           92
#> 1595                                                           26
#> 1596                                                           98
#> 1597                                                           72
#> 1598                                                           35
#> 1599                                                           84
#> 1600                                                           29
#> 1601                                                           34
#> 1602                                                           47
#> 1603                                                           73
#> 1604                                                          100
#> 1605                                                           57
#> 1606                                                           54
#> 1607                                                           69
#> 1608                                                           93
#> 1609                                                           37
#> 1610                                                           60
#> 1611                                                           81
#> 1612                                                           27
#> 1613                                                           97
#> 1614                                                           30
#> 1615                                                           24
#> 1616                                                           91
#> 1617                                                           56
#> 1618                                                           39
#> 1619                                                           80
#> 1620                                                           31
#> 1621                                                           78
#> 1622                                                           96
#> 1623                                                           85
#> 1624                                                           36
#> 1625                                                           52
#> 1626                                                           61
#> 1627                                                           59
#> 1628                                                           63
#> 1629                                                          C09
#> 1630                                                           95
#> 1631                                                           40
#> 1632                                                           22
#> 1633                                                           21
#> 1634                                                           67
#> 1635                                                           71
#> 1636                                                           43
#> 1637                                                           70
#> 1638                                                           23
#> 1639                                                           33
#> 1640                                                           83
#> 1641                                                          C10
#> 1642                                                           64
#> 1643                                                           75
#> 1644                                                           41
#> 1645                                                           49
#> 1646                                                           50
#> 1647                                                           44
#> 1648                                                           45
#> 1649                                                           46
#> 1650                                                           89
#> 1651                                                          C11
#> 1652                                                          C13
#> 1653                                                          C14
#> 1654                                                          C15
#> 1655                                                          C17
#> 1656                                                        ws-W7
#> 1657                                                          C22
#> 1658                                                          C24
#> 1659                                                          C23
#> 1660                                                          M21
#> 1661                                                          C26
#> 1662                                                          C27
#> 1663                                                          C28
#> 1664                                                          C29
#> 1665                                                          C31
#> 1666                                                          G05
#> 1667                                                          G02
#> 1668                                                          G03
#> 1669                                                          G04
#> 1670                                                          G06
#> 1671                                                          G07
#> 1672                                                          G09
#> 1673                                                          G10
#> 1674                                                          G11
#> 1675                                                          G12
#> 1676                                                          G13
#> 1677                                                          G14
#> 1678                                                          G15
#> 1679                                                         bn-1
#> 1680                                                         gn-2
#> 1681                                                         gn-1
#> 1682                                                         bn-2
#> 1683                                                          M22
#> 1684                                                          M23
#> 1685                                                          M24
#> 1686                                                          M25
#> 1687                                                     CATCHOFF
#> 1688                                                         Fin1
#> 1689                                                         Fin2
#> 1690                                                         Fin3
#> 1691                                                         Fin4
#> 1692                                                         Fin5
#> 1693                                                         Fin6
#> 1694                                                         Fin7
#> 1695                                                         Fin8
#> 1696                                                         Fin9
#> 1697                                                        Fin10
#> 1698                                                        Fin11
#> 1699                                                        Fin12
#> 1700                                                        Fin13
#> 1701                                                        Fin14
#> 1702                                                        Fin15
#> 1703                                                        Fin16
#> 1704                                                        Fin17
#> 1705                                                        Fin18
#> 1706                                                        Fin19
#> 1707                                                        Fin20
#> 1708                                                        Vand1
#> 1709                                                        Vand2
#> 1710                                                        Vand3
#> 1711                                                        Vand4
#> 1712                                                        Vand5
#> 1713                                                        Vand6
#> 1714                                                        Vand7
#> 1715                                                        Vand8
#> 1716                                                        Vand9
#> 1717                                                       Vand10
#> 1718                                                       Vand12
#> 1719                                                       Vand15
#> 1720                                                     Orsted_2
#> 1721                                                     Orsted_8
#> 1722                                                         SC_2
#> 1723                                                       481197
#> 1724                                                           53
#> 1725                                                           51
#> 1726                                                          M26
#> 1727                                                          M27
#> 1728                                               French Banks 1
#> 1729                                                       481209
#> 1730                                                       BE-D06
#> 1731                                                       ws-SS4
#> 1732                                                     SN_G06_A
#> 1733                                                22SP_AD-WNB-A
#> 1734                                                           10
#> 1735                                                           16
#> 1736                                                       131821
#> 1737                                                           17
#> 1738                                                    SN_roche1
#> 1739                                                           18
#> 1740                                                         ws-3
#> 1741                                                           19
#> 1742                                                        ws-16
#> 1743                                                        ws-55
#> 1744                                                       ws-F53
#> 1745                                                       ws-53A
#> 1746                                                        ws-23
#> 1747                                                        ws-18
#> 1748                                                        ws-A1
#> 1749                                                       ws-25B
#> 1750                                                        ws-A3
#> 1751                                                      ws-OGDL
#> 1752                                                         ws-2
#> 1753                                                       ws-SS2
#> 1754                                                         ws-1
#> 1755                                                      ws-ARV3
#> 1756                                                       ws-VH8
#> 1757                                                      ws-OG16
#> 1758                                                       ws-HSS
#> 1759                                                     ws-STEEN
#> 1760                                                        ws-2C
#> 1761                                                       ws-15A
#> 1762                                                        ws-11
#> 1763                                                        ws-13
#> 1764                                                         ws-4
#> 1765                                                       ws-SS3
#> 1766                                                         ws-6
#> 1767                                                basse_boureau
#> 1768                                                           20
#> 1769                                                           21
#> 1770                                                           22
#> 1771                                                           23
#> 1772                                                           24
#> 1773                                                       131802
#> 1774                                                           25
#> 1775                                                           26
#> 1776                                                       ME-I18
#> 1777                                                           27
#> 1778                                                       BE-F06
#> 1779                                                           31
#> 1780                                                           32
#> 1781                                                           33
#> 1782                                                           35
#> 1783                                                           37
#> 1784                                                           38
#> 1785                                                           39
#> 1786                                                         MT02
#> 1787                                                           40
#> 1788                                                           41
#> 1789                                                           42
#> 1790                                                           43
#> 1791                                                           N5
#> 1792                                                           44
#> 1793                                                           45
#> 1794                                                           46
#> 1795                                                           75
#> 1796                                                           76
#> 1797                                                           77
#> 1798                                                           78
#> 1799                                        bpns-Reefballs-cpower
#> 1800                                                           79
#> 1801                                                           80
#> 1802                                                           81
#> 1803                                                           82
#> 1804                                                           39
#> 1805                                                           52
#> 1806                                          Empress of India SW
#> 1807                                                           36
#> 1808                                                           63
#> 1809                                                           41
#> 1810                                                           43
#> 1811                                                        Revs1
#> 1812                                          FISHINTEL_Mistwrak2
#> 1813                                                           35
#> 1814                                                           32
#> 1815                                                           44
#> 1816                                                           33
#> 1817                                                           34
#> 1818                                                           38
#> 1819                                           bpns-oostdyck west
#> 1820                                                           37
#> 1821                                                           60
#> 1822                                              bpns-Westhinder
#> 1823                                                           24
#> 1824                                                           65
#> 1825                                                           68
#> 1826                                                         NOB1
#> 1827                                                        st_22
#> 1828                                                        st_24
#> 1829                                                          NE5
#> 1830                                                        st_25
#> 1831                                                  Tenants W N
#> 1832                                                        Ler42
#> 1833                                                        Ler41
#> 1834                                                          Em5
#> 1835                                                          B07
#> 1836                                       bpns-PelfishWesthinder
#> 1837                                         Den Oever IJsselmeer
#> 1838                               Lemmer Ijsselmeer, gemaal Buma
#> 1839                                               pierres_vertes
#> 1840                          Lemmer Ijsselmeer, gemaal bij Wouda
#> 1841                                       FISHINTEL_Gardencity_3
#> 1842                                               bpns-Faulbaums
#> 1843                                                PALAVAS_LARGE
#> 1844                                                  roch_ar_bel
#> 1845                                                          Em6
#> 1846                                                       BE-K08
#> 1847                                                         bn-3
#> 1848                                                       BE-G12
#> 1849                                                       BE-G09
#> 1850                                                       ME-G17
#> 1851                                                       ME-G18
#> 1852                                                       ME-G19
#> 1853                                                       ME-G21
#> 1854                                                       ME-H06
#> 1855                                                       ME-H07
#> 1856                                                       ME-H08
#> 1857                                                       ME-H09
#> 1858                                                       ME-H10
#> 1859                                                       ME-H11
#> 1860                                                       ME-H16
#> 1861                                                       ME-H17
#> 1862                                                       ME-H18
#> 1863                                                       ME-H19
#> 1864                                                       ME-H20
#> 1865                                                       ME-H21
#> 1866                                                       ME-I06
#> 1867                                                       ME-I07
#> 1868                                                       ME-I19
#> 1869                                                       ME-I20
#> 1870                                                       ME-J07
#> 1871                                                       ME-J08
#> 1872                                                       ME-J09
#> 1873                                                       ME-J10
#> 1874                                                       ME-J16
#> 1875                                                       ME-K16
#> 1876                                                       ME-K17
#> 1877                                                          NE1
#> 1878                                                        Ler52
#> 1879                                                   Station 15
#> 1880                                                           16
#> 1881                                                           20
#> 1882                                                           29
#> 1883                                                            7
#> 1884                                                           17
#> 1885                                                          CL4
#> 1886                                                  VR2W-130587
#> 1887                                                  VR2W-119056
#> 1888                                                  VR2W-119070
#> 1889                                                  VR2W-119067
#> 1890                                                  VR2W-134236
#> 1891                                                  VR2W-134230
#> 1892                                                  VR2W-134239
#> 1893                                                  VR2W-132165
#> 1894                                                  VR2W-134242
#> 1895                                                  VR2W-132159
#> 1896                                                 VR2Tx-481410
#> 1897                                                  VR2W-132271
#> 1898                                                  VR2W-134233
#> 1899                                                  VR2W-134231
#> 1900                                                  VR2W-134229
#> 1901                                                  VR2W-134241
#> 1902                                                  VR2W-134232
#> 1903                                                  VR2W-134237
#> 1904                                                  VR2W-134234
#> 1905                                                  VR2W-134238
#> 1906                                                  VR2W-134240
#> 1907                                                  VR2W-115192
#> 1908                                                          100
#> 1909                                                     bpns-G88
#> 1910 49 Canal                                                    
#> 1911                                                          75H
#> 1912                                                          60H
#> 1913                                                         <NA>
#> 1914                                                          40F
#> 1915                                                          25E
#> 1916                                                         140P
#> 1917                                                     548492_b
#> 1918                                          FILIERES_MEDITHAU_1
#> 1919                                                        SB_02
#> 1920                                                        SB_06
#> 1921                                                        SB_12
#> 1922                                                     548500_b
#> 1923                                                     548689_b
#> 1924                                                    Hideviken
#> 1925                                                        Ler32
#> 1926                                                           21
#> 1927                                                        st_20
#> 1928                                                        st_24
#> 1929                                                        st_27
#> 1930                                                       481233
#> 1931                                                       481221
#> 1932                                                       131823
#> 1933                                                       131813
#> 1934                                                          VB2
#> 1935                                         PLANIER_BLOC_BETON_1
#> 1936                                                            8
#> 1937                                                           25
#> 1938                                                 bpns-Grafton
#> 1939                                                          G16
#> 1940                                                          M01
#> 1941                                                          M02
#> 1942                                                 Tenants E NE
#> 1943                                                    Cortegada
#> 1944                                                           17
#> 1945                                             Reitdiep electra
#> 1946                                        Groote Diep fietsbrug
#> 1947                                               Sterrebos stuw
#> 1948                                         Peizerdiep Bommelier
#> 1949                                          Peizerdiep Onlanden
#> 1950                                                Matsloot Zuid
#> 1951                                               Matsloot Noord
#> 1952                                              Gaarkeukensluis
#> 1953                                                 Drentsche Aa
#> 1954                                               Wierumerschouw
#> 1955                                                 Koningsdiep 
#> 1956                                                Hoendiep west
#> 1957                                                Hoendiep oost
#> 1958                                    Aduarderdiep vierverlaten
#> 1959                                            Matsloot Enumatil
#> 1960                                            Matsloot Wolddiep
#> 1961                               Aduarderdiep Starkenborgh zuid
#> 1962                                            Starkenborgh west
#> 1963                                             323 FLO ferreiro
#> 1964                                             324 FLO ferreiro
#> 1965                                             325 FLO ferreiro
#> 1966                                             326 FLO ferreiro
#> 1967                                             327 FLO ferreiro
#> 1968                                             328 FLO ferreiro
#> 1969                                             329 FLO ferreiro
#> 1970                                                   Old Bridge
#> 1971                                                    FTAlmeria
#> 1972                                                          C06
#> 1973                                                    Bransford
#> 1974                                             Bransford Bridge
#> 1975                                                    Clevelode
#> 1976                                                          C07
#> 1977                                                          B10
#> 1978                                                          B11
#> 1979                                                          C19
#> 1980                                                          C12
#> 1981                                                          C32
#> 1982                                                          C20
#> 1983                                                          G01
#> 1984                                                          M09
#> 1985                                                          M10
#> 1986                                                          M11
#> 1987                                                          M12
#> 1988                                                          M13
#> 1989                                                          M14
#> 1990                                                          M15
#> 1991                                                          M16
#> 1992                                                          M17
#> 1993                                                          M18
#> 1994                                                          M19
#> 1995                                                          M20
#> 1996                                                          M05
#> 1997                                                          M03
#> 1998                                                          M04
#> 1999                                       bpns-Reefballs Belwind
#> 2000                                                       ws-SS5
#> 2001                                                     ws-PVTSS
#> 2002                                                       ws-PPB
#> 2003                                                       ws-HW6
#> 2004                                                       ws-PPC
#> 2005                                                        ws-A5
#> 2006                                                        ws-51
#> 2007                                                        ws-12
#> 2008                                                       ws-12A
#> 2009                                                        ws-14
#> 2010                                                        ws-15
#>                        receiver                time         expiry_date
#> 1                  VR2AR-547671 2023-10-02 00:00:00 2024-12-02 12:00:00
#> 2                 TBR800-002074 2023-10-02 14:43:00 2025-02-21 12:16:00
#> 3                   VR2W-139157 2023-07-21 14:54:00 2024-07-20 14:57:00
#> 4                  VR2AR-552429 2023-08-24 12:54:00                <NA>
#> 5                   VR2W-139158 2023-07-21 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 6                  VR2TX-487559 2022-01-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 7                TBR800-AR-2890 2023-07-18 12:33:00                <NA>
#> 8                TBR800-AR-2590 2023-07-18 12:43:00                <NA>
#> 9                  VR2AR-550755 2023-10-02 09:24:00 2024-09-08 11:57:00
#> 10       TBR 800 RELEASE-002250 2023-10-06 10:32:00                <NA>
#> 11                  VR2W-119077 2014-04-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 12                  VR2W-119077 2014-06-13 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 13                  VR2W-139159 2023-09-29 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 14       SOUNDTRAP ST600HF-7573                <NA>                <NA>
#> 15                 VR2AR-551887 2023-04-04 16:10:00                <NA>
#> 16       TBR 800 RELEASE-002262 2023-05-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 17                 VR2AR-550187 2023-04-04 17:00:00                <NA>
#> 18       TBR 800 RELEASE-002006 2023-10-06 11:27:00                <NA>
#> 19       TBR 800 RELEASE-002256 2023-05-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 20                 VR2TX-485911 2023-09-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 21                  VR2W-122332 2023-09-20 09:00:00 2024-12-20 09:00:00
#> 22                  VR2W-133621 2023-07-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 23                  VR2W-139160 2023-09-30 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 24                  VR2W-133617 2023-09-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 25                  VR2W-139167 2023-09-28 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 26                     POD-7602 2023-09-08 13:30:00                <NA>
#> 27                 VR2AR-549002 2021-03-26 16:50:00                <NA>
#> 28                  VR2W-122360 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 10:06:00
#> 29                 VR2TX-481419 2019-11-16 04:00:00                <NA>
#> 30                 VR2AR-551896 2023-08-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 31                  VR2W-127543 2019-11-19 04:00:00                <NA>
#> 32                  VR2W-127547 2019-11-19 04:00:00                <NA>
#> 33                  TBR800-2077 2023-07-19 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 34                 VR2AR-548494 2023-10-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 35         TBR 800 RELEASE-2576 2023-09-26 06:50:00                <NA>
#> 36                  VR2W-119140 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 37                 VR2AR-551408 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 38                     POD-3165 2022-06-02 11:39:00                <NA>
#> 39                  VR2W-137686 2023-09-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 40                  VR2W-131825 2021-06-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 41                  VR2W-125007 2023-07-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 42                 VR2AR-553343 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 43                  VR2W-131818 2021-06-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 44                 VR2AR-553341 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 45                 VR2AR-548485 2023-10-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 46                 VR2AR-553342 2023-10-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 47                  VR2W-111470 2020-06-25 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 48                  VR2W-128991 2020-06-25 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 49                  VR2W-135355 2020-08-24 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 50                  TBR800-2675 2023-06-29 12:16:07 2024-12-19 00:00:00
#> 51                  TBR800-2722 2023-08-10 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 52                 VR2AR-551380 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 53                 VR2AR-551382 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 54                 VR2AR-551395 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 55                 VR2AR-551400 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 56                 VR2TX-481215 2021-06-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 57                 VR2TX-481241 2021-06-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 58                  VR2W-119139 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 59                 VR2AR-552784 2023-09-08 15:10:00                <NA>
#> 60                  VR2W-110974 2021-05-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 61                 VR2AR-548490 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 62             TBR 700-SN000141 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 63                 VR2AR-547693 2023-08-10 12:00:00 2024-10-07 09:00:00
#> 64                 VR2AR-551381 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 65                 VR2AR-551394 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 66                 VR2AR-551399 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 67                  VR2W-131814 2021-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 68       TBR 800 RELEASE-002258 2023-05-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 69                 VR2AR-553289 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 70                 VR2AR-551397 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 71                 VR2AR-551449 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 72                 VR2AR-548498 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 73                  VR2W-131815 2021-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 74                 VR2AR-551390 2023-10-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 75                 VR2AR-551084 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 76                  VR2W-139172 2023-08-09 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 77                 TBR700L-1472 2023-06-30 08:06:42                <NA>
#> 78                  VR2W-119142 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 79                 VR2AR-551083 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 80       TBR 800 RELEASE-002302 2022-05-05 09:11:00                <NA>
#> 81                  VR2W-119144 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 82                  VR2W-122430 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 83                 VR2AR-551082 2023-10-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 84                 VR2AR-550761 2023-09-07 10:44:00                <NA>
#> 85                  VR2W-119607 2023-10-05 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 86       TBR 800 RELEASE-002260 2023-05-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 87                  VR2W-139170 2023-08-08 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 88                  VR2W-110274 2022-05-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 89                  VR2W-139171 2023-10-04 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 90                  TBR800-2095 2023-07-25 11:03:39                <NA>
#> 91         TBR 800 RELEASE-2108 2023-05-11 12:26:53                <NA>
#> 92                  VR2W-139174 2023-10-06 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 93                 VR2AR-551608 2023-02-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 94       SOUNDTRAP ST600HF-7535 2023-10-02 09:31:00                <NA>
#> 95                  VR2W-122431 2015-05-01 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 96                  VR2W-139168 2023-09-28 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 97                  VR2W-119111 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 98                  VR2W-139176 2023-09-22 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 99       SOUNDTRAP ST600HF-7573 2023-10-02 09:28:00                <NA>
#> 100               TBR800-002681 2023-07-19 12:01:22 2024-04-11 00:00:00
#> 101                VR2TX-480249 2023-05-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 102                VR2AR-551385 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 103                 VR2W-134528 2023-06-05 15:30:00                <NA>
#> 104                 VR2W-137422 2023-09-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 105                 VR2W-134359 2023-05-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 106                 VR2W-132272 2023-05-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 107                 VR2W-139175 2023-09-22 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 108                 VR2W-139186 2023-08-09 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 109                VR2TX-488742 2023-07-18 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 110                 VR2W-105704 2015-09-30 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 111                 VR2W-119588 2023-10-05 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 112                 VR2W-124993 2023-07-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 113                VR2TX-488747 2023-07-19 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 114                VR2TX-488745 2023-07-19 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 115                VR2TX-488743 2023-07-18 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 116                VR2AR-553680 2023-10-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 117                VR2AR-551458 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 118                VR2TX-488778 2023-07-20 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 119                VR2TX-488787 2023-10-05 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 120                VR2TX-480405 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 121                VR2TX-488791 2023-10-05 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 122               TBR800-002067 2023-07-19 11:36:34 2023-08-20 00:00:00
#> 123                 VR2W-127594 2023-07-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 124                    POD-3112 2023-10-23 15:09:00                <NA>
#> 125                 VR2W-137375 2022-06-08 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 126                VR2TX-485901 2023-09-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 127                 VR2W-136755 2022-05-31 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 128                VR2TX-485898 2023-09-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 129                 VR2W-137374 2022-07-12 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 130                VR2AR-551396 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 131                VR2AR-551456 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 132                 VR2W-112942 2023-10-05 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 133               TBR800-002063 2023-06-28 09:05:00 2025-02-21 00:01:00
#> 134                VR2TX-481231 2023-10-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 135                 TBR800-2092 2023-07-20 08:48:47                <NA>
#> 136                 VR2W-131824 2023-10-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 137                 TBR800-2069 2022-04-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 138                VR2TX-481237 2023-10-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 139               TBR800-002068 2023-09-08 12:07:00 2025-09-07 11:08:00
#> 140                VR2AR-551460 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 141                VR2AR-551459 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 142                VR2AR-551457 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 143                 VR2W-131806 2023-07-13 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 144            TBR700 LONG-1475 2023-06-30 10:09:13                <NA>
#> 145                VR2AR-545566 2023-10-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 146                 VR2W-134515 2023-10-10 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 147                 VR2W-131826 2023-05-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 148          TBR800RELEASE-3002 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 149          TBR800RELEASE-3104 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 150                 VR2W-131811 2023-05-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 151                VR2AR-551450 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 152                 TBR800-2671 2023-06-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 153                TBR700L-1481 2023-06-26 12:30:52                <NA>
#> 154                 VR2W-120427 2023-10-10 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 155                TBR700L-1471 2023-06-26 08:47:40                <NA>
#> 156                 VR2W-131812 2023-05-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 157                VR2TX-488738 2023-07-20 10:00:00 2024-08-02 10:00:00
#> 158                VR2AR-553335 2023-08-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 159                 TBR800-2684 2023-09-08 15:12:00                <NA>
#> 160                VR2AR-551112 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 161                VR2TX-485900 2023-09-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 162                TBR700L-1479 2023-06-26 10:21:54                <NA>
#> 163                 TBR800-2070 2023-06-28 09:40:00                <NA>
#> 164      TBR 800 RELEASE-002193 2023-11-11 15:10:00                <NA>
#> 165                VR2AR-547673 2023-06-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 166        TBR 800 RELEASE-3126 2023-09-26 09:28:00                <NA>
#> 167      TBR 800 RELEASE-002301 2023-11-11 13:10:00                <NA>
#> 168        TBR 800 RELEASE-3129 2023-09-26 08:55:00                <NA>
#> 169                VR2TX-481205 2023-05-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 170        TBR 800 RELEASE-3125 2023-09-26 09:20:00                <NA>
#> 171                 VR2W-131803 2021-04-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 172                VR2AR-553300 2023-08-01 09:11:00                <NA>
#> 173        TBR 800 RELEASE-3127 2023-09-26 08:34:00                <NA>
#> 174                VR2AR-549587 2023-09-07 13:39:00                <NA>
#> 175        TBR 800 RELEASE-3128 2023-09-26 09:45:00                <NA>
#> 176                 VR2W-113607 2020-05-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 177        TBR 800 RELEASE-3130 2023-09-26 10:05:00                <NA>
#> 178                 VR2W-122357 2023-03-16 00:00:00 2025-02-08 00:00:00
#> 179            TBR700 LONG-1482 2023-07-13 08:10:08                <NA>
#> 180                 TBR800-2689 2023-09-07 13:40:00                <NA>
#> 181                VR2AR-548686 2022-05-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 182                VR2TX-482294 2022-06-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 183                VR2TX-481239 2021-03-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 184            TBR700 LONG-1473 2023-07-13 08:46:53                <NA>
#> 185                TBR700L-1480 2023-07-13 09:47:06                <NA>
#> 186                 VR2W-131828 2023-08-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 187                VR2AR-551402 2023-08-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 188                VR2AR-551398 2023-08-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 189                VR2TX-482298 2022-06-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 190                VR2AR-553333 2023-04-17 09:10:00                <NA>
#> 191                VR2AR-553296 2023-04-17 09:12:00                <NA>
#> 192                VR2AR-553351 2023-04-17 09:17:00                <NA>
#> 193                VR2TX-482276 2022-06-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 194                VR2AR-553297 2023-04-17 09:19:00                <NA>
#> 195                VR2TX-482234 2022-06-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 196                    POD-7599 2023-09-07 13:41:00                <NA>
#> 197                VR2AR-553303 2023-04-17 09:38:00                <NA>
#> 198                VR2AR-553294 2023-04-17 09:40:00                <NA>
#> 199                VR2AR-553331 2023-04-17 07:57:00                <NA>
#> 200                VR2TX-482235 2022-06-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 201                 TBR800-2096 2023-09-18 13:10:55                <NA>
#> 202                VR2AR-553309 2023-05-10 08:53:00                <NA>
#> 203                VR2AR-553350 2023-05-10 08:47:00                <NA>
#> 204                VR2AR-553327 2023-05-10 08:32:00                <NA>
#> 205                VR2AR-553304 2023-05-10 08:27:00                <NA>
#> 206                VR2TX-482233 2022-06-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 207                 TBR800-2555 2023-07-31 07:39:56 2024-08-22 21:02:00
#> 208                VR2AR-553310 2023-05-10 09:29:00                <NA>
#> 209                VR2AR-548497 2022-07-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 210                VR2AR-553312 2023-05-10 07:39:00                <NA>
#> 211                VR2AR-553453 2023-05-10 07:46:00                <NA>
#> 212                VR2AR-553308 2023-05-10 07:54:00                <NA>
#> 213                VR2TX-489974 2023-07-11 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 214                VR2TX-489969 2023-07-11 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 215                VR2TX-489973 2023-07-11 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 216                VR2TX-489972 2023-07-11 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 217                VR2TX-489971 2023-07-11 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 218                VR2AR-546895 2023-07-13 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 219                VR2TX-489978 2023-07-11 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 220                VR2TX-489975 2023-07-11 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 221                VR2AR-553307 2023-08-03 10:28:00                <NA>
#> 222                VR2AR-553353 2023-08-03 10:43:00                <NA>
#> 223                VR2AR-553328 2023-08-03 10:48:00                <NA>
#> 224                VR2AR-553315 2023-08-03 10:58:00                <NA>
#> 225                VR2AR-553314 2023-08-03 11:03:00                <NA>
#> 226                VR2AR-553323 2023-08-03 11:10:00                <NA>
#> 227        SOUNDTRAP HF600-7560 2023-07-14 08:30:00                <NA>
#> 228                VR2AR-553392 2023-08-03 11:46:00                <NA>
#> 229                VR2AR-553305 2023-08-03 11:54:00                <NA>
#> 230                VR2AR-553324 2023-08-03 11:58:00                <NA>
#> 231        TBR 800 RELEASE-3065 2023-08-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 232                VR2AR-553313 2023-08-03 14:02:00                <NA>
#> 233                VR2TX-487262 2023-09-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 234                 TBR800-2058 2022-10-19 09:08:31                <NA>
#> 235        TBR 800 RELEASE-3066 2023-08-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 236                VR2AR-553345 2023-08-03 14:17:00                <NA>
#> 237                VR2AR-553291 2023-08-03 14:32:00                <NA>
#> 238                VR2AR-553317 2023-08-03 14:40:00                <NA>
#> 239                VR2AR-553344 2023-08-03 17:51:00                <NA>
#> 240                VR2TX-482057 2018-10-18 09:30:19                <NA>
#> 241                VR2AR-553306 2023-08-03 17:58:00                <NA>
#> 242                VR2AR-553338 2023-08-23 07:46:00                <NA>
#> 243        TBR 800 RELEASE-3068 2023-08-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 244                 VR2W-133593 2023-01-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 245                 VR2W-106032 2018-10-18 14:42:29                <NA>
#> 246                VR2AR-553311 2023-08-23 12:49:00                <NA>
#> 247                 VR2W-107229 2018-10-18 14:13:20                <NA>
#> 248                VR2TX-487331 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 249                 TBR800-2528 2023-07-31 10:16:16 2024-08-22 21:14:00
#> 250                VR2AR-551392 2023-08-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 251                VR2AR-553325 2023-09-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 252                VR2AR-551406 2023-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 253                VR2AR-551401 2023-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 254                VR2AR-553326 2023-09-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 255                VR2AR-551379 2023-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 256                VR2AR-551391 2023-08-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 257                VR2AR-551389 2023-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 258                VR2AR-551404 2023-08-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 259                VR2AR-553322 2023-09-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 260                VR2AR-551386 2023-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 261        TBR 800 RELEASE-2812 2023-08-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 262                 VR2W-107237 2018-10-18 14:52:58                <NA>
#> 263                VR2AR-553320 2023-09-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 264                VR2AR-553302 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 265                VR2AR-553329 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 266                VR2AR-553295 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 267                VR2AR-551384 2023-08-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 268                VR2AR-551407 2023-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 269                VR2AR-553431 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 270                VR2AR-553454 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 271        TBR 800 RELEASE-3069 2023-08-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 272                VR2AR-553332 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 273                 VR2W-108861 2022-05-04 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 274                 VR2W-136581 2022-05-11 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 275        TBR 800 RELEASE-3070 2023-08-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 276                 VR2W-136579 2022-05-11 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 277                VR2AR-553299 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 278                VR2AR-553336 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 279                 VR2W-136587 2022-05-11 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 280                    POD-7600 2023-09-06 11:57:00                <NA>
#> 281                VR2AR-553427 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 282                VR2AR-553330 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 283                VR2AR-553430 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 284                VR2AR-553298 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 285                VR2AR-553334 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 286                 VR2W-125474 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 287                VR2TX-486358 2022-11-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 288                VR2AR-553429 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 289                 VR2W-137432 2023-09-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 290                VR2AR-553301 2023-09-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 291                 VR2W-110969 2021-05-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 292                VR2AR-553428 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 293          TBR800RELEASE-3114 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 294                 TBR800-2514 2023-07-31 11:00:52 2024-08-22 21:15:00
#> 295                 TBR800-2554 2023-07-31 08:07:13 2024-08-22 21:04:00
#> 296                 TBR800-2551 2023-07-31 09:04:16 2024-08-22 21:10:00
#> 297                 TBR800-2553 2023-07-31 08:31:16 2024-08-22 21:06:00
#> 298                 TBR800-2502 2023-07-31 11:53:38 2024-08-22 21:18:00
#> 299                 TBR800-2541 2023-07-31 09:47:43 2024-08-22 21:12:00
#> 300                 TBR800-2552 2023-07-31 08:46:15 2024-08-22 21:08:00
#> 301                 VR2W-128602 2022-04-27 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 302                 VR2W-100839 2021-05-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 303      TBR 800 RELEASE-002296 2023-09-09 07:49:00                <NA>
#> 304                 VR2W-100623 2022-05-04 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 305                 VR2W-125468 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 306                 VR2W-136576 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 307                VR2AR-548803 2021-05-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 308                VR2AR-548806 2021-05-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 309                 VR2W-102652 2021-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 310                 VR2W-108200 2021-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 311                VR2TX-482237 2022-05-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 312               TBR800-002881 2023-08-07 09:49:00                <NA>
#> 313                VR2AR-547049 2023-08-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 314                 VR2W-136738 2022-04-27 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 315                VR2TX-481234 2023-07-13 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 316                VR2TX-481226 2023-07-13 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 317                VR2TX-482236 2022-05-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 318               TBR800-002882 2023-08-07 15:42:00                <NA>
#> 319                 VR2W-111591 2022-06-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 320                    POD-7106 2023-08-10 10:08:00                <NA>
#> 321      TBR 800 RELEASE-002242 2023-09-09 09:08:00                <NA>
#> 322      TBR 800 RELEASE-002245 2023-09-09 09:39:00                <NA>
#> 323      TBR 800 RELEASE-002244 2023-09-09 09:42:00                <NA>
#> 324      TBR 800 RELEASE-002294 2023-09-09 10:30:00                <NA>
#> 325               TBR800-002072 2023-09-07 09:52:00 2024-07-31 00:00:00
#> 326          TBR800RELEASE-3077 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 327                 VR2W-102056 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 328      TBR 800 RELEASE-002243 2023-09-08 06:06:00                <NA>
#> 329      TBR 800 RELEASE-002815 2023-09-08 07:22:00                <NA>
#> 330      TBR 800 RELEASE-002251 2023-09-08 08:15:00                <NA>
#> 331                 VR2W-103673 2023-07-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 332                 VR2W-107052 2023-07-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 333                 VR2W-102063 2023-07-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 334                 VR2W-102053 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 335                 VR2W-102061 2023-07-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 336                 VR2W-114165 2023-07-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 337                 VR2W-102058 2023-08-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 338        SOUNDTRAP HF600-7564 2023-09-06 10:27:00                <NA>
#> 339                 VR2W-123820 2023-08-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 340                 VR2W-102057 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 341                 VR2W-102054 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 342                VR2TX-486388 2022-05-11 07:17:00                <NA>
#> 343                VR2TX-488508 2022-05-18 16:08:00                <NA>
#> 344                VR2TX-486434 2022-05-10 16:06:00                <NA>
#> 345                VR2TX-486428 2022-05-17 09:22:00                <NA>
#> 346                 VR2W-120420 2023-09-15 12:30:00                <NA>
#> 347                VR2TX-486432 2022-05-10 12:27:00                <NA>
#> 348                 VR2W-136730 2022-05-18 09:30:00                <NA>
#> 349                VR2TX-486430 2022-05-10 10:16:00                <NA>
#> 350                VR2TX-486412 2022-05-10 17:39:00                <NA>
#> 351                 VR2W-136727 2022-05-12 16:12:00                <NA>
#> 352                VR2TX-486353 2022-05-17 13:10:00                <NA>
#> 353                VR2TX-486416 2022-05-17 14:09:00                <NA>
#> 354                VR2TX-486390 2022-05-17 13:30:00                <NA>
#> 355                VR2TX-486413 2022-05-10 09:19:00                <NA>
#> 356                VR2TX-486394 2022-05-09 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 357                VR2TX-486393 2022-05-10 07:43:00                <NA>
#> 358                VR2TX-486411 2022-05-10 08:34:00                <NA>
#> 359                VR2TX-486420 2022-05-10 08:48:00                <NA>
#> 360                VR2TX-486397 2022-05-09 15:59:00                <NA>
#> 361                VR2TX-486400 2022-05-10 14:36:00                <NA>
#> 362                 VR2W-136734 2022-05-11 11:40:00                <NA>
#> 363                VR2TX-486402 2022-05-11 11:16:00                <NA>
#> 364                 VR2W-136735 2022-05-20 08:23:00                <NA>
#> 365                VR2TX-486381 2022-05-12 12:19:00                <NA>
#> 366                VR2TX-486347 2022-05-11 12:58:00                <NA>
#> 367                 VR2W-136728 2022-05-12 13:37:00                <NA>
#> 368                VR2TX-486377 2022-05-12 07:29:00                <NA>
#> 369                VR2TX-486423 2022-05-18 08:08:00                <NA>
#> 370                VR2TX-486441 2022-05-19 09:14:00                <NA>
#> 371                VR2TX-486365 2022-05-17 16:35:00                <NA>
#> 372                VR2TX-486349 2022-05-12 13:24:00                <NA>
#> 373                VR2TX-486398 2022-05-17 15:25:00                <NA>
#> 374                VR2TX-486357 2022-05-17 15:50:00                <NA>
#> 375                VR2TX-486384 2022-05-17 15:05:00                <NA>
#> 376                VR2TX-486431 2022-05-09 15:01:00                <NA>
#> 377                VR2TX-486419 2022-05-10 15:36:00                <NA>
#> 378                VR2TX-486425 2022-05-10 14:54:00                <NA>
#> 379                VR2TX-486399 2022-05-09 14:10:00                <NA>
#> 380                VR2TX-486438 2022-05-19 08:29:00                <NA>
#> 381                 VR2W-136732 2022-05-16 19:38:00                <NA>
#> 382                 VR2W-136736 2022-05-16 19:05:00                <NA>
#> 383                VR2TX-486392 2022-05-10 13:43:00                <NA>
#> 384                VR2TX-486437 2022-05-10 12:51:00                <NA>
#> 385                VR2TX-486352 2022-05-09 12:06:00                <NA>
#> 386                VR2TX-488500 2022-05-20 14:02:00                <NA>
#> 387                VR2TX-488502 2022-05-20 11:45:00                <NA>
#> 388                VR2TX-488499 2022-05-20 11:33:00                <NA>
#> 389                VR2TX-488505 2022-05-20 11:20:00                <NA>
#> 390                VR2AR-551882 2023-03-04 14:56:00                <NA>
#> 391                VR2AR-551864 2023-03-04 16:26:00                <NA>
#> 392                VR2AR-551862 2023-03-09 14:31:00                <NA>
#> 393                VR2AR-546187 2023-03-04 14:31:00                <NA>
#> 394                VR2AR-546201 2023-03-04 15:18:00                <NA>
#> 395                VR2AR-546182 2023-03-09 14:55:00                <NA>
#> 396                VR2AR-546188 2023-03-04 13:38:00                <NA>
#> 397                VR2AR-546171 2023-03-04 12:28:00                <NA>
#> 398                VR2AR-551918 2023-03-04 13:41:00                <NA>
#> 399                VR2AR-550098 2023-03-09 13:50:00                <NA>
#> 400                VR2AR-548302 2023-04-06 13:08:00                <NA>
#> 401                VR2AR-550102 2023-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 402                VR2AR-546200 2023-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 403                VR2AR-551867 2023-03-04 12:52:00                <NA>
#> 404                VR2AR-551865 2023-03-04 13:17:00                <NA>
#> 405                VR2AR-551851 2023-03-09 13:18:00                <NA>
#> 406                VR2AR-547052 2023-04-06 12:10:00                <NA>
#> 407                VR2AR-550293 2023-04-06 09:20:00                <NA>
#> 408                VR2AR-546203 2023-04-06 09:47:00                <NA>
#> 409                VR2AR-551860 2023-03-10 13:47:00                <NA>
#> 410                VR2AR-550097 2023-03-10 13:17:00                <NA>
#> 411        TBR 800 RELEASE-2592 2022-10-06 09:45:00                <NA>
#> 412                VR2AR-547051 2023-03-10 14:18:00                <NA>
#> 413                VR2AR-551897 2023-03-10 11:16:00                <NA>
#> 414                VR2AR-551899 2023-03-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 415                VR2AR-550104 2023-03-10 14:41:00                <NA>
#> 416                VR2AR-546180 2023-03-10 12:36:00                <NA>
#> 417                VR2AR-546209 2023-03-10 11:45:00                <NA>
#> 418                VR2AR-551852 2023-03-10 10:51:00                <NA>
#> 419              TBR700L-001238 2023-02-07 10:36:16                <NA>
#> 420                VR2AR-547050 2023-04-19 12:28:00                <NA>
#> 421                VR2AR-550101 2023-04-19 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 422                VR2AR-551879 2023-04-19 11:39:00                <NA>
#> 423                VR2AR-551370 2023-04-19 11:15:00                <NA>
#> 424                VR2AR-550108 2023-04-19 10:53:00                <NA>
#> 425                VR2AR-548294 2023-08-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 426                 VR2W-108566 2018-10-18 14:27:34                <NA>
#> 427                    POD-2978 2017-08-09 13:00:00                <NA>
#> 428                VR2AR-552495 2023-08-24 15:34:00                <NA>
#> 429                VR2AR-552432 2023-08-24 15:16:00                <NA>
#> 430                VR2TX-487348 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 431                VR2AR-552525 2023-08-24 14:53:00                <NA>
#> 432                VR2AR-551095 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 433                 VR2W-115106 2018-10-18 09:50:54                <NA>
#> 434                VR2AR-552458 2023-08-24 14:37:00                <NA>
#> 435                 TBR800-2078 2023-10-25 15:52:00 2025-03-11 00:00:00
#> 436                VR2AR-552430 2023-08-24 14:17:00                <NA>
#> 437                VR2TX-486694 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 438                VR2AR-552475 2023-08-24 12:12:00                <NA>
#> 439                VR2AR-552427 2023-08-24 12:33:00                <NA>
#> 440          TBR800RELEASE-3075 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 441                VR2AR-548158 2023-08-24 13:15:00                <NA>
#> 442                VR2AR-552527 2023-08-23 14:34:00                <NA>
#> 443          TBR800RELEASE-3078 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 444                VR2AR-552438 2023-08-23 14:07:00                <NA>
#> 445                VR2AR-552496 2023-08-23 13:46:00                <NA>
#> 446                 VR2W-125444 2017-03-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 447                VR2TX-487354 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 448          TBR800RELEASE-3074 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 449                VR2AR-548287 2023-08-23 13:17:00                <NA>
#> 450                VR2AR-552447 2023-08-23 12:45:00                <NA>
#> 451                VR2AR-552493 2023-08-24 13:34:00                <NA>
#> 452               TBR700-000900 2023-09-06 10:32:40 2024-10-26 00:00:00
#> 453                VR2AR-549590 2023-09-06 00:00:00 2024-08-09 14:33:00
#> 454                 VR2W-113529 2023-08-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 455                 VR2W-122364 2023-08-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 456                VR2AR-553678 2023-09-06 12:35:00                <NA>
#> 457          TBR800RELEASE-3101 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 458                VR2AR-547674 2023-09-06 00:00:00 2024-05-26 00:00:00
#> 459                VR2AR-547697 2023-09-05 11:15:00                <NA>
#> 460                 TBR800-2676 2023-09-05 11:15:00                <NA>
#> 461                 TBR800-2690 2023-09-06 09:05:00 2025-03-08 14:33:00
#> 462          TBR800RELEASE-3079 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 463                 VR2W-120873 2023-08-29 00:00:00 2024-06-10 00:00:00
#> 464                    POD-2750 2016-12-09 08:35:00 2017-03-06 00:00:00
#> 465                    POD-2578 2017-06-20 10:50:00 2017-09-20 10:50:00
#> 466                VR2TX-484065 2023-06-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 467                 VR2W-127715 2023-08-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 468                 VR2W-134896 2023-08-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 469                 VR2W-136468 2023-08-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 470                 VR2W-136469 2023-08-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 471                 VR2W-137866 2023-08-29 00:00:00 2024-09-03 00:00:00
#> 472                 VR2W-137867 2023-08-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 473                VR2TX-487560 2023-06-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 474                 VR2W-100482 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 475                 VR2W-131083 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 476                 VR2W-131091 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 477                 VR2W-131087 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 478                 VR2W-131085 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 479                 VR2W-131089 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 480                 VR2W-131084 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 481                 VR2W-131088 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 482                 VR2W-125885 2017-03-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 483                 VR2W-125884 2017-03-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 484                 VR2W-125441 2017-03-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 485                 VR2W-125446 2017-03-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 486                 VR2W-125440 2017-03-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 487                 VR2W-125457 2017-03-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 488                    POD-2578 2018-06-27 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 489                    POD-2956 2018-01-11 09:30:00                <NA>
#> 490                    POD-2724 2018-05-30 07:00:00                <NA>
#> 491                    POD-2728 2018-05-29 12:07:00                <NA>
#> 492                VR2TX-482289 2023-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 493                 VR2W-104966 2009-09-29 12:33:00                <NA>
#> 494                 VR2W-122160 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 495                 VR2W-108573 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 496                 VR2W-108568 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 497                 VR2W-107232 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 498                 VR2W-108586 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 499                 VR2W-108578 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 500                 VR2W-108567 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 501                VR2AR-546360 2017-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 502                 VR2W-108565 2016-06-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 503                 VR2W-108565 2017-05-08 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 504                 VR2W-108576 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 505                VR2AR-546359 2017-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 506                 VR2W-108588 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 507                 VR2W-122433 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 508                 VR2W-122422 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 509                 VR2W-122436 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 510                 VR2W-119079 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 511                 VR2W-119112 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 512                 VR2W-119114 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 513                 VR2W-119078 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 514                 VR2W-108581 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 515                     VR3-279 2011-07-23 20:01:33                <NA>
#> 516                 VR2W-130581 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 517                 VR2W-130582 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 518                 VR2W-130580 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 519                 VR2W-130575 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 520                 VR2W-130577 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 521                 VR2W-130579 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 522                 VR2W-130578 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 523                 VR2W-130576 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 524                 VR2W-130573 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 525                 VR2W-102907 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 526                 VR2W-108569 2016-10-04 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 527                 VR2W-102904 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 528                 VR2W-122434 2016-05-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 529                VR2AR-546347 2017-05-08 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 530                VR2AR-546350 2017-05-08 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 531                VR2AR-546349 2017-05-09 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 532                VR2AR-546346 2017-05-09 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 533                VR2AR-546372 2017-05-09 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 534                VR2AR-546358 2017-05-09 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 535                VR2AR-546336 2017-05-09 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 536                VR2AR-546356 2017-05-09 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 537                VR2AR-546355 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 538                VR2AR-546375 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 539                VR2AR-546366 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 540                VR2AR-546369 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 541                VR2AR-546362 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 542                VR2AR-546367 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 543                     VR3-267 2010-01-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 544                     VR3-274 2010-01-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 545                     VR3-275 2010-01-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 546                     VR3-276 2010-01-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 547                     VR3-280 2012-09-22 09:18:00                <NA>
#> 548                     VR3-278 2010-01-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 549                  VR4-250599 2014-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 550                  VR4-250600 2014-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 551                  VR4-250601 2014-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 552                  VR4-250602 2014-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 553                  VR4-250603 2014-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 554                  VR4-250604 2014-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 555                     VR3-281 2013-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 556                     VR3-282 2013-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 557                     VR3-283 2013-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 558                     VR3-284 2013-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 559                     VR3-285 2013-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 560                     VR3-286 2013-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 561                 VR2W-119117 2015-06-01 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 562                 VR2W-119118 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 563                 VR2W-119120 2015-06-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 564                 VR2W-119123 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 565                    VR2-5687 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 566                    VR2-5688 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 567                    VR2-5690 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 568                    VR2-5691 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 569                    VR2-5692 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 570                 VR2W-101508 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 571                 VR2W-101509 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 572                 VR2W-101510 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 573                 VR2W-101511 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 574                 VR2W-101512 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 575                 VR2W-101513 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 576                 VR2W-101514 2007-09-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 577                  HR2-461100 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 578                  HR2-461101 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 579                  HR2-461102 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 580                  HR2-461103 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 581                  HR2-461104 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 582                  HR2-461105 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 583                  HR2-461106 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 584                  HR2-461107 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 585                  HR2-461108 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 586                  HR2-461109 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 587                  HR2-461110 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 588                  HR2-461111 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 589                  HR2-461112 2016-06-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 590                VR2TX-482302 2023-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 591                 VR2W-101509 2011-04-28 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 592                 VR2W-101511 2011-04-14 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 593                 VR2W-101513 2010-06-24 13:00:00                <NA>
#> 594                 VR2W-107935 2011-05-26 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 595                 VR2W-110276 2011-03-11 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 596                 VR2W-110277 2011-04-28 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 597                 VR2W-110278 2011-03-11 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 598                 VR2W-110279 2011-04-07 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 599                 VR2W-112366 2011-03-11 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 600                 VR2W-112367 2011-01-19 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 601                 VR2W-113497 2011-06-15 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 602                 VR2W-113498 2011-06-15 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 603                 VR2W-113499 2011-05-25 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 604                 VR2W-113501 2011-08-09 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 605                 VR2W-113502 2011-06-15 02:00:00                <NA>
#> 606                 VR2W-113503 2011-06-15 13:00:00                <NA>
#> 607                 VR2W-133230 2019-04-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 608                VR2AR-550859 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 609                    VR2-6456 2013-12-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 610                VR2TX-482303 2023-06-13 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 611                    VR2-6773 2013-12-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 612                 VR2W-112923 2013-10-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 613                 VR2W-112925 2013-10-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 614                 VR2W-112927 2013-10-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 615                 VR2W-112926 2013-10-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 616                 VR2W-113926 2013-08-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 617                 VR2W-114113 2013-10-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 618                 VR2W-113927 2013-10-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 619                 VR2W-114115 2013-10-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 620                 VR2W-120090 2013-04-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 621                 VR2W-122429 2013-10-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 622                 VR2W-122425 2013-10-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 623                 VR2W-122435 2013-12-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 624                 VR2W-131684 2019-06-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 625                VR2TX-482280 2023-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 626                 VR2W-119069 2018-10-18 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 627                 VR2W-130586 2018-10-18 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 628                 VR2W-119066 2018-10-03 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 629                 VR2W-134235 2019-02-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 630                 VR2W-119060 2018-10-03 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 631                 VR2W-119055 2018-10-03 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 632                 VR2W-133154 2018-10-02 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 633                 VR2W-119064 2018-10-02 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 634                 VR2W-115193 2019-04-05 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 635                 VR2W-115194 2019-04-05 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 636                VR2TX-486692 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 637                 VR2W-133623 2018-07-27 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 638                VR2TX-482275 2023-06-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 639                VR2AR-550856 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 640                VR2AR-550858 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 641                 VR2W-114177 2014-06-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 642                VR2TX-486693 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 643                    VR2-4878 2007-04-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 644                    VR2-4879 2007-04-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 645                    VR2-5560 2007-04-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 646                    VR2-6770 2007-04-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 647                 VR2W-100541 2007-04-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 648                 VR2W-100544 2007-04-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 649                 VR2W-100545 2007-04-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 650                 VR2W-100554 2007-04-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 651                 VR2W-100555 2007-04-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 652                 VR2W-100573 2007-04-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 653                 VR2W-100577 2007-06-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 654                    VR2-5364 2007-07-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 655                 VR2W-100559 2007-04-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 656                 VR2W-131090 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 657                 VR2W-131092 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 658                VR2TX-484064 2023-06-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 659                 VR2W-119081 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 660                 VR2W-119089 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 661                 VR2W-119113 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 662                 VR2W-119116 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 663                 VR2W-119122 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 664                 VR2W-119137 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 665            TBR 700-SN000142 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 666            TBR 700-SN000143 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 667            TBR 700-SN000144 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 668            TBR 700-SN000145 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 669            TBR 700-SN000146 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 670            TBR 700-SN000147 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 671            TBR 700-SN000148 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 672            TBR 700-SN000149 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 673            TBR 700-SN000150 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 674            TBR 700-SN000151 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 675            TBR 700-SN000152 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 676            TBR 700-SN000153 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 677            TBR 700-SN000154 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 678            TBR 700-SN000155 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 679            TBR 700-SN000273 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 680            TBR 700-SN000274 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 681            TBR 700-SN000671 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 682            TBR 700-SN000672 2018-01-31 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 683                VR2TX-482296 2018-10-23 12:25:03                <NA>
#> 684                VR2TX-482291 2018-10-24 10:09:30                <NA>
#> 685                 VR2W-134259 2018-10-26 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 686                 VR2W-106420 2017-06-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 687                 VR2W-106079 2019-10-01 14:30:00                <NA>
#> 688                 VR2W-134387 2019-10-01 14:30:00                <NA>
#> 689                 VR2W-133216 2019-10-01 14:30:00                <NA>
#> 690                 VR2W-001132 2019-10-01 14:30:00                <NA>
#> 691                VR2TX-487558 2023-06-13 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 692                 VR2W-133223 2019-10-01 14:30:00                <NA>
#> 693                 VR2W-135450 2019-10-01 14:30:00                <NA>
#> 694                 VR2W-126643 2018-09-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 695                 VR2W-113325 2015-07-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 696                 VR2W-122472 2015-08-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 697                 VR2W-122473 2015-08-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 698                VR2TX-482283 2023-06-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 699                 VR2W-132672 2019-10-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 700                VR2TX-482277 2019-06-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 701                VR2TX-482297 2023-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 702                VR2AR-548486 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 703                VR2AR-551118 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 704                 VR2W-135451 2019-11-19 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 705                 VR2W-135455 2019-11-19 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 706                 VR2W-135452 2019-11-19 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 707                 VR2W-135454 2019-11-19 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 708                 VR2W-135468 2019-11-19 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 709                 VR2W-133213 2019-09-01 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 710      TBR 800 RELEASE-002269 2023-02-15 05:35:00                <NA>
#> 711                VR2TX-482238 2023-06-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 712                VR2TX-481917 2023-06-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 713                VR2TX-482281 2023-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 714                 VR2W-103649 2008-08-15 12:00:01                <NA>
#> 715                 VR2W-103653 2008-09-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 716                VR2TX-487340 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 717                   VR2-7336c 2008-10-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 718                 VR2W-101444 2008-12-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 719                 VR2W-104814 2009-05-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 720                 VR2W-104813 2009-06-16 09:03:00                <NA>
#> 721                 VR2W-101449 2009-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 722                    VR2-7331 2009-09-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 723                 VR2W-104815 2010-03-31 19:00:00                <NA>
#> 724                   VR2-7330c 2010-06-29 10:50:00                <NA>
#> 725                VR2TX-482292 2023-06-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 726                VR2TX-482304 2023-06-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 727                     VR3-249 2011-03-01 15:05:00                <NA>
#> 728                 VR2W-105871 2011-05-26 10:55:00                <NA>
#> 729                 VR2W-115440 2023-11-03 00:00:00 2023-11-08 12:00:00
#> 730                 VR2W-101445 2012-04-05 10:50:00                <NA>
#> 731                 VR2W-112391 2013-02-06 09:55:00                <NA>
#> 732                 VR2W-113603 2013-02-06 13:00:00                <NA>
#> 733                 VR2W-113610 2013-02-06 13:38:00                <NA>
#> 734                VR2TX-481214 2023-10-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 735                 VR2W-101448 2013-02-14 15:41:00                <NA>
#> 736                    VR2-4842 2013-04-17 13:42:00                <NA>
#> 737                    VR2-7336 2013-08-25 13:01:00                <NA>
#> 738                 VR2W-105869 2014-04-08 17:00:00                <NA>
#> 739                 VR2W-114721 2014-05-24 15:36:00                <NA>
#> 740                VR2TX-486695 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 741                 VR2W-103652 2015-10-20 15:35:00                <NA>
#> 742                 VR2W-108356 2015-12-09 16:45:00                <NA>
#> 743                 VR2W-103650 2016-04-07 17:28:00                <NA>
#> 744                VR2TX-487332 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 745              VR4-UWM-250222 2016-10-13 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 746                 VMT-1196247 2017-02-13 11:27:00                <NA>
#> 747          TBR800RELEASE-3123 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 748                 VR2W-101446 2017-03-13 11:06:00                <NA>
#> 749              VR4-UWM-250223 2017-03-18 11:40:00                <NA>
#> 750      TBR 800 RELEASE-002266 2023-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 751                 VR2W-103656 2019-04-26 13:00:00                <NA>
#> 752                 VR2W-112309 2019-06-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 753          TBR800RELEASE-3076 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 754                VR2TX-487338 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 755                VR2TX-487352 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 756          TBR800RELEASE-3109 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 757      TBR 800 RELEASE-002264 2023-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 758              VR2W180-302009 2018-07-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 759                VR2TX-487346 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 760                 VR2W-100965 2019-12-03 16:00:00                <NA>
#> 761                VR2TX-483754 2019-12-03 16:00:00                <NA>
#> 762                 VR2W-100967 2019-12-03 16:00:00                <NA>
#> 763                 VR2W-131685 2017-10-21 16:40:00                <NA>
#> 764                VR2TX-487355 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 765                VR2TX-487356 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 766          TBR800RELEASE-3112 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 767                VR2AR-551122 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 768                VR2AR-551107 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 769                VR2TX-487343 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 770                 VR2W-130764 2017-03-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 771                VR2AR-551119 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 772               TBR800-002237 2023-08-07 12:40:00                <NA>
#> 773                VR2TX-487349 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 774                VR2TX-487347 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 775                VR2TX-487351 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 776                VR2AR-551108 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 777                VR2TX-487342 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 778                  HR2-461041 2020-04-24 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 779                  HR2-461042 2020-04-16 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 780                  HR2-461052 2020-04-16 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 781                  HR2-461054 2020-04-24 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 782                  HR2-461060 2020-04-22 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 783                  HR2-461074 2020-04-16 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 784               TBR800-002013 2023-08-07 10:55:00                <NA>
#> 785                  HR2-461086 2020-04-24 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 786                  HR2-461087 2020-04-29 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 787                  HR2-461089 2020-04-24 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 788                  HR2-461093 2020-04-24 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 789                  HR2-461094 2020-04-08 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 790                  HR2-461097 2020-04-22 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 791                  HR2-461292 2020-04-27 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 792                 VR2W-114455 2020-05-11 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 793      TBR 800 RELEASE-002309 2023-07-11 08:54:00                <NA>
#> 794                VR2AR-551125 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 795                VR2AR-551115 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 796                VR2AR-551098 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 797                VR2AR-551099 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 798                VR2AR-551109 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 799                VR2AR-551124 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 800                VR2TX-487329 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 801                VR2TX-487333 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 802                VR2AR-551102 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 803          TBR800RELEASE-3105 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 804                VR2TX-487334 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 805                VR2AR-551097 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 806        SOUNDTRAP HF600-7575 2023-09-07 13:41:00                <NA>
#> 807                VR2AR-551123 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 808                 VR2W-108564 2019-11-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 809                VR2AR-551100 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 810                 VR2W-108866 2015-08-12 11:45:00                <NA>
#> 811                 VR2W-108867 2015-08-12 11:45:00                <NA>
#> 812                VR2AR-551113 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 813                VR2AR-551101 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 814                VR2TX-487327 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 815                VR2TX-480380 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 816                VR2TX-487328 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 817                VR2AR-551105 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 818                VR2TX-487337 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 819                VR2TX-487341 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 820                VR2AR-551120 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 821                VR2AR-551096 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 822                VR2TX-487330 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 823                VR2TX-487344 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 824                VR2TX-487335 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 825                VR2AR-551126 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 826                VR2AR-551111 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 827                VR2AR-551110 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 828                VR2AR-551114 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 829                VR2TX-487350 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 830                VR2TX-487357 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 831                 VR2W-137519 2023-05-17 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 832                 VR2W-137518 2023-03-31 09:30:00                <NA>
#> 833                VR2AR-552673 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 834                VR2AR-548687 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 835                VR2AR-551611 2023-02-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 836                 VR2W-100925 2022-12-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 837                VR2TX-480570 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 838                 VR2W-127579 2022-12-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 839                 VR2W-132974 2022-12-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 840                 VR2W-132993 2022-12-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 841                 TBR800-2332 2022-08-12 12:14:00                <NA>
#> 842                 TBR800-2331 2022-08-12 12:03:00                <NA>
#> 843        TBR 800 RELEASE-2099 2022-05-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 844                VR2AR-551614 2023-02-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 845                VR2AR-552674 2023-05-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 846                VR2AR-552672 2023-05-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 847                 VR2W-133594 2023-05-18 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 848                 VR2W-133869 2023-05-18 09:30:00                <NA>
#> 849                 VR2W-133606 2023-05-18 10:15:00                <NA>
#> 850                 VR2W-133607 2023-05-18 12:55:00                <NA>
#> 851                 VR2W-132408 2023-05-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 852                 VR2W-121154 2023-05-14 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 853                 VR2W-111611 2023-05-15 17:10:00                <NA>
#> 854                 VR2W-133612 2023-05-15 13:10:00                <NA>
#> 855                 VR2W-103841 2023-05-15 12:40:00                <NA>
#> 856                 VR2W-133611 2023-05-15 11:35:00                <NA>
#> 857                 VR2W-133600 2023-05-15 16:35:00                <NA>
#> 858                 VR2W-133867 2023-05-15 10:10:00                <NA>
#> 859                 VR2W-133620 2023-05-16 11:40:00                <NA>
#> 860                 VR2W-133610 2023-05-16 12:10:00                <NA>
#> 861                 VR2W-133601 2023-05-16 12:45:00                <NA>
#> 862                VR2TX-487264 2023-09-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 863                 TBR800-2741 2023-05-12 09:16:00                <NA>
#> 864                 TBR800-2738 2023-05-12 10:25:00                <NA>
#> 865                 TBR800-2742 2023-05-12 08:50:00                <NA>
#> 866                 TBR800-2739 2023-05-12 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 867                 TBR800-2737 2023-05-12 10:46:00                <NA>
#> 868                 VR2W-113585 2023-05-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 869                 TBR800-2730 2023-05-11 11:35:00                <NA>
#> 870        TBR 800 RELEASE-2109 2023-05-11 11:31:44                <NA>
#> 871                 TBR800-2740 2023-05-12 09:42:00                <NA>
#> 872                 TBR800-2317 2023-05-24 14:40:26                <NA>
#> 873                 TBR800-2320 2023-05-24 14:12:21                <NA>
#> 874                 TBR800-2323 2023-05-24 11:04:56                <NA>
#> 875                 TBR800-2325 2023-05-24 09:15:05                <NA>
#> 876                 TBR800-2330 2023-05-24 08:18:00                <NA>
#> 877                 TBR800-2324 2023-05-24 10:02:00 2025-05-23 11:35:00
#> 878                 TBR800-2322 2023-05-24 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 879                 VR2W-127716 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 880                 TBR800-2327 2023-05-24 08:46:00                <NA>
#> 881                 TBR800-2321 2023-05-24 13:36:09                <NA>
#> 882                 VR2W-134530 2023-05-24 10:30:00                <NA>
#> 883                 VR2W-120423 2023-05-25 13:20:00                <NA>
#> 884                 VR2W-120447 2023-05-25 14:30:00                <NA>
#> 885                 VR2W-133590 2023-05-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 886                 VR2W-127719 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 887                 VR2W-115442 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 888                 VR2W-122321 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 889                 VR2W-122354 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-05-22 10:00:00
#> 890                 VR2W-127029 2023-02-20 00:00:00 2024-05-21 00:00:00
#> 891                 VR2W-115436 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-05-21 00:00:00
#> 892      TBR 800 RELEASE-002300 2023-06-14 14:43:00                <NA>
#> 893                 TBR800-2728 2023-05-11 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 894                 VR2W-113583 2021-11-03 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 895                 VR2W-134520 2023-05-23 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 896                 VR2W-122363 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 897                 VR2W-122336 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-05-22 10:00:00
#> 898                 VR2W-122325 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 899                 VR2W-122322 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 900                 VR2W-127731 2023-02-21 00:00:00 2024-01-10 09:21:00
#> 901                 VR2W-115444 2023-02-20 00:00:00 2024-01-12 15:26:00
#> 902                 VR2W-113522 2023-02-20 00:00:00 2024-01-12 11:00:00
#> 903                 VR2W-122339 2023-02-20 00:00:00 2024-01-24 11:00:00
#> 904                 VR2W-133614 2023-05-31 13:58:00                <NA>
#> 905        TBR 800 RELEASE-2579 2023-05-30 12:06:46                <NA>
#> 906        TBR 800 RELEASE-2596 2023-05-30 12:35:24                <NA>
#> 907        TBR 800 RELEASE-2598 2023-05-30 12:22:41                <NA>
#> 908                 VR2W-120452 2023-06-02 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 909                 VR2W-120628 2023-06-02 13:30:00                <NA>
#> 910                 VR2W-119615 2023-06-02 14:30:00                <NA>
#> 911                 VR2W-134505 2023-06-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 912        TBR 800 RELEASE-2100 2023-05-30 09:16:41                <NA>
#> 913        TBR 800 RELEASE-2103 2023-05-30 09:01:00                <NA>
#> 914        TBR 800 RELEASE-2104 2023-05-30 07:45:00                <NA>
#> 915        TBR 800 RELEASE-2105 2023-05-30 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 916                VR2TX-484748 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 917                VR2TX-484746 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 918                VR2TX-484749 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 919                VR2TX-484751 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 920                VR2TX-484747 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 921                VR2TX-480379 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 922                VR2TX-480372 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 923                VR2TX-480377 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 924                VR2TX-480392 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 925                VR2TX-487381 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 926                VR2TX-487382 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 927                VR2TX-487380 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 928                VR2TX-487377 2022-11-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 929                VR2TX-487376 2022-11-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 930                VR2TX-487378 2022-11-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 931                VR2TX-487379 2022-11-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 932                VR2TX-487375 2022-11-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 933                 VR2W-133494 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 934                VR2AR-551605 2023-02-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 935                VR2AR-551607 2023-02-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 936                VR2AR-551606 2023-06-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 937                 VR2W-120456 2023-06-20 11:20:00                <NA>
#> 938                 TBR800-2729 2023-05-11 11:10:00                <NA>
#> 939                 VR2W-134355 2023-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 940                 VR2W-115445 2023-03-01 00:00:00 2025-02-07 09:39:00
#> 941                 VR2W-112287 2023-03-01 00:00:00 2025-02-07 10:00:00
#> 942                 VR2W-127030 2023-03-01 00:00:00 2025-02-21 15:38:00
#> 943                 VR2W-112286 2023-04-04 12:00:00 2024-07-03 16:00:00
#> 944                 VR2W-133609 2023-05-31 14:18:00                <NA>
#> 945                 VR2W-114458 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 946                 VR2W-134525 2023-06-05 10:40:00                <NA>
#> 947                 VR2W-134517 2023-06-07 09:30:00                <NA>
#> 948                 VR2W-122328 2023-02-20 00:00:00 2024-01-24 11:00:00
#> 949        TBR 800 RELEASE-2814 2023-04-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 950        TBR 800 RELEASE-2813 2023-04-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 951        TBR 800 RELEASE-2809 2023-04-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 952                 VR2W-134506 2023-06-05 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 953                VR2TX-489362 2023-06-27 16:15:00                <NA>
#> 954        TBR 800 RELEASE-2810 2023-05-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 955        TBR 800 RELEASE-2811 2023-05-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 956                 VR2W-134358 2023-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 957                 VR2W-132160 2023-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 958                 VR2W-132166 2023-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 959                 VR2W-132161 2023-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 960      TBR 800 RELEASE-002190 2023-06-14 15:25:00                <NA>
#> 961      TBR 800 RELEASE-002156 2023-06-15 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 962      TBR 800 RELEASE-002210 2023-06-15 15:50:00                <NA>
#> 963      TBR 800 RELEASE-002208 2023-06-15 14:24:00                <NA>
#> 964      TBR 800 RELEASE-002206 2023-06-15 12:54:00                <NA>
#> 965      TBR 800 RELEASE-002204 2023-06-15 13:38:00                <NA>
#> 966      TBR 800 RELEASE-002192 2023-06-15 16:15:00                <NA>
#> 967      TBR 800 RELEASE-002198 2023-06-15 11:58:00                <NA>
#> 968      TBR 800 RELEASE-002200 2023-06-15 09:40:00                <NA>
#> 969      TBR 800 RELEASE-002189 2023-06-15 09:05:00                <NA>
#> 970      TBR 800 RELEASE-002199 2023-06-15 10:43:00                <NA>
#> 971                 VR2W-134518 2023-06-05 12:30:00                <NA>
#> 972                VR2TX-487266 2023-09-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 973                 VR2W-119590 2023-06-07 10:30:00                <NA>
#> 974                 VR2W-134533 2023-06-07 10:45:00                <NA>
#> 975                 VR2W-120438 2023-06-07 11:30:00                <NA>
#> 976                 VR2W-134510 2023-06-21 08:30:00                <NA>
#> 977                VR2TX-489360 2023-06-27 15:30:00                <NA>
#> 978                TBR700L-1564 2022-11-10 11:06:56                <NA>
#> 979                TBR700L-1560 2022-11-10 11:40:07                <NA>
#> 980                TBR700L-1562 2022-11-10 10:01:39                <NA>
#> 981                TBR700L-1526 2022-11-10 09:23:07                <NA>
#> 982        TBR 800 RELEASE-2594 2023-04-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 983                 VR2W-119598 2023-06-05 14:20:00                <NA>
#> 984                VR2AR-548483 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 985                VR2AR-548489 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 986                VR2AR-552671 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 987                VR2AR-548495 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 988                VR2AR-548484 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 989                 VR2W-133866 2023-05-16 13:45:00                <NA>
#> 990                 VR2W-133868 2023-05-17 12:20:00                <NA>
#> 991                 VR2W-133588 2023-05-17 13:00:00                <NA>
#> 992                 VR2W-133592 2023-05-17 13:30:00                <NA>
#> 993                 VR2W-133589 2023-05-17 14:25:00                <NA>
#> 994                 VR2W-133604 2023-05-17 14:50:00                <NA>
#> 995                 VR2W-133598 2023-05-17 15:30:00                <NA>
#> 996                 VR2W-133595 2023-05-17 16:05:00                <NA>
#> 997          TBR700_V3.0.0-1484 2023-04-20 14:00:00                <NA>
#> 998      TBR 800 RELEASE-002086 2023-06-14 14:20:00                <NA>
#> 999                 VR2W-131678 2020-08-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1000                VR2W-133225 2021-10-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1001                VR2W-131687 2020-09-29 08:30:00                <NA>
#> 1002                TBR800-2057 2023-06-23 11:59:29                <NA>
#> 1003                TBR800-2017 2023-06-20 10:02:33                <NA>
#> 1004                TBR800-2098 2023-03-06 08:44:28                <NA>
#> 1005                TBR800-2097 2023-03-06 16:38:37                <NA>
#> 1006               TBR700L-1563 2023-06-20 14:21:25                <NA>
#> 1007               TBR700L-1565 2023-06-20 15:15:53                <NA>
#> 1008                VR2W-137075 2023-06-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1009               VR2TX-487267 2023-09-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1010         TBR800RELEASE-3113 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1011                VR2W-119613 2023-06-05 14:45:00                <NA>
#> 1012             TBR-800-002008 2023-05-15 07:50:55                <NA>
#> 1013               VR2AR-546044 2023-06-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1014               VR2AR-552783 2023-06-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1015                VR2W-132164 2023-05-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1016                VR2W-132158 2023-05-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1017     TBR 800 RELEASE-002213 2023-06-29 07:00:00                <NA>
#> 1018     TBR 800 RELEASE-002303 2023-06-29 08:13:00                <NA>
#> 1019     TBR 800 RELEASE-002307 2023-06-29 11:04:00                <NA>
#> 1020     TBR 800 RELEASE-002308 2023-06-29 10:36:00                <NA>
#> 1021                VR2W-137441 2023-07-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1022                VR2W-137430 2023-07-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1023                VR2W-137438 2023-07-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1024                VR2W-137440 2023-07-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1025                VR2W-114434 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1026     TBR 800 RELEASE-002201 2023-06-28 06:33:00                <NA>
#> 1027     TBR 800 RELEASE-002191 2023-06-28 10:10:00                <NA>
#> 1028     TBR 800 RELEASE-002203 2023-06-28 07:18:00                <NA>
#> 1029     TBR 800 RELEASE-002207 2023-06-28 09:38:00                <NA>
#> 1030     TBR 800 RELEASE-002209 2023-06-28 06:57:00                <NA>
#> 1031     TBR 800 RELEASE-002212 2023-06-28 10:37:00                <NA>
#> 1032     TBR 800 RELEASE-002305 2023-06-28 08:52:00                <NA>
#> 1033     TBR 800 RELEASE-002311 2023-06-28 08:24:00                <NA>
#> 1034       TBR 800 RELEASE-2591 2023-06-28 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1035     TBR 800 RELEASE-002211 2023-06-29 07:29:00                <NA>
#> 1036                VR2W-114428 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1037                VR2W-114426 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1038                VR2W-114448 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1039                VR2W-114431 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1040                VR2W-114441 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1041                VR2W-114433 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1042                VR2W-114459 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1043                VR2W-105616 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1044                VR2W-114442 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1045                VR2W-114425 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1046                VR2W-114453 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1047                VR2W-114432 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1048                VR2W-114435 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1049                VR2W-114423 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1050                VR2W-114450 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1051                VR2W-114445 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1052                VR2W-114452 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1053                VR2W-114461 2020-11-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1054                VR2W-114430 2020-11-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1055                VR2W-114460 2020-11-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1056                VR2W-114449 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1057                VR2W-114454 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1058                VR2W-114447 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1059                VR2W-114437 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1060                VR2W-114439 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1061                VR2W-114446 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1062                VR2W-114429 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1063                VR2W-114424 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1064           TBR700 LONG-1361 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1065           TBR700 LONG-1362 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1066           TBR700 LONG-1363 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1067           TBR700 LONG-1364 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1068           TBR700 LONG-1365 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1069           TBR700 LONG-1366 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1070           TBR700 LONG-1367 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1071           TBR700 LONG-1368 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1072           TBR700 LONG-1369 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1073           TBR700 LONG-1370 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1074           TBR700 LONG-1371 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1075           TBR700 LONG-1372 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1076           TBR700 LONG-1373 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1077           TBR700 LONG-1374 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1078           TBR700 LONG-1375 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1079           TBR700 LONG-1376 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1080           TBR700 LONG-1377 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1081           TBR700 LONG-1378 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1082           TBR700 LONG-1379 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1083           TBR700 LONG-1380 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1084           TBR700 LONG-1381 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1085           TBR700 LONG-1382 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1086           TBR700 LONG-1383 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1087           TBR700 LONG-1384 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1088           TBR700 LONG-1385 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1089           TBR700 LONG-1386 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1090           TBR700 LONG-1387 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1091           TBR700 LONG-1388 2020-02-06 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1092           TBR700 LONG-1389 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1093           TBR700 LONG-1390 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1094           TBR700 LONG-1391 2020-02-04 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1095           TBR700 LONG-1462 2020-07-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1096           TBR700 LONG-1488 2020-10-23 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1097           TBR700 LONG-1486 2020-10-23 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1098           TBR700 LONG-1460 2020-06-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1099           TBR700 LONG-1461 2020-06-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1100           TBR700 LONG-1463 2020-06-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1101           TBR700 LONG-1464 2020-06-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1102           TBR700 LONG-1465 2020-06-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1103           TBR700 LONG-1466 2020-06-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1104           TBR700 LONG-1468 2020-06-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1105           TBR700 LONG-1469 2020-06-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1106                VR2W-137437 2023-07-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1107               VR2TX-480401 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1108               VR2TX-480404 2020-11-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1109               VR2TX-482879 2020-11-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1110               VR2TX-483674 2020-10-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1111               VR2TX-483675 2020-10-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1112               VR2TX-483677 2020-10-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1113               VR2TX-483678 2020-10-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1114               VR2TX-483676 2020-10-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1115               VR2TX-483679 2020-10-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1116               VR2TX-480567 2020-11-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1117               VR2TX-480571 2020-11-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1118               VR2TX-483177 2020-11-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1119               VR2TX-483174 2020-11-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1120               VR2TX-480403 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1121               VR2TX-480393 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1122               VR2TX-480402 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1123               VR2TX-480397 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1124               VR2TX-480376 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1125               VR2TX-480388 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1126               VR2TX-483170 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1127               VR2TX-483172 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1128               VR2TX-483178 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1129               VR2TX-483179 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1130               VR2TX-483180 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1131                VR2W-105369 2020-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1132                VR2W-108305 2020-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1133                VR2W-131429 2020-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1134                VR2W-134816 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1135                VR2W-131446 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1136                VR2W-102939 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1137                VR2W-105372 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1138                VR2W-101883 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1139                VR2W-101884 2020-06-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1140                VR2W-100134 2020-06-19 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1141                VR2W-102941 2020-08-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1142                VR2W-105373 2020-06-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1143                VR2W-108224 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1144                VR2W-105375 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1145                VR2W-122084 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1146                VR2W-108302 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1147                VR2W-108307 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1148                VR2W-108309 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1149                VR2W-108310 2020-07-11 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1150                VR2W-131441 2020-07-11 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1151                VR2W-108313 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1152                VR2W-108315 2020-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1153                VR2W-108316 2020-06-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1154                VR2W-122073 2020-06-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1155                VR2W-122077 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1156                VR2W-131442 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1157                VR2W-112750 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1158                VR2W-122080 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1159                VR2W-122082 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1160                VR2W-134814 2020-04-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1161                VR2W-134815 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1162                VR2W-134824 2020-03-11 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1163                VR2W-134825 2020-03-12 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1164                VR2W-134821 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1165                VR2W-131435 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1166                VR2W-134819 2020-07-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1167                VR2W-131431 2020-06-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1168                VR2W-131430 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1169                VR2W-131432 2020-07-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1170                VR2W-131433 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1171                VR2W-131434 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1172                VR2W-131436 2020-07-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1173                VR2W-131437 2020-06-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1174                VR2W-131438 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1175                VR2W-131440 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1176                VR2W-131443 2020-06-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1177                VR2W-131444 2020-07-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1178                VR2W-134820 2020-07-11 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1179         TBR800RELEASE-3107 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1180                VR2W-134822 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1181                VR2W-134823 2020-07-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1182                VR2W-134818 2020-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1183                VR2W-131448 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1184                VR2W-131445 2020-07-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1185                VR2W-131439 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1186                VR2W-131447 2020-07-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1187                VR2W-134817 2020-07-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1188                VR2W-108308 2020-01-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1189                VR2W-110965 2020-05-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1190               VR2AR-548804 2020-05-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1191               VR2TX-482279 2020-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1192         TBR800RELEASE-3111 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1193               VR2TX-482300 2020-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1194               VR2TX-482290 2020-05-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1195         TBR800RELEASE-3122 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1196       TBR 800 RELEASE-2101 2023-05-30 07:00:00                <NA>
#> 1197                VR2W-112500 2022-12-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1198               VR2AR-546893 2021-04-10 00:00:00 2022-06-05 00:00:00
#> 1199                VR2W-131681 2019-05-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1200                VR2W-131683 2019-06-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1201                VR2W-131679 2019-07-11 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1202         TBR800RELEASE-3080 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1203                VR2W-131680 2018-10-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1204                VR2W-131686 2019-07-11 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1205                VR2W-114164 2020-05-12 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1206                VR2W-114172 2020-07-13 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1207                VR2W-114163 2020-05-12 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1208         TBR800RELEASE-3103 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1209                VR2W-137425 2023-07-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1210                VR2C-450113 2021-04-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1211         TBR800RELEASE-3115 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1212               VR2TX-481204 2020-02-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1213         TBR800RELEASE-3116 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1214                VR2W-133585 2021-06-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1215               VR2TX-481203 2020-02-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1216         TBR800RELEASE-3120 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1217         TBR800RELEASE-3108 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1218         TBR800RELEASE-3121 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1219                VR2W-103258 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1220                VR2W-100558 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1221                VR2W-133491 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1222                VR2W-133492 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1223                VR2W-133493 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1224                VR2W-133496 2022-11-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1225               VR2TX-480378 2022-11-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1226               VR2AR-547656 2023-10-25 15:42:00 2024-12-24 15:42:00
#> 1227               VR2TX-480391 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1228                   POD-7598 2023-10-25 15:09:00                <NA>
#> 1229         TBR800RELEASE-3117 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1230                  SUR-00364 2021-04-26 07:15:00                <NA>
#> 1231                  SUR-00370 2021-04-26 15:50:00                <NA>
#> 1232                  SUR-00373 2021-04-16 05:54:00                <NA>
#> 1233               VR2AR-546113 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1234         TBR800RELEASE-3106 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1235               VR2AR-546115 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1236               VR2AR-546116 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1237               VR2AR-546117 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1238               VR2AR-546118 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1239               VR2AR-546119 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1240                   POD-7042                <NA>                <NA>
#> 1241               VR2AR-548688 2021-07-07 10:30:00                <NA>
#> 1242               VR2AR-546120 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1243               VR2AR-546121 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1244               VR2AR-546122 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1245               VR2AR-548694 2021-07-07 11:00:00                <NA>
#> 1246                VR2W-131801 2018-07-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1247               VR2TX-481196 2018-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1248               VR2TX-481199 2018-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1249               VR2TX-481202 2018-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1250               VR2TX-481198 2019-07-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1251               VR2TX-481240 2020-02-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1252               VR2TX-481194 2020-02-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1253               VR2TX-481238 2020-02-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1254               VR2AR-546123 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1255               VR2AR-546125 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1256                   POD-3416 2021-07-12 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1257                VR2W-131799 2020-12-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1258                   POD-3330 2021-07-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1259         TBR800RELEASE-3110 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1260               VR2AR-546126 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1261               VR2AR-550158 2021-03-26 16:50:00                <NA>
#> 1262               VR2AR-550160 2020-09-30 20:52:00                <NA>
#> 1263               VR2AR-550195 2021-04-15 18:00:40                <NA>
#> 1264               VR2AR-546127 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1265                VR2W-120448 2023-04-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1266                VR2W-137684 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1267               VR2AR-548696 2020-09-30 20:36:00                <NA>
#> 1268                TBR800-2334 2022-12-08 12:58:12                <NA>
#> 1269               VR2AR-548963 2021-03-24 14:15:43                <NA>
#> 1270                TBR800-2093 2022-08-16 13:10:00                <NA>
#> 1271               VR2AR-549001 2021-03-26 16:50:00                <NA>
#> 1272               VR2TX-486736 2023-07-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1273               VR2TX-482882 2019-11-23 04:00:00                <NA>
#> 1274         TBR800RELEASE-3118 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1275         TBR800RELEASE-3119 2023-08-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1276                VR2W-127541 2019-11-20 04:00:00                <NA>
#> 1277                VR2W-127546 2019-11-18 04:00:00                <NA>
#> 1278               VR2AR-552884 2023-04-25 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1279                VR2W-127554 2019-11-17 04:00:00                <NA>
#> 1280                VR2W-127591 2019-11-16 04:00:00                <NA>
#> 1281               VR2AR-552885 2023-04-25 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1282                VR2W-122967 2020-10-21 20:30:00                <NA>
#> 1283                VR2W-132969 2020-11-22 13:45:00                <NA>
#> 1284                VR2W-132981 2020-11-22 14:00:00                <NA>
#> 1285                VR2W-132982 2020-12-01 11:01:00                <NA>
#> 1286                VR2W-132984 2020-12-01 10:48:00                <NA>
#> 1287                VR2W-132986 2020-11-22 14:20:00                <NA>
#> 1288                VR2W-132988 2020-10-21 18:25:00                <NA>
#> 1289                VR2W-132995 2020-11-22 14:10:00                <NA>
#> 1290     SOUNDTRAP ST600HF-7534 2023-10-25 09:29:00                <NA>
#> 1291     TBR 800 RELEASE-002284 2023-02-15 11:26:00                <NA>
#> 1292                VR2W-137683 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1293               VR2TX-486720 2022-11-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1294                TBR700-1288 2023-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1295               VR2TX-489367 2023-09-22 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1296               VR2TX-489363 2023-05-14 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1297               VR2TX-487259 2022-11-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1298               VR2TX-486719 2022-11-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1299               VR2TX-485897 2022-11-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1300               VR2TX-487253 2023-02-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1301               TBR700R-1444 2023-02-23 10:55:55                <NA>
#> 1302                VR2W-127024 2023-02-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1303               VR2TX-489372 2023-05-14 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1304                VR2W-115429 2023-02-23 15:15:00                <NA>
#> 1305     TBR 800 RELEASE-002004 2023-02-15 12:05:00                <NA>
#> 1306     TBR 800 RELEASE-002252 2023-02-15 11:45:00                <NA>
#> 1307               VR2TX-489374 2023-07-13 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1308               VR2TX-489364 2023-09-14 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1309               VR2TX-489371 2023-07-13 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1310                VR2W-119593 2022-04-06 15:40:00                <NA>
#> 1311                VR2W-120429 2022-03-04 11:20:00                <NA>
#> 1312                VR2W-120425 2022-04-08 10:40:00                <NA>
#> 1313               VR2AR-546648 2021-04-03 19:00:00                <NA>
#> 1314               VR2AR-547895 2021-04-03 19:00:00                <NA>
#> 1315               VR2AR-547897 2021-04-03 19:00:00                <NA>
#> 1316                VR2W-128992 2021-04-03 19:00:00                <NA>
#> 1317                VR2W-133092 2021-04-03 19:00:00                <NA>
#> 1318                VR2W-134166 2021-03-25 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 1319                VR2W-134170 2021-04-03 19:00:00                <NA>
#> 1320                VR2W-135353 2021-04-03 19:00:00                <NA>
#> 1321                VR2W-135354 2021-04-01 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 1322                VR2W-135358 2021-04-01 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 1323                VR2W-135811 2021-04-15 17:26:53                <NA>
#> 1324               TBR700L-1207 2021-09-17 10:15:00                <NA>
#> 1325               TBR700L-1205 2021-10-01 10:15:00                <NA>
#> 1326               TBR700L-1208 2021-10-06 13:00:00                <NA>
#> 1327                VR2W-120443 2022-04-08 11:25:00                <NA>
#> 1328                VR2W-121146 2020-10-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1329               VR2TX-489361 2023-08-17 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1330               VR2AR-548692 2022-01-11 09:53:00                <NA>
#> 1331               VR2AR-548684 2022-01-11 12:02:00                <NA>
#> 1332               VR2AR-548695 2022-01-11 13:05:00                <NA>
#> 1333               VR2AR-551085 2022-01-12 12:15:00                <NA>
#> 1334                VR2W-120630 2020-06-11 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1335                VR2W-120424 2022-04-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1336                VR2W-120431 2022-04-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1337                VR2W-133870 2022-05-02 16:30:00                <NA>
#> 1338                VR2W-133599 2022-05-09 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 1339               VR2AR-548693 2022-06-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1340               VR2TX-489358 2023-09-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1341        TBR800 RELEASE-2609 2023-10-25 10:21:00 2025-10-24 00:00:00
#> 1342                VR2W-125477 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1343        TBR800 RELEASE-2087 2023-10-25 10:18:00 2025-06-13 00:00:00
#> 1344                VR2W-133321 2023-10-25 10:07:00 2025-01-23 10:07:00
#> 1345               VR2TX-485906 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1346               VR2TX-485902 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1347               VR2TX-485903 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1348                VR2W-137688 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1349                VR2W-137674 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1350                VR2W-137675 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1351               VR2TX-487261 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1352               VR2TX-486749 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1353               VR2TX-487263 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1354                VR2W-137678 2023-09-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1355                TBR800-2071 2023-10-25 06:46:00 2025-10-25 00:00:00
#> 1356                TBR800-2670 2023-10-25 06:45:00 2025-10-08 16:32:00
#> 1357                TBR800-2081 2023-10-25 06:48:00 2025-03-13 16:36:00
#> 1358               VR2AR-547695 2023-10-25 06:44:00 2024-12-24 06:44:00
#> 1359               VR2TX-486747 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2025-01-26 16:00:00
#> 1360               VR2TX-487255 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1361               VR2TX-487257 2023-09-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1362               VR2TX-486737 2023-10-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1363               VR2TX-486748 2023-10-10 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1364                VR2W-134865 2023-09-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1365               VR2TX-482600 2023-09-25 00:00:00 2023-11-27 16:15:00
#> 1366               VR2TX-482599 2023-09-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1367                VR2W-134899 2023-10-25 11:08:00 2025-01-23 10:09:00
#> 1368               VR2AR-552785 2023-10-25 06:45:00 2024-12-24 06:45:00
#> 1369                VR2W-134869 2023-09-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1370                VR2W-134867 2023-09-25 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1371               VR2AR-549591 2023-10-25 06:47:00 2024-12-24 06:47:00
#> 1372              TBR800-002012 2022-06-30 10:11:00                <NA>
#> 1373               VR2TX-486753 2023-09-25 00:00:00 2023-11-27 16:01:00
#> 1374               VR2AR-551452 2022-06-16 12:10:00                <NA>
#> 1375                   POD-2730 2021-09-15 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 1376               VR2AR-546891 2023-10-25 06:48:00 2024-12-24 06:48:00
#> 1377                VR2W-134523 2022-04-06 00:06:00                <NA>
#> 1378             TBR700L-001242 2022-06-14 08:57:35                <NA>
#> 1379                VR2W-120450 2022-04-06 14:00:00                <NA>
#> 1380                VR2W-136737 2022-03-09 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1381              TBR800-002009 2023-08-07 14:20:00                <NA>
#> 1382               VR2AR-548487 2022-07-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1383                VR2W-137676 2022-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1384               VR2TX-486738 2022-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1385                VR2W-137448 2022-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1386               VR2TX-486740 2022-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1387             TBR-800-002601 2022-07-07 00:00:00 2023-01-01 10:24:00
#> 1388               VR2AR-551455 2022-08-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1389               VR2AR-551393 2022-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1390               VR2AR-551383 2022-08-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1391                   POD-3330 2022-08-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1392              TBR800-002679 2022-08-10 00:00:00 2023-11-10 00:00:00
#> 1393                VR2W-112297 2022-08-10 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 1394                VR2W-122367 2022-08-10 00:00:00 2024-01-10 10:00:00
#> 1395     TBR 800 RELEASE-002235 2022-05-21 07:57:00                <NA>
#> 1396     TBR 800 RELEASE-002306 2022-05-21 07:48:00                <NA>
#> 1397                VR2W-135767 2022-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1398                VR2W-110850 2022-07-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1399                VR2W-110854 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1400                VR2W-125505 2022-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1401                VR2W-110858 2022-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1402                VR2W-126344 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1403                VR2W-126348 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1404                VR2W-126346 2022-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1405                VR2W-110857 2022-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1406                VR2W-125502 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1407                VR2W-110851 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1408                VR2W-110856 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1409                VR2W-126347 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1410                VR2W-110859 2022-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1411                VR2W-126349 2022-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1412                VR2W-131989 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1413                VR2W-131992 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1414                VR2W-110852 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1415                VR2W-126345 2022-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1416             TBR700L-001260 2022-06-16 11:15:00                <NA>
#> 1417             TBR700L-001259 2022-06-16 12:04:00                <NA>
#> 1418               VR2AR-551613 2022-06-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1419               VR2AR-551610 2022-06-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1420               VR2AR-551609 2022-06-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1421                VR2W-113526 2022-08-24 00:00:00 2024-01-24 10:00:00
#> 1422                VR2W-115435 2022-08-12 00:00:00 2024-01-24 11:00:00
#> 1423                VR2W-136709 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1424             TBR700L-001200 2022-06-14 19:20:47                <NA>
#> 1425             TBR700L-001210 2022-07-06 08:05:56                <NA>
#> 1426             TBR700L-001252 2022-06-14 08:49:39                <NA>
#> 1427             TBR700L-001202 2022-06-14 09:01:36                <NA>
#> 1428             TBR700L-001246 2022-06-14 19:08:43                <NA>
#> 1429             TBR700L-001203 2022-06-14 19:17:04                <NA>
#> 1430             TBR700L-001266 2022-06-14 19:26:06                <NA>
#> 1431             TBR700L-001241 2022-06-14 19:29:32                <NA>
#> 1432             TBR700L-001258 2022-06-14 19:32:02                <NA>
#> 1433             TBR700L-001264 2022-06-14 19:36:54                <NA>
#> 1434             TBR700L-001243 2022-06-14 19:40:16                <NA>
#> 1435             TBR700L-001201 2022-06-14 19:43:57                <NA>
#> 1436             TBR700L-001250 2022-06-14 19:46:05                <NA>
#> 1437             TBR700L-001248 2022-06-14 19:49:55                <NA>
#> 1438             TBR700L-001245 2022-06-14 19:55:52                <NA>
#> 1439             TBR700L-001267 2022-06-14 20:08:11                <NA>
#> 1440             TBR700L-001251 2022-06-14 19:59:45                <NA>
#> 1441             TBR700L-001247 2022-06-15 10:11:51                <NA>
#> 1442             TBR700L-001257 2022-06-15 10:15:13                <NA>
#> 1443             TBR700L-001265 2022-06-15 10:20:58                <NA>
#> 1444             TBR700L-001199 2022-06-15 10:23:47                <NA>
#> 1445             TBR700L-001249 2022-06-15 10:27:07                <NA>
#> 1446             TBR700L-001244 2022-06-15 10:31:24                <NA>
#> 1447             TBR700L-001240 2022-06-15 10:42:28                <NA>
#> 1448             TBR700L-001254 2022-06-15 11:05:14                <NA>
#> 1449     TBR 800 RELEASE-002236 2022-06-24 10:37:00                <NA>
#> 1450     TBR 800 RELEASE-002255 2022-06-24 06:43:00                <NA>
#> 1451     TBR 800 RELEASE-002272 2022-07-10 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1452     TBR 800 RELEASE-002003 2022-06-24 09:58:00                <NA>
#> 1453     TBR 800 RELEASE-002238 2022-06-24 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 1454     TBR 800 RELEASE-002239 2022-06-24 05:59:00                <NA>
#> 1455     TBR 800 RELEASE-002240 2022-07-10 09:04:00                <NA>
#> 1456     TBR 800 RELEASE-002241 2022-06-24 09:15:00                <NA>
#> 1457     TBR 800 RELEASE-002246 2022-07-08 16:47:00                <NA>
#> 1458     TBR 800 RELEASE-002247 2022-06-24 02:36:00                <NA>
#> 1459     TBR 800 RELEASE-002249 2022-06-24 10:55:00                <NA>
#> 1460                VR2W-137687 2022-09-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1461                   POD-2977 2021-07-12 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1462             TBR700L-001209 2022-09-21 09:14:42                <NA>
#> 1463               TBR700L-1239 2022-09-21 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1464               TBR700L-1255 2022-09-20 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1465                VR2W-105756 2022-07-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1466                VR2W-136707 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1467                VR2W-136708 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1468                VR2W-136710 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1469                VR2W-134507 2022-05-06 14:40:00                <NA>
#> 1470                VR2W-113599 2022-08-02 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1471                VR2W-124412 2022-07-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1472                VR2W-113582 2022-05-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1473                VR2W-119087 2022-05-12 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1474                VR2W-134521 2022-06-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1475                VR2W-113581 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1476                VR2W-122359 2022-07-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1477               VR2AR-551403 2022-10-12 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1478                   POD-3331 2022-10-17 08:59:00                <NA>
#> 1479                TBR800-2091 2022-10-19 09:16:18                <NA>
#> 1480     TBR 800 RELEASE-002188 2022-10-06 07:43:00                <NA>
#> 1481                VR2W-103672 2021-09-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1482                VR2W-103670 2022-03-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1483               VR2AR-548690 2022-11-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1484                TBR800-2056 2022-10-19 09:01:09                <NA>
#> 1485            VR2W-180-302665 2022-11-21 14:27:00                <NA>
#> 1486            VR2W-180-302669 2022-11-21 14:10:00                <NA>
#> 1487            VR2W-180-302671 2022-11-20 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 1488               VR2AR-548499 2022-12-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1489               VR2AR-548491 2022-12-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1490               VR2AR-548685 2022-12-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1491     TBR 800 RELEASE-002299 2022-10-07 11:56:00                <NA>
#> 1492     TBR 800 RELEASE-002276 2022-10-07 09:06:00                <NA>
#> 1493     TBR 800 RELEASE-002291 2022-10-07 10:06:00                <NA>
#> 1494     TBR 800 RELEASE-002293 2022-10-07 10:50:00                <NA>
#> 1495     TBR 800 RELEASE-002257 2022-11-14 12:37:00                <NA>
#> 1496     TBR 800 RELEASE-002277 2022-10-12 08:44:00                <NA>
#> 1497     TBR 800 RELEASE-002280 2022-10-12 09:32:00                <NA>
#> 1498     TBR 800 RELEASE-002298 2022-10-12 10:08:00                <NA>
#> 1499               VR2AR-547659 2022-12-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1500                TBR800-2458 2022-11-30 13:51:28                <NA>
#> 1501                TBR800-2456 2022-11-30 13:48:35                <NA>
#> 1502                TBR800-2460 2022-11-30 13:44:37                <NA>
#> 1503                TBR800-2459 2022-11-30 13:57:41                <NA>
#> 1504              TBR700-001769 2022-09-22 09:49:42                <NA>
#> 1505              TBR700-001772 2023-01-17 09:17:48                <NA>
#> 1506              TBR700-001193 2023-01-17 08:11:31                <NA>
#> 1507              TBR700-001752 2023-01-17 13:04:19                <NA>
#> 1508              TBR700-001777 2023-01-17 08:40:18                <NA>
#> 1509              TBR700-001196 2022-11-30 13:15:19                <NA>
#> 1510              TBR700-001198 2022-11-28 13:09:54                <NA>
#> 1511              TBR800-002650 2023-01-17 11:43:52                <NA>
#> 1512              TBR700-001189 2022-11-30 09:05:14                <NA>
#> 1513              TBR700-001775 2022-11-30 11:10:08                <NA>
#> 1514              TBR700-001747 2022-11-30 11:00:28                <NA>
#> 1515              TBR700-001190 2022-11-30 08:38:01                <NA>
#> 1516              TBR700-001767 2022-11-28 08:25:40                <NA>
#> 1517              TBR700-001771 2022-11-30 13:54:57                <NA>
#> 1518              TBR700-001773 2022-11-28 17:10:26                <NA>
#> 1519              TBR700-001770 2022-11-28 11:10:53                <NA>
#> 1520              TBR700-001774 2022-11-28 08:40:04                <NA>
#> 1521              TBR700-001188 2022-11-30 12:07:46                <NA>
#> 1522              TBR700-001776 2022-11-30 12:35:18                <NA>
#> 1523              TBR800-002652 2022-11-28 11:47:05                <NA>
#> 1524              TBR700-001750 2022-11-28 10:04:42                <NA>
#> 1525                VR2W-133613 2023-01-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1526                VR2W-137436 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1527                VR2W-137435 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1528                VR2W-137427 2022-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1529                VR2W-137423 2022-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1530                VR2W-137434 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1531                VR2W-137439 2022-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1532                VR2W-137447 2022-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1533                VR2W-137450 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1534                VR2W-137433 2022-10-19 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1535                VR2W-137449 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1536                VR2W-137431 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1537                VR2W-137424 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1538               VR2TX-486718 2022-07-18 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1539                VR2W-133232 2020-10-05 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1540                VR2W-137335 2021-07-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1541                VR2W-137333 2021-07-19 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1542                VR2W-131682 2020-10-01 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1543                VR2W-137380 2021-07-20 16:00:00                <NA>
#> 1544                VR2W-122595 2023-05-03 16:30:00                <NA>
#> 1545                VR2W-133233 2020-09-29 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1546                VR2W-133227 2018-04-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1547                VR2W-114149 2022-05-06 18:40:00 2024-06-12 18:44:00
#> 1548                VR2W-115306 2022-05-06 18:46:00                <NA>
#> 1549                VR2W-114134 2022-05-06 18:33:00                <NA>
#> 1550               VR2AR-548691 2023-07-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1551                VR2W-136582 2022-05-11 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1552                VR2W-136593 2022-05-10 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1553                VR2W-101507 2022-05-04 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1554                VR2W-137390 2022-04-26 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1555                VR2W-137397 2022-05-04 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1556                VR2W-125484 2022-05-04 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1557                VR2W-125461 2022-05-16 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1558                VR2W-136583 2022-05-16 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1559                VR2W-136592 2022-05-11 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1560                VR2W-136588 2022-05-16 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1561                VR2W-136586 2022-05-16 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1562                VR2W-125460 2022-05-03 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1563                VR2W-136762 2022-05-03 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1564                TBR800-2673 2023-06-29 11:50:59 2024-05-05 00:00:00
#> 1565                VR2W-108862 2022-05-03 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1566                VR2W-112364 2022-05-03 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1567                VR2W-136597 2022-05-03 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1568                VR2W-137389 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1569               VR2AR-548901 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1570               VR2AR-548903 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1571               VR2AR-548905 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1572               VR2AR-548906 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1573               VR2AR-548907 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1574               VR2AR-548908 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1575               VR2AR-548910 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1576               VR2AR-548911 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1577               VR2AR-548913 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1578               VR2AR-548914 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1579               VR2AR-548915 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1580               VR2AR-548917 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1581               VR2AR-548918 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1582               VR2AR-548919 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1583               VR2AR-548920 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1584               VR2AR-548921 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1585               VR2AR-548922 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1586               VR2AR-548923 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1587               VR2AR-548924 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1588               VR2AR-548925 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1589               VR2AR-548927 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1590               VR2AR-548928 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1591               VR2AR-548930 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1592               VR2AR-548931 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1593                VR2W-110275 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1594               VR2AR-548932 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1595               VR2AR-548933 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1596               VR2AR-548934 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1597               VR2AR-548937 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1598               VR2AR-548938 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1599               VR2AR-548941 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1600               VR2AR-548942 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1601               VR2AR-548943 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1602               VR2AR-548944 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1603               VR2AR-548946 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1604               VR2AR-548947 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1605               VR2AR-548949 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1606               VR2AR-548950 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1607               VR2AR-548951 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1608               VR2AR-548952 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1609               VR2AR-548953 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1610               VR2AR-548954 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1611               VR2AR-548955 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1612               VR2AR-548956 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1613               VR2AR-548957 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1614               VR2AR-548958 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1615               VR2AR-548959 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1616               VR2AR-548960 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1617               VR2AR-548961 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1618               VR2AR-548962 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1619               VR2AR-548964 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1620               VR2AR-548965 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1621               VR2AR-548966 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1622               VR2AR-548967 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1623               VR2AR-548968 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1624               VR2AR-548970 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1625               VR2AR-548971 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1626               VR2AR-548972 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1627               VR2AR-548973 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1628               VR2AR-548975 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1629                VR2W-136756 2022-07-19 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1630               VR2AR-548976 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1631               VR2AR-548978 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1632               VR2AR-548980 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1633               VR2AR-548981 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1634               VR2AR-548982 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1635               VR2AR-548983 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1636               VR2AR-548984 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1637               VR2AR-548985 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1638               VR2AR-548986 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1639               VR2AR-548989 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1640               VR2AR-548990 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1641                VR2W-136753 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1642               VR2AR-548991 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1643               VR2AR-548992 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1644               VR2AR-548993 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1645               VR2AR-548994 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1646               VR2AR-548995 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1647               VR2AR-548996 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1648               VR2AR-548997 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1649               VR2AR-548998 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1650               VR2AR-549000 2021-10-04 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1651                VR2W-136596 2022-04-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1652                VR2W-125480 2022-07-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1653                VR2W-100674 2022-04-26 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1654                VR2W-137395 2022-04-26 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1655                VR2W-105297 2022-07-21 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1656                VR2W-122334 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2024-04-24 00:00:00
#> 1657                VR2W-136743 2022-04-26 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1658                VR2W-136605 2022-04-26 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1659                VR2W-108864 2022-04-27 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1660                VR2W-136746 2022-05-31 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1661                VR2W-136607 2022-04-27 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1662                VR2W-136595 2022-04-27 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1663                VR2W-136598 2022-04-27 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1664                VR2W-130679 2022-04-27 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1665                VR2W-137362 2022-07-18 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1666                VR2W-136602 2022-03-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1667                VR2W-105302 2022-03-09 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1668                VR2W-125463 2022-03-09 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1669                VR2W-128603 2021-09-01 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1670                VR2W-136757 2022-03-09 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1671                VR2W-136754 2022-03-09 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1672                VR2W-136770 2022-03-09 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1673                VR2W-136759 2022-03-09 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1674                VR2W-105286 2021-08-19 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1675                VR2W-113500 2022-06-17 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1676                VR2W-125472 2022-06-17 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1677                VR2W-137370 2022-06-17 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1678                VR2W-101506 2022-06-17 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1679                VR2W-112290 2023-03-01 00:00:00 2023-11-01 15:00:00
#> 1680                VR2W-127721 2023-02-23 00:00:00 2024-01-01 13:00:00
#> 1681                VR2W-112285 2023-02-23 00:00:00 2024-01-01 13:00:00
#> 1682                VR2W-124078 2023-02-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1683                VR2W-108865 2022-03-10 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1684                VR2W-136765 2022-03-10 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1685                VR2W-105278 2022-05-24 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1686                VR2W-136600 2022-05-24 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1687                VR2W-134511 2023-03-23 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1688               VR2AR-552125 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1689               VR2AR-552114 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1690               VR2AR-552113 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1691               VR2AR-552112 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1692               VR2AR-552118 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1693               VR2AR-552117 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1694               VR2AR-552120 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1695               VR2AR-552123 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1696               VR2AR-552121 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1697               VR2AR-552119 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1698               VR2AR-552115 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1699               VR2AR-552126 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1700               VR2AR-552124 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1701               VR2AR-552116 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1702               VR2AR-552122 2022-06-20 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1703               VR2TX-485034 2022-06-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1704               VR2AR-552360 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1705               VR2AR-552361 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1706               VR2AR-552366 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1707               VR2AR-552355 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1708               VR2AR-552359 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1709               VR2AR-552349 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1710               VR2AR-552351 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1711               VR2AR-552365 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1712               VR2AR-552364 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1713               VR2AR-552353 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1714               VR2AR-552348 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1715               VR2AR-552363 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1716               VR2AR-552354 2022-07-12 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1717               VR2AR-552350 2022-07-19 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1718               VR2AR-552356 2022-07-19 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1719               VR2AR-549003 2023-02-26 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1720               VR2AR-547669 2023-01-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1721               VR2AR-547660 2023-01-30 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1722                VR2W-132983 2020-12-01 10:51:00                <NA>
#> 1723               VR2TX-481197 2021-06-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1724               VR2AR-548909 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1725               VR2AR-548945 2021-09-30 03:00:00                <NA>
#> 1726                VR2W-136748 2022-05-30 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1727                VR2W-136750 2022-03-11 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1728               VR2AR-551453 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1729               VR2TX-481209 2021-06-08 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1730               VR2AR-551874 2022-04-16 12:34:11                <NA>
#> 1731                TBR800-2079 2023-09-26 10:05:00 2025-09-25 10:07:00
#> 1732       TBR 800 RELEASE-2577 2023-09-26 06:30:00                <NA>
#> 1733                VR2W-136731 2022-05-16 10:16:00                <NA>
#> 1734                VR2W-108583 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1735                VR2W-108569 2016-06-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1736                VR2W-131821 2021-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1737                VR2W-102904 2016-06-03 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1738     TBR 800 RELEASE-002310 2023-09-26 07:22:00                <NA>
#> 1739                VR2W-102907 2016-06-03 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1740               VR2TX-480720 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2022-11-02 00:00:00
#> 1741                VR2W-102903 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1742                VR2W-122346 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 1743                VR2W-126194 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 1744                VR2W-127722 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 1745                VR2W-127028 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 1746                VR2W-115434 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-12-20 12:00:00
#> 1747                VR2W-124074 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-12-20 10:00:00
#> 1748                VR2W-137862 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-12-20 10:00:00
#> 1749                VR2W-122349 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 1750                VR2W-137863 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-12-19 10:00:00
#> 1751                VR2W-123831 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2024-04-24 00:00:00
#> 1752                VR2W-130998 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2023-12-06 00:00:00
#> 1753                VR2W-129709 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2024-04-24 00:00:00
#> 1754                VR2W-136467 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2023-12-06 00:00:00
#> 1755                VR2W-127724 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2024-04-24 00:00:00
#> 1756                VR2W-137864 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2024-04-24 00:00:00
#> 1757                VR2W-134897 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2024-04-24 00:00:00
#> 1758                VR2W-137072 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2024-04-24 00:00:00
#> 1759                VR2W-134900 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2024-04-24 00:00:00
#> 1760                VR2W-122329 2023-09-27 00:00:00 2024-05-15 00:00:00
#> 1761                VR2W-137860 2023-09-27 00:00:00 2024-05-16 00:00:00
#> 1762                VR2W-120874 2023-09-27 00:00:00 2024-05-15 00:00:00
#> 1763                VR2W-120876 2023-09-27 00:00:00 2024-05-15 00:00:00
#> 1764                VR2W-120882 2023-09-27 00:00:00 2024-05-15 00:00:00
#> 1765                VR2W-127735 2023-09-26 00:00:00 2023-01-24 00:00:00
#> 1766                VR2W-120883 2023-09-27 00:00:00 2024-05-15 00:00:00
#> 1767     TBR 800 RELEASE-002818 2023-09-08 12:16:00                <NA>
#> 1768                VR2W-129331 2016-06-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1769                VR2W-108587 2016-05-02 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1770                VR2W-106753 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1771                VR2W-108563 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1772                VR2W-129330 2016-05-19 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1773                VR2W-131802 2021-10-07 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1774                VR2W-129327 2016-05-19 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1775                VR2W-129328 2016-05-19 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1776               VR2AR-546195 2023-08-23 12:18:00                <NA>
#> 1777                VR2W-106761 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1778               VR2AR-551876 2023-08-04 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1779                VR2W-122161 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1780                VR2W-108589 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1781                VR2W-108562 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1782                VR2W-115332 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1783                VR2W-108574 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1784                VR2W-129329 2016-05-19 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1785                VR2W-129326 2016-05-19 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1786                   POD-3605 2022-06-02 11:14:00                <NA>
#> 1787                VR2W-108584 2016-05-03 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1788                VR2W-129604 2016-05-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1789                VR2W-129605 2016-05-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1790                VR2W-129606 2016-05-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1791               VR2AR-551612 2023-08-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1792                VR2W-129607 2016-05-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1793                VR2W-129608 2016-05-05 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1794                VR2W-130574 2016-10-04 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1795               VR2AR-546365 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1796               VR2AR-546368 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1797               VR2AR-546370 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1798               VR2AR-546371 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1799                   POD-7603 2023-09-05 10:36:00                <NA>
#> 1800               VR2AR-546351 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1801               VR2AR-546374 2017-05-10 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1802                VR2W-108583 2017-06-01 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1803                VR2W-129327 2017-05-31 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1804                VR2W-122423 2015-10-15 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1805                VR2W-119115 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1806               VR2AR-551451 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1807                VR2W-119119 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1808                VR2W-119125 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1809                VR2W-119126 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1810                VR2W-119127 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1811           TBR700 LONG-1477 2023-06-26 13:56:42                <NA>
#> 1812                TBR800-2683 2023-06-28 09:43:00                <NA>
#> 1813                VR2W-119128 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1814                VR2W-119129 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1815                VR2W-119131 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1816                VR2W-119132 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1817                VR2W-119133 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1818                VR2W-119134 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1819                   POD-2421 2018-03-14 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1820                VR2W-119136 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1821                VR2W-119138 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1822                   POD-7601 2023-09-14 15:55:00                <NA>
#> 1823             TBR700L-001268 2022-01-21 11:47:02                <NA>
#> 1824                VR2W-119149 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1825                VR2W-119090 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1826                TBR800-2333 2023-05-24 15:10:00                <NA>
#> 1827                VR2W-133495 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1828               VR2TX-485080 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1829                VR2W-105706 2018-10-18 14:38:47                <NA>
#> 1830               VR2TX-480400 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1831               VR2AR-551378 2023-08-03 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1832               VR2TX-480396 2020-06-08 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1833               VR2TX-480565 2020-06-08 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1834           TBR700 LONG-1487 2020-10-23 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1835                VR2W-136585 2022-05-04 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1836               VR2AR-553679 2023-10-25 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1837                VR2W-103671 2023-08-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1838                VR2W-135641 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1839     TBR 800 RELEASE-002279 2023-09-08 09:45:00                <NA>
#> 1840                VR2W-135642 2023-08-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1841               VR2AR-546620 2023-09-07 09:52:00                <NA>
#> 1842       SOUNDTRAP HF600-7565 2023-09-06 10:27:00                <NA>
#> 1843                VR2W-119606 2023-09-15 12:30:00                <NA>
#> 1844     TBR 800 RELEASE-002281 2023-02-02 10:56:00                <NA>
#> 1845           TBR700 LONG-1485 2020-10-23 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1846               VR2AR-551863 2023-04-04 16:36:00                <NA>
#> 1847                VR2W-113523 2023-02-23 00:00:00 2023-11-01 00:00:00
#> 1848               VR2AR-551872 2023-04-06 14:34:00                <NA>
#> 1849               VR2AR-551871 2023-04-06 12:39:00                <NA>
#> 1850               VR2AR-551858 2023-04-19 09:52:00                <NA>
#> 1851               VR2AR-548288 2023-04-19 09:29:00                <NA>
#> 1852               VR2AR-548881 2023-04-19 09:07:00                <NA>
#> 1853               VR2AR-548879 2023-04-19 08:35:00                <NA>
#> 1854               VR2AR-550095 2023-04-07 13:13:00                <NA>
#> 1855               VR2AR-550066 2023-04-19 12:51:00                <NA>
#> 1856               VR2AR-547054 2023-04-19 13:10:00                <NA>
#> 1857               VR2AR-551869 2023-04-19 13:30:00                <NA>
#> 1858               VR2AR-546202 2023-04-19 13:49:00                <NA>
#> 1859               VR2AR-550068 2023-04-19 14:08:00                <NA>
#> 1860               VR2AR-551888 2023-04-20 10:40:00                <NA>
#> 1861               VR2AR-550099 2023-04-20 10:18:00                <NA>
#> 1862               VR2AR-548298 2023-04-20 09:56:00                <NA>
#> 1863               VR2AR-550186 2023-04-20 09:35:00                <NA>
#> 1864               VR2AR-550179 2023-04-20 09:09:00                <NA>
#> 1865               VR2AR-548291 2023-04-20 08:48:00                <NA>
#> 1866               VR2AR-550105 2023-04-07 12:45:00                <NA>
#> 1867               VR2AR-551873 2023-04-07 12:12:00                <NA>
#> 1868               VR2AR-551870 2023-04-20 11:37:00                <NA>
#> 1869               VR2AR-548865 2023-04-20 11:17:00                <NA>
#> 1870               VR2AR-551854 2023-04-07 11:36:00                <NA>
#> 1871               VR2AR-550100 2023-04-07 10:59:00                <NA>
#> 1872               VR2AR-550178 2023-04-07 10:27:00                <NA>
#> 1873               VR2AR-548293 2023-04-07 09:57:00                <NA>
#> 1874               VR2AR-550070 2023-04-20 12:36:00                <NA>
#> 1875               VR2AR-550096 2023-04-20 12:56:00                <NA>
#> 1876               VR2AR-550109 2023-04-20 13:14:00                <NA>
#> 1877                VR2W-133818 2018-10-18 14:14:47                <NA>
#> 1878               VR2TX-483184 2020-10-31 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1879                VR2W-131086 2017-04-06 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1880                VR2W-119151 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1881                VR2W-119121 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1882                VR2W-119124 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1883                VR2W-119130 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1884                VR2W-119135 2015-04-07 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1885                VR2W-101508 2011-04-14 10:30:00                <NA>
#> 1886                VR2W-130587 2018-10-02 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1887                VR2W-119056 2018-10-18 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1888                VR2W-119070 2018-10-18 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1889                VR2W-119067 2018-10-18 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1890                VR2W-134236 2018-10-31 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1891                VR2W-134230 2018-10-31 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1892                VR2W-134239 2018-10-31 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1893                VR2W-132165 2018-11-13 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1894                VR2W-134242 2018-10-31 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1895                VR2W-132159 2018-11-13 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1896               VR2TX-481410 2018-11-13 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1897                VR2W-132271 2018-11-13 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1898                VR2W-134233 2018-11-30 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1899                VR2W-134231 2018-11-30 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1900                VR2W-134229 2019-04-04 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1901                VR2W-134241 2019-04-04 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1902                VR2W-134232 2019-04-04 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1903                VR2W-134237 2019-04-04 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1904                VR2W-134234 2019-04-04 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1905                VR2W-134238 2019-04-04 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1906                VR2W-134240 2019-04-04 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1907                VR2W-115192 2019-04-05 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1908                VR2W-101235 2007-06-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1909                   POD-2955 2019-08-26 10:20:00                <NA>
#> 1910                    VR3-248 2009-07-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1911               VR2AR-550857 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1912               VR2AR-551121 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1913                VR2W-131685 2017-08-21 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1914               VR2TX-487339 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1915               VR2TX-487353 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1916               VR2TX-487336 2021-09-01 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1917               VR2AR-548492 2023-06-16 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1918                VR2W-109256 2023-06-27 15:30:00                <NA>
#> 1919     TBR 800 RELEASE-002089 2023-06-15 15:25:00                <NA>
#> 1920       TBR 800 RELEASE-2575 2023-06-15 16:25:00                <NA>
#> 1921     TBR 800 RELEASE-002202 2023-06-15 10:15:00                <NA>
#> 1922               VR2AR-548500 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1923               VR2AR-548689 2023-06-14 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1924               TBR700L-1527 2023-06-20 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1925           TBR700 LONG-1467 2020-07-16 18:00:00                <NA>
#> 1926                VR2W-131991 2021-07-21 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1927               VR2TX-480382 2022-11-06 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1928               VR2TX-485061 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1929               VR2AR-546114 2022-10-28 12:00:00                <NA>
#> 1930               VR2TX-481233 2018-07-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1931               VR2TX-481221 2018-07-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1932                VR2W-131823 2018-07-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1933                VR2W-131813 2018-07-27 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1934                VR2W-132970 2022-06-16 16:52:00                <NA>
#> 1935                VR2W-120418 2022-04-06 11:50:00                <NA>
#> 1936                VR2W-133618 2022-05-09 09:00:00                <NA>
#> 1937                VR2W-133615 2022-05-02 13:55:00                <NA>
#> 1938                   POD-2729 2022-01-18 08:00:00                <NA>
#> 1939                VR2W-125478 2022-06-17 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1940                VR2W-136751 2022-06-01 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1941                VR2W-136752 2022-06-01 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1942               VR2AR-551387 2022-07-04 12:37:00                <NA>
#> 1943             TBR700L-001206 2022-03-18 09:10:38                <NA>
#> 1944             TBR700L-001204 2022-06-15 10:38:58                <NA>
#> 1945               VR2TX-484990 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1946               VR2TX-484991 2020-10-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1947               VR2TX-484992 2020-10-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1948               VR2TX-484993 2020-10-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1949               VR2TX-484994 2020-10-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1950               VR2TX-484995 2020-10-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1951               VR2TX-484996 2020-10-22 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1952               VR2TX-484997 2022-03-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1953               VR2TX-484998 2020-12-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1954               VR2TX-485003 2022-03-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1955                VR2W-136699 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1956                VR2W-136700 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1957                VR2W-136701 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1958                VR2W-136702 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1959                VR2W-136703 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1960                VR2W-136704 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1961                VR2W-136705 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1962                VR2W-136706 2020-09-28 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1963            VR2W-180-302580 2022-11-20 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 1964            VR2W-180-302666 2022-11-21 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 1965            VR2W-180-302581 2022-11-18 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1966            VR2W-180-302680 2022-11-19 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1967            VR2W-180-302571 2022-11-20 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 1968            VR2W-180-302576 2022-11-18 10:00:00                <NA>
#> 1969            VR2W-180-302575 2022-11-26 16:30:00                <NA>
#> 1970                VR2W-133231 2018-04-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1971                TBR800-2455 2022-11-30 14:00:59                <NA>
#> 1972                VR2W-136763 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1973                VR2W-133234 2020-07-15 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1974                VR2W-133228 2021-04-24 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 1975                VR2W-137334 2021-07-20 15:00:00                <NA>
#> 1976                VR2W-137388 2022-04-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1977                VR2W-137393 2022-05-04 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1978                VR2W-136575 2022-05-16 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1979                VR2W-136584 2022-04-26 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1980                VR2W-137394 2022-04-26 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1981                VR2W-137371 2022-07-18 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1982                VR2W-136594 2022-07-20 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1983                VR2W-108863 2022-03-09 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1984                VR2W-136767 2022-08-01 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1985                VR2W-108860 2022-08-01 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1986                VR2W-136764 2022-08-01 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1987                VR2W-108868 2022-05-31 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1988                VR2W-125469 2022-05-31 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1989                VR2W-128599 2022-05-30 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1990                VR2W-136739 2022-05-30 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1991                VR2W-136742 2022-05-31 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1992                VR2W-136606 2022-05-31 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1993                VR2W-136758 2022-10-07 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1994                VR2W-125487 2020-06-25 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1995                VR2W-136749 2022-05-23 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1996                VR2W-136741 2022-06-17 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1997                VR2W-136747 2022-06-17 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1998                VR2W-136761 2022-06-17 00:00:01                <NA>
#> 1999 SOUNDTRAP STHF300-67416073 2017-08-09 00:00:00                <NA>
#> 2000                TBR800-2680 2023-09-26 10:08:00 2025-09-25 10:08:00
#> 2001                TBR800-2721 2023-09-27 10:11:00 2025-09-26 10:11:00
#> 2002                VR2W-112288 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 00:00:00
#> 2003                VR2W-127725 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 10:00:00
#> 2004                VR2W-120887 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 2005                VR2W-120884 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 2006                VR2W-122330 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 2007                VR2W-127736 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 2008                VR2W-124071 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 2009                VR2W-115443 2023-09-20 00:00:00 2024-05-09 12:00:00
#> 2010               VR2TX-480722 2023-09-27 00:00:00 2024-03-16 10:12:00
#>      latitude longitude
#> 1     51.4067    2.8190
#> 2     51.4067    2.8190
#> 3     39.5615   26.7509
#> 4     58.2848   -2.8526
#> 5     39.4813   26.0578
#> 6     60.1215    5.0978
#> 7     36.9736   -7.7550
#> 8     36.9979   -7.6829
#> 9     51.5749    2.9871
#> 10    48.8957   -3.4097
#> 11    65.2767   12.8463
#> 12    65.2767   12.8463
#> 13    41.8892   28.0703
#> 14         NA        NA
#> 15    58.2677   -2.8407
#> 16    49.3406   -0.2464
#> 17    58.2781   -2.8369
#> 18    48.8596   -3.3465
#> 19    49.3758   -0.3539
#> 20    53.3099    5.6257
#> 21    51.4280    4.0349
#> 22    37.0884   -8.5849
#> 23    41.6695   28.1132
#> 24    38.4347   -9.0678
#> 25    41.2207   30.2647
#> 26    51.2405    2.5042
#> 27    56.0427   12.6304
#> 28    51.3522    3.7810
#> 29    29.2177  -13.5414
#> 30    58.2916   -2.8677
#> 31    29.2832  -13.5238
#> 32    29.3813  -13.5137
#> 33    51.2325    2.6432
#> 34    50.2034   -4.0878
#> 35    47.1566   -2.5406
#> 36    65.3089   12.9256
#> 37    50.1886   -4.2496
#> 38    51.8339    3.0576
#> 39    53.3167    6.1581
#> 40    50.5428   -3.4995
#> 41    55.3037   10.8745
#> 42    50.1939   -4.3473
#> 43    50.5412   -3.5011
#> 44    50.2054   -4.3865
#> 45    50.2288   -4.1230
#> 46    50.2009   -3.9509
#> 47    55.2102   -6.5315
#> 48    55.2198   -6.5280
#> 49    55.2195   -6.5321
#> 50    51.1512    2.6603
#> 51    51.6489    2.5366
#> 52    50.7645   -0.6545
#> 53    50.6561   -0.6545
#> 54    50.6374   -0.7064
#> 55    50.6899   -0.8314
#> 56    50.5408   -3.5027
#> 57    50.5432   -3.5175
#> 58    65.1372   12.5088
#> 59    51.2405    2.5042
#> 60    60.0523    5.1825
#> 61    50.2524   -4.2378
#> 62    63.3384   10.1795
#> 63    51.6489    2.5366
#> 64    50.7174   -0.6909
#> 65    50.6763   -0.8308
#> 66    50.6808   -0.7382
#> 67    50.2391   -3.7568
#> 68    49.4558   -0.2653
#> 69    50.2835   -4.2584
#> 70    50.7413   -0.7135
#> 71    50.2083   -4.2632
#> 72    50.2123   -4.3313
#> 73    50.2313   -3.7689
#> 74    50.2187   -4.0766
#> 75    50.2082   -4.3407
#> 76    40.4380   27.7468
#> 77    56.7655   16.4962
#> 78    65.0699   12.4876
#> 79    50.1823   -4.2646
#> 80    47.1566   -2.5406
#> 81    65.1269   12.5177
#> 82    65.0642   12.0922
#> 83    50.1799   -4.2633
#> 84    51.4858    2.3074
#> 85    43.4250    4.5513
#> 86    49.3533   -0.4619
#> 87    40.3148   26.2107
#> 88    42.4584    3.1666
#> 89    40.9595   26.8931
#> 90    49.2556   -2.1111
#> 91    55.3425   11.0405
#> 92    41.0457   26.3757
#> 93    56.5523   -6.8632
#> 94    51.5749    2.9870
#> 95    65.2483   12.8171
#> 96    41.1862   28.5816
#> 97    65.1346   12.5907
#> 98    40.5530   26.1235
#> 99    51.4067    2.8190
#> 100   51.3507    2.7037
#> 101   51.9233   -2.2653
#> 102   50.6583   -0.8071
#> 103   43.1100    3.0918
#> 104   53.4148    6.1944
#> 105   53.4088    6.1864
#> 106   53.3413    6.2891
#> 107   40.5886   26.5306
#> 108   40.4755   28.8943
#> 109   40.3681   26.6858
#> 110   65.0389   12.5325
#> 111   43.4135    4.5434
#> 112   55.3000   10.8555
#> 113   40.0108   26.1992
#> 114   40.0481   26.2087
#> 115   40.3823   26.6354
#> 116   51.4064    2.8185
#> 117   50.7283   -0.4809
#> 118   40.1051   26.3289
#> 119   40.2350   29.1202
#> 120   61.0600   14.5448
#> 121   40.2395   29.2242
#> 122   51.3033    2.7125
#> 123   55.3111   10.9048
#> 124    2.9961    2.9961
#> 125   42.0550    3.2148
#> 126   53.3220    5.7580
#> 127   42.0520    3.2163
#> 128   53.4332    6.5816
#> 129   42.0509    3.2193
#> 130   50.7444   -0.6474
#> 131   50.7268   -0.4814
#> 132   43.4370    4.5597
#> 133   51.3857    2.4753
#> 134   50.7909   -0.9138
#> 135   48.9468   -2.1978
#> 136   50.7869   -0.9318
#> 137   49.2807   -1.9310
#> 138   50.7776   -0.9353
#> 139   51.2745    2.4486
#> 140   50.7279   -0.4882
#> 141   50.7270   -0.4845
#> 142   50.7290   -0.4837
#> 143   50.3598   -4.1221
#> 144   56.7570   16.5245
#> 145   50.1864   -4.1416
#> 146   43.4318    3.7775
#> 147   50.6365   -3.1779
#> 148   55.5750    7.5900
#> 149   55.6417    7.5967
#> 150   50.6419   -3.1794
#> 151   50.4671   -3.0108
#> 152   51.6956    2.8158
#> 153   56.7766   16.4177
#> 154   43.4352    3.7763
#> 155   56.7712   16.4837
#> 156   50.6340   -3.1889
#> 157   40.0885   26.3551
#> 158   50.5828   -2.0019
#> 159   51.2405    2.5042
#> 160   58.3154   14.5027
#> 161   53.4131    6.8746
#> 162   56.7696   16.4900
#> 163   51.4097    2.5487
#> 164   49.4291   -0.3967
#> 165   51.4084    2.5491
#> 166   46.8744   -2.5089
#> 167   49.4394   -0.4567
#> 168   46.8732   -2.5697
#> 169   50.6407   -3.1905
#> 170   46.8809   -2.5116
#> 171   50.2857   -3.8679
#> 172   50.2289   -2.1229
#> 173   46.9199   -2.5276
#> 174   51.4865    2.3048
#> 175   46.8616   -2.4726
#> 176   42.7042    3.0672
#> 177   46.9074   -2.4861
#> 178   51.4325    2.8020
#> 179   56.7604   16.5193
#> 180   51.4865    2.3048
#> 181   50.1440   -4.1961
#> 182   60.0697    5.2176
#> 183   50.6839   -1.9548
#> 184   56.7610   16.5097
#> 185   56.7633   16.5024
#> 186   50.7204   -2.9353
#> 187   50.5606   -2.6914
#> 188   50.5593   -2.6888
#> 189   60.0717    5.2234
#> 190   50.6894   -1.8857
#> 191   50.6880   -1.8855
#> 192   50.6909   -1.8833
#> 193   60.0692    5.2225
#> 194   50.6894   -1.8834
#> 195   60.0663    5.2202
#> 196   51.4865    2.3048
#> 197   50.6891   -1.8811
#> 198   50.6879   -1.8810
#> 199   50.6815   -1.7998
#> 200   60.0668    5.2278
#> 201   49.7166   -2.1697
#> 202   50.6602   -0.8858
#> 203   50.6559   -0.8780
#> 204   50.6438   -0.8698
#> 205   50.6395   -0.8739
#> 206   60.0648    5.2248
#> 207   50.8613    5.6378
#> 208   50.7397   -0.8810
#> 209   50.2019   -4.0862
#> 210   50.6608   -1.0860
#> 211   50.6590   -1.0731
#> 212   50.6575   -1.0612
#> 213   50.7337   -1.0967
#> 214   50.7258   -1.0835
#> 215   50.7191   -1.0874
#> 216   50.7320   -1.0850
#> 217   50.7337   -1.0967
#> 218   51.2405    2.5042
#> 219   50.7251   -1.1017
#> 220   50.7234   -1.0991
#> 221   50.7048   -1.5499
#> 222   50.7029   -1.5449
#> 223   50.6998   -1.5391
#> 224   50.7074   -1.5470
#> 225   50.7045   -1.5426
#> 226   50.7016   -1.5364
#> 227   51.4067    2.8190
#> 228   50.6591   -1.5952
#> 229   50.6598   -1.6015
#> 230   50.6600   -1.6093
#> 231   58.1311   12.1161
#> 232   50.5687   -1.3178
#> 233   53.3287    6.9246
#> 234   49.2609   -2.2356
#> 235   58.1247   12.1192
#> 236   50.5624   -1.3589
#> 237   50.5584   -1.3827
#> 238   50.5583   -1.4034
#> 239   50.5961   -2.1675
#> 240   59.3705   28.2098
#> 241   50.6024   -2.1606
#> 242   50.4998   -2.4301
#> 243   57.8458   11.9103
#> 244   37.1994   -7.4100
#> 245   59.3673   28.2057
#> 246   50.5072   -2.4651
#> 247   59.4374   28.1224
#> 248   58.2351   14.4872
#> 249   51.1571    4.8644
#> 250   50.6506   -2.8869
#> 251   50.7370   -0.8589
#> 252   50.4964   -2.9636
#> 253   50.6377   -2.7011
#> 254   50.6971   -0.9120
#> 255   50.6387   -2.7004
#> 256   50.6834   -2.7994
#> 257   50.6468   -2.9639
#> 258   50.6972   -2.9387
#> 259   50.7368   -0.8519
#> 260   50.4956   -2.7171
#> 261   57.8233   11.8856
#> 262   59.4500   28.0969
#> 263   50.7025   -0.9161
#> 264   50.6143   -1.9331
#> 265   50.6185   -1.9475
#> 266   50.6845   -1.8010
#> 267   50.6956   -2.9338
#> 268   50.4908   -2.7185
#> 269   50.5855   -2.0082
#> 270   50.6816   -1.7941
#> 271   57.7914   12.0097
#> 272   50.5855   -2.0020
#> 273   42.4807    3.1590
#> 274   42.4674    3.1664
#> 275   57.7700   12.0055
#> 276   42.4678    3.1694
#> 277   50.6846   -1.7954
#> 278   50.5855   -2.0050
#> 279   42.4657    3.1701
#> 280   51.3347    2.6150
#> 281   50.5827   -2.0081
#> 282   50.5828   -2.0049
#> 283   50.6909   -1.8877
#> 284   50.6881   -1.8876
#> 285   50.6894   -1.8879
#> 286   42.3512    3.2333
#> 287   53.1639    4.9747
#> 288   50.6909   -1.8809
#> 289   53.4078    6.1897
#> 290   50.6909   -1.8855
#> 291   60.1002    5.1301
#> 292   50.6880   -1.8832
#> 293   55.6350    7.5867
#> 294   51.2247    4.5422
#> 295   50.8880    5.5748
#> 296   50.9397    5.3820
#> 297   50.9364    5.4980
#> 298   51.3730    4.2836
#> 299   51.0950    5.1211
#> 300   50.9368    5.4439
#> 301   42.2527    3.2797
#> 302   60.1403    5.1126
#> 303   48.0672   -4.9661
#> 304   42.4763    3.1578
#> 305   42.3560    3.1789
#> 306   42.3530    3.1889
#> 307   60.1035    5.0904
#> 308   60.1117    5.0854
#> 309   60.0965    5.1211
#> 310   60.1409    5.1027
#> 311   60.1256    5.0683
#> 312   50.2287   -4.5573
#> 313   58.2985   -2.8295
#> 314   42.2384    3.2567
#> 315   50.3136   -4.0525
#> 316   50.2243   -3.7792
#> 317   60.1234    5.0646
#> 318   50.0539   -5.0368
#> 319   60.1350    5.1006
#> 320   51.6483    2.5362
#> 321   48.0714   -4.7828
#> 322   48.0611   -4.7303
#> 323   48.0789   -4.7003
#> 324   48.1397   -4.5853
#> 325   51.4847    2.3063
#> 326   55.6267    7.5767
#> 327   52.8436    5.6715
#> 328   48.4719   -5.0253
#> 329   48.4792   -5.1292
#> 330   48.4428   -5.1414
#> 331   53.0548    5.4039
#> 332   52.8790    5.3639
#> 333   52.8629    5.6820
#> 334   52.7732    5.1125
#> 335   51.8778    5.3611
#> 336   52.5822    5.8648
#> 337   53.0556    5.3815
#> 338   51.3346    2.6151
#> 339   51.4612    3.1070
#> 340   52.7398    5.1475
#> 341   52.7610    5.1217
#> 342   53.1750    5.3989
#> 343   53.2272    5.2745
#> 344   53.2532    5.1568
#> 345   53.1337    5.0218
#> 346   43.5162    3.9772
#> 347   53.3044    5.2530
#> 348   53.3578    5.3910
#> 349   53.2183    5.1923
#> 350   53.3055    5.4279
#> 351   53.1881    5.3428
#> 352   53.1804    5.3793
#> 353   53.1938    4.8643
#> 354   53.1855    4.8674
#> 355   52.9691    4.7098
#> 356   53.3291    5.1753
#> 357   53.3338    5.1800
#> 358   53.3375    5.1815
#> 359   53.3430    5.1880
#> 360   53.3450    5.1920
#> 361   53.3273    5.1694
#> 362   53.0756    5.0933
#> 363   53.0945    5.1898
#> 364   53.1212    5.1859
#> 365   52.9983    4.8184
#> 366   52.9762    4.7302
#> 367   52.9723    4.7955
#> 368   52.9792    4.8015
#> 369   53.3025    5.4969
#> 370   53.2775    5.1067
#> 371   53.2214    4.9468
#> 372   53.2214    4.9468
#> 373   53.1966    4.8946
#> 374   53.2012    4.9073
#> 375   53.1930    4.8872
#> 376   53.1930    4.8872
#> 377   53.0151    5.0772
#> 378   53.2873    5.1652
#> 379   53.3081    5.0975
#> 380   53.2949    5.0988
#> 381   52.9520    4.9828
#> 382   52.9520    4.9828
#> 383   53.2909    5.1986
#> 384   53.2909    5.1986
#> 385   53.3146    5.1219
#> 386   53.1970    4.7968
#> 387   53.1865    4.8406
#> 388   53.3084    5.0160
#> 389   53.3128    5.0235
#> 390   58.2150   -2.9636
#> 391   58.2253   -2.9600
#> 392   58.2357   -2.9566
#> 393   58.2082   -2.9482
#> 394   58.2184   -2.9444
#> 395   58.2394   -2.9379
#> 396   58.2221   -2.9261
#> 397   58.2050   -2.9142
#> 398   58.2155   -2.9110
#> 399   58.2258   -2.9074
#> 400   58.2774   -2.8899
#> 401   58.2878   -2.8862
#> 402   58.2982   -2.8825
#> 403   58.2092   -2.8971
#> 404   58.2189   -2.8920
#> 405   58.2293   -2.8886
#> 406   58.2812   -2.8712
#> 407   58.2815   -2.8186
#> 408   58.2919   -2.8149
#> 409   58.1974   -2.8435
#> 410   58.2075   -2.8434
#> 411   49.4845   -0.4559
#> 412   58.1971   -2.8151
#> 413   58.2174   -2.8170
#> 414   58.2276   -2.8170
#> 415   58.1969   -2.7887
#> 416   58.2071   -2.7908
#> 417   58.2172   -2.7908
#> 418   58.2274   -2.7906
#> 419   42.2155   -8.9021
#> 420   58.1255   -2.7124
#> 421   58.1457   -2.7123
#> 422   58.1561   -2.7097
#> 423   58.1659   -2.7121
#> 424   58.1761   -2.7120
#> 425   58.2881   -2.8338
#> 426   59.3516   28.1898
#> 427   51.7044    2.8126
#> 428   58.2013   -2.9329
#> 429   58.2119   -2.9297
#> 430   58.2133   14.4830
#> 431   58.2219   -2.9260
#> 432   58.2143   14.5865
#> 433   59.3890   28.2016
#> 434   58.2325   -2.9224
#> 435   51.7040    2.8817
#> 436   58.2428   -2.9192
#> 437   58.2142   14.3790
#> 438   58.2744   -2.8558
#> 439   58.2951   -2.8490
#> 440   55.6167    7.5667
#> 441   58.3054   -2.8451
#> 442   58.1870   -2.8150
#> 443   55.6083    7.5600
#> 444   58.1968   -2.7887
#> 445   58.2068   -2.7623
#> 446   55.9089    8.4106
#> 447   58.2135   14.2794
#> 448   55.6000    7.5550
#> 449   58.2267   -2.7116
#> 450   58.2368   -2.6850
#> 451   58.2639   -2.8639
#> 452   51.3346    2.6151
#> 453   51.3809    2.4526
#> 454   51.3590    3.2032
#> 455   51.3453    3.2122
#> 456   51.3346    2.6151
#> 457   55.5917    7.5533
#> 458   51.3346    2.6151
#> 459   51.5807    2.9960
#> 460   51.5807    2.9960
#> 461   51.3809    2.4526
#> 462   55.5817    7.5517
#> 463   51.2400    2.9176
#> 464   51.2892    2.8653
#> 465   51.4492    2.8787
#> 466   60.1178    5.0945
#> 467   51.3572    3.1904
#> 468   51.2872    2.8792
#> 469   51.3913    3.3037
#> 470   51.3762    3.1787
#> 471   51.2431    2.9177
#> 472   51.3685    3.2620
#> 473   60.1194    5.0909
#> 474   56.0011    8.1219
#> 475   56.0028    8.1228
#> 476   56.0033    8.1272
#> 477   55.9997    8.1303
#> 478   56.0031    8.1378
#> 479   56.0039    8.1372
#> 480   56.0039    8.1372
#> 481   56.0050    8.1375
#> 482   56.0017    8.1211
#> 483   55.9092    8.3914
#> 484   55.9111    8.3819
#> 485   55.9128    8.3686
#> 486   55.9133    8.3964
#> 487   55.9117    8.4283
#> 488   51.7044    2.8126
#> 489   51.4492    2.8787
#> 490   51.2455    2.6982
#> 491   51.4553    3.1020
#> 492   60.1276    5.0895
#> 493   49.1688   -2.1759
#> 494   67.1053   15.4093
#> 495   67.0990   15.4677
#> 496   67.1101   15.4397
#> 497   67.1077   15.4382
#> 498   67.1060   15.4363
#> 499   67.1085   15.4229
#> 500   67.1085   15.4181
#> 501   67.1360   15.4428
#> 502   67.1340   15.4349
#> 503   67.1340   15.4349
#> 504   67.1359   15.4226
#> 505   67.1359   15.4226
#> 506   67.1379   15.4031
#> 507   65.2219   12.2336
#> 508   65.1340   12.3002
#> 509   65.0803   12.3234
#> 510   65.1565   12.3034
#> 511   65.0920   12.3991
#> 512   65.2786   12.8380
#> 513   65.1533   12.3272
#> 514   67.1471   15.4089
#> 515   50.3332   -4.2597
#> 516   67.2357   15.0009
#> 517   67.2340   15.0045
#> 518   67.2861   15.0282
#> 519   67.2788   15.0306
#> 520   67.2903   14.8584
#> 521   67.2927   14.8937
#> 522   67.2892   14.8917
#> 523   67.2870   14.8809
#> 524   67.2837   14.8758
#> 525   67.2311   15.1208
#> 526   67.2577   15.1505
#> 527   67.3003   15.0172
#> 528   67.1195   15.0060
#> 529   67.2494   15.2666
#> 530   67.2551   15.2647
#> 531   67.2606   15.2604
#> 532   67.1482   14.9692
#> 533   67.1469   14.9572
#> 534   67.1453   14.9466
#> 535   67.1895   14.9260
#> 536   67.1863   14.9328
#> 537   67.2419   14.8256
#> 538   67.2495   14.9056
#> 539   67.2601   14.9451
#> 540   67.2516   14.9889
#> 541   67.2662   14.8310
#> 542   67.2692   14.8512
#> 543   50.3332   -4.2597
#> 544   50.3290   -4.2527
#> 545   50.3238   -4.2467
#> 546   50.3280   -4.2662
#> 547   50.3235   -4.2587
#> 548   50.3192   -4.2512
#> 549   50.1860   -4.2420
#> 550   50.3010   -4.1590
#> 551   50.2380   -4.0940
#> 552   50.2800   -3.9720
#> 553   50.1860   -3.9610
#> 554   50.2470   -3.9300
#> 555   50.3812   -5.6261
#> 556   50.3648   -5.6261
#> 557   50.3517   -5.6229
#> 558   50.3469   -5.5960
#> 559   50.3630   -5.5958
#> 560   50.3809   -5.6004
#> 561   65.0385   12.6695
#> 562   65.0389   12.5325
#> 563   65.0140   12.7225
#> 564   65.0758   12.4981
#> 565   42.4705    3.1582
#> 566   42.4754    3.1576
#> 567   42.4728    3.1566
#> 568   42.4808    3.1466
#> 569   42.4626    3.1617
#> 570   42.4651    3.1671
#> 571   42.4642    3.1641
#> 572   42.4791    3.1529
#> 573   42.4807    3.1569
#> 574   42.4796    3.1568
#> 575   42.4771    3.1575
#> 576   42.4683    3.1614
#> 577    4.6165   56.1335
#> 578    4.6151   56.1334
#> 579    4.6155   56.1329
#> 580    4.6139   56.1332
#> 581    4.6148   56.1322
#> 582    4.6134   56.1324
#> 583    4.6139   56.1315
#> 584    4.6123   56.1317
#> 585    4.6112   56.1311
#> 586    4.6119   56.1308
#> 587    4.6129   56.1311
#> 588    4.6137   56.1307
#> 589    4.6132   56.1303
#> 590   60.1248    5.0948
#> 591   42.8034    3.0613
#> 592   42.8964    3.0777
#> 593   42.9204    3.0600
#> 594   42.8727    3.0538
#> 595   42.5341    3.0783
#> 596   42.8239    3.0577
#> 597   42.5358    3.0799
#> 598   42.7980    3.0421
#> 599   42.5346    3.0792
#> 600   42.9204    3.0638
#> 601   42.7267    3.0407
#> 602   42.7025    3.0427
#> 603   42.9184    3.0667
#> 604   42.9148    3.0640
#> 605   42.6209    3.0419
#> 606   42.5430    3.0553
#> 607   52.1628   -2.2179
#> 608   58.1745   14.5107
#> 609   67.2024   15.2777
#> 610   60.1277    5.0946
#> 611   67.2265   15.3525
#> 612   67.0965   15.4804
#> 613   65.1345   12.6435
#> 614   65.1930   12.7039
#> 615   65.3291   12.9615
#> 616   65.0849   12.3077
#> 617   65.2155   12.2204
#> 618   65.2182   12.7725
#> 619   65.2291   12.2498
#> 620   65.1403   12.2885
#> 621   65.0659   12.0532
#> 622   65.1421   12.3410
#> 623   65.1972   12.6873
#> 624   52.0991   -2.2230
#> 625   60.1251    5.0650
#> 626   52.5599    6.1023
#> 627   52.5183    6.2117
#> 628   52.5178    6.2134
#> 629   52.5170    6.2180
#> 630   52.5219    6.3352
#> 631   52.5212    6.3259
#> 632   52.5216    6.3376
#> 633   52.5113    6.3911
#> 634   52.4367    7.0671
#> 635   52.4344    7.0745
#> 636   58.1847   14.4666
#> 637   38.4095   -9.2024
#> 638   60.1207    5.0627
#> 639   58.1779   14.4189
#> 640   58.1473   14.5030
#> 641   53.0722    5.3321
#> 642   58.1628   14.4609
#> 643   70.1939   22.9667
#> 644   70.1956   22.9773
#> 645   70.2000   23.0197
#> 646   70.2089   23.1203
#> 647   70.2119   23.1524
#> 648   70.0848   22.9922
#> 649   70.0849   23.0015
#> 650   70.0845   23.0921
#> 651   70.0846   23.1029
#> 652   70.0845   23.1138
#> 653   70.0845   23.1138
#> 654   70.0845   23.1138
#> 655   69.9970   23.3048
#> 656   56.0050    8.1375
#> 657   56.0031    8.1378
#> 658   60.1220    5.0923
#> 659   65.0814   12.4557
#> 660   65.3152   12.9215
#> 661   65.1372   12.2948
#> 662   65.0966   12.4766
#> 663   65.1949   12.6953
#> 664   65.2414   12.8050
#> 665   63.3384   10.1857
#> 666   63.3382   10.1916
#> 667   63.3381   10.1976
#> 668   63.3356   10.1832
#> 669   63.3359   10.1879
#> 670   63.3358   10.1944
#> 671   63.3356   10.2005
#> 672   63.3340   10.1853
#> 673   63.3337   10.1915
#> 674   63.3335   10.1972
#> 675   63.3333   10.2030
#> 676   63.3315   10.1879
#> 677   63.3311   10.1937
#> 678   63.3311   10.1998
#> 679   63.3309   10.2060
#> 680   63.3290   10.1906
#> 681   63.3289   10.1970
#> 682   63.3286   10.2025
#> 683   60.1208    5.0680
#> 684   60.1193    5.1003
#> 685   60.1344    5.1080
#> 686   44.2321   22.6780
#> 687   56.0695   12.6671
#> 688   56.0471   12.6168
#> 689   56.0515   12.6252
#> 690   56.0587   12.6325
#> 691   60.1248    5.0895
#> 692   56.0668   12.6510
#> 693   56.0685   12.6632
#> 694   43.8475   25.9444
#> 695   39.5636   26.7318
#> 696   39.5651   26.7315
#> 697   39.5643   26.7287
#> 698   60.1185    5.0717
#> 699   56.0483   12.6188
#> 700   60.1156    5.0938
#> 701   60.1233    5.0707
#> 702   49.9797   -6.2593
#> 703   58.1594   14.3513
#> 704   55.4062   12.2910
#> 705   55.4076   12.2950
#> 706   55.4070   12.3004
#> 707   55.4042   12.3043
#> 708   55.4021   12.3056
#> 709   55.4037   12.2995
#> 710   48.2224   -4.7240
#> 711   60.1189    5.0777
#> 712   60.1207    5.0676
#> 713   60.1232    5.0761
#> 714   38.2227  -26.6067
#> 715   37.2421  -24.7732
#> 716   58.1627   14.2621
#> 717   38.5705  -28.5414
#> 718   38.5104  -28.7521
#> 719   38.4943  -28.5903
#> 720   38.9876  -29.8805
#> 721   38.4184  -28.4531
#> 722   38.5705  -28.5414
#> 723   38.3575  -28.9825
#> 724   38.5705  -28.5414
#> 725   60.1215    5.0857
#> 726   60.1211    5.0735
#> 727   38.5017  -28.5992
#> 728   38.5113  -28.7488
#> 729   51.1488    2.7298
#> 730   38.4283  -28.4784
#> 731   38.9877  -29.8806
#> 732   38.7275  -30.0139
#> 733   38.7217  -29.9709
#> 734   50.5430   -3.5010
#> 735   38.3372  -28.6246
#> 736   38.3947  -28.0807
#> 737   38.0048  -29.2986
#> 738   38.4283  -28.4784
#> 739   38.1086  -29.1691
#> 740   58.1395   14.4549
#> 741   38.3570  -28.9681
#> 742   38.2319  -28.9359
#> 743   38.4600  -28.5348
#> 744   58.1054   14.5170
#> 745   38.5212  -28.9932
#> 746   38.0434  -29.2184
#> 747   55.5700    7.5500
#> 748   38.6172  -28.6320
#> 749   38.5485  -29.0591
#> 750   49.4556   -0.2650
#> 751   38.5085  -28.5898
#> 752   37.3008  -32.2797
#> 753   55.5617    7.5483
#> 754   58.1124   14.4240
#> 755   58.1046   14.2364
#> 756   55.6333    7.6100
#> 757   49.3417   -0.3142
#> 758   51.4480   -3.1664
#> 759   58.0540   14.3026
#> 760   60.0891    5.2664
#> 761   60.1214    5.0804
#> 762   60.1416    5.0952
#> 763   52.0656   -2.2198
#> 764   58.0529   14.2122
#> 765   57.9986   14.4159
#> 766   55.6167    7.5883
#> 767   57.9975   14.3128
#> 768   57.9984   14.2122
#> 769   57.9626   14.3354
#> 770   50.4051   -4.2036
#> 771   57.9439   14.2114
#> 772   50.1107   -4.9390
#> 773   57.9487   14.1434
#> 774   57.9194   14.2953
#> 775   57.8940   14.2762
#> 776   57.8898   14.1991
#> 777   57.8885   14.1405
#> 778   60.5600   17.4428
#> 779   60.5297   17.4072
#> 780   60.5570   17.4388
#> 781   60.5592   17.4400
#> 782   60.5664   17.4442
#> 783   60.5578   17.4349
#> 784   50.1700   -4.8368
#> 785   60.5314   17.4180
#> 786   60.5631   17.4382
#> 787   60.5592   17.4422
#> 788   60.5598   17.4388
#> 789   60.4397   17.3544
#> 790   60.5720   17.4431
#> 791   60.5585   17.4367
#> 792   61.1954   17.1603
#> 793   49.4394   -0.4572
#> 794   57.8359   14.2111
#> 795   58.7494   14.9391
#> 796   58.7484   14.8480
#> 797   58.6960   14.9276
#> 798   58.6964   14.8391
#> 799   58.6385   14.6268
#> 800   58.6247   14.7765
#> 801   58.5968   14.7597
#> 802   58.5891   14.6256
#> 803   55.6067    7.5817
#> 804   58.5677   14.7464
#> 805   58.5344   14.8309
#> 806   51.4865    2.3048
#> 807   58.5451   14.7325
#> 808   59.4689   28.0432
#> 809   58.5356   14.6245
#> 810   39.1297    2.9197
#> 811   39.1293    2.9195
#> 812   58.4835   14.7060
#> 813   58.4819   14.6339
#> 814   58.4819   14.5349
#> 815   59.7229   17.6506
#> 816   58.4287   14.7174
#> 817   58.4278   14.6233
#> 818   58.4280   14.5205
#> 819   58.4222   14.4495
#> 820   58.3740   14.6222
#> 821   58.3747   14.5199
#> 822   58.3725   14.4206
#> 823   58.3205   14.4117
#> 824   58.3207   14.3477
#> 825   57.8068   14.2153
#> 826   58.2854   14.4962
#> 827   58.2668   14.6060
#> 828   58.2622   14.4902
#> 829   58.2667   14.3970
#> 830   58.2677   14.3084
#> 831   42.8456    3.2487
#> 832   43.3142    4.9210
#> 833   49.9741   -6.2717
#> 834   49.9793   -6.2758
#> 835   56.5918   -6.8331
#> 836   55.3064   10.8866
#> 837   59.7855   17.6541
#> 838   55.3096   10.8993
#> 839   55.3147   10.9167
#> 840   55.3051   10.8810
#> 841   55.3406   11.0231
#> 842   55.3438   11.0481
#> 843   56.0472   12.6167
#> 844   56.6264   -6.6993
#> 845   49.9742   -6.2680
#> 846   49.9750   -6.2733
#> 847   38.4153   -9.1884
#> 848   38.4274   -9.1706
#> 849   38.4292   -9.1328
#> 850   38.4550   -9.0100
#> 851   51.5667    2.9833
#> 852   38.4342   -9.0634
#> 853   38.4385   -9.1018
#> 854   38.4460   -9.0340
#> 855   38.4469   -9.0266
#> 856   38.4537   -9.0157
#> 857   38.4339   -9.1150
#> 858   38.4552   -9.0069
#> 859   38.4519   -9.0130
#> 860   38.4506   -9.0162
#> 861   38.4476   -9.0219
#> 862   53.3269    6.9259
#> 863   55.5179    9.7543
#> 864   55.5181    9.7110
#> 865   55.5197    9.7452
#> 866   55.5165    9.7092
#> 867   55.5194    9.7123
#> 868   55.3226   10.9393
#> 869   55.3204   10.9335
#> 870   55.3413   11.0302
#> 871   55.5153    9.7075
#> 872   55.3377   11.0021
#> 873   55.3385   11.0094
#> 874   55.3454   11.0620
#> 875   55.3475   11.0782
#> 876   55.3490   11.0904
#> 877   55.3460   11.0694
#> 878   55.3439   11.0521
#> 879   51.2354    4.3967
#> 880   55.3486   11.0871
#> 881   55.3399   11.0194
#> 882   42.6250    3.0630
#> 883   43.5197    3.9131
#> 884   43.5192    3.9137
#> 885   38.4124   -9.2198
#> 886   51.1422    4.3265
#> 887   51.1141    4.2412
#> 888   51.0926    4.1708
#> 889   51.1227    4.2189
#> 890   51.0555    4.4429
#> 891   51.0361    4.1086
#> 892   48.8755   -2.5868
#> 893   55.3242   10.9437
#> 894   55.3226   10.9393
#> 895   42.7240    3.0700
#> 896   51.0320    4.1817
#> 897   51.0736    4.1901
#> 898   51.0434    4.0478
#> 899   51.0203    3.9697
#> 900   51.0168    3.9253
#> 901   51.3030    4.2873
#> 902   51.2965    4.2857
#> 903   51.0718    4.4547
#> 904   38.4995   -8.8876
#> 905   56.0433   12.6725
#> 906   56.0434   12.6576
#> 907   56.0407   12.6676
#> 908   43.0147    3.0635
#> 909   43.0237    3.0422
#> 910   42.8851    3.0507
#> 911   42.8868    3.0463
#> 912   56.0494   12.6247
#> 913   56.0519   12.6371
#> 914   56.0563   12.6662
#> 915   56.0546   12.6503
#> 916   59.7445   17.2305
#> 917   59.7432   17.2750
#> 918   59.7369   17.3026
#> 919   59.7362   17.3793
#> 920   59.7347   17.4000
#> 921   59.7927   17.6117
#> 922   59.7334   17.5038
#> 923   59.7255   17.5360
#> 924   59.6455   17.5110
#> 925   59.7423   17.5971
#> 926   59.7528   17.5936
#> 927   59.7460   17.6212
#> 928   59.7525   17.6245
#> 929   59.7513   17.6278
#> 930   59.7527   17.6278
#> 931   59.7674   17.6280
#> 932   59.7769   17.6126
#> 933   59.6642   17.5791
#> 934   56.6169   -6.7791
#> 935   56.5725   -6.5954
#> 936   56.4800   -6.7859
#> 937   43.5433    3.9745
#> 938   55.3226   10.9393
#> 939   53.3190    6.1720
#> 940   51.1907    4.3295
#> 941   51.1432    4.3308
#> 942   51.1008    4.3305
#> 943   51.0559    4.2002
#> 944   38.4843   -8.8657
#> 945   59.3576   17.7831
#> 946   42.8056    3.0307
#> 947   43.4139    3.6907
#> 948   51.0823    4.3662
#> 949   59.3120   17.9669
#> 950   59.1387   17.6794
#> 951   59.2083   17.6184
#> 952   42.8558    3.0324
#> 953   36.9905   -7.7644
#> 954   56.0405   12.6303
#> 955   56.0427   12.6304
#> 956   53.3779    6.1633
#> 957   53.3667    6.1718
#> 958   53.3753    6.1970
#> 959   53.3684    6.1806
#> 960   48.8899   -2.5821
#> 961   48.9208   -2.5782
#> 962   48.9017   -2.5472
#> 963   48.9138   -2.5945
#> 964   48.9061   -2.5816
#> 965   48.8929   -2.5612
#> 966   48.8856   -2.5493
#> 967   48.9049   -2.6045
#> 968   48.8829   -2.5982
#> 969   48.8686   -2.5758
#> 970   48.8992   -2.5933
#> 971   42.8705    3.0452
#> 972   53.3265    6.9298
#> 973   43.4115    3.6926
#> 974   43.3267    3.5459
#> 975   43.3187    3.5568
#> 976   42.5253    3.1336
#> 977   37.0326   -7.7033
#> 978   58.6236   16.6588
#> 979   58.6198   16.6576
#> 980   58.6316   16.6586
#> 981   58.6280   16.6592
#> 982   59.3180   18.1175
#> 983   43.1083    3.0989
#> 984   49.9728   -6.2583
#> 985   49.9743   -6.2774
#> 986   49.9752   -6.2698
#> 987   49.9751   -6.2709
#> 988   49.9719   -6.2641
#> 989   38.4416   -9.0293
#> 990   38.4393   -9.0493
#> 991   38.4411   -9.0448
#> 992   38.4441   -9.0362
#> 993   38.4466   -9.0396
#> 994   38.4419   -9.0483
#> 995   38.4396   -9.0529
#> 996   38.4353   -9.0532
#> 997   59.3248   18.1566
#> 998   48.8610   -2.5640
#> 999   52.1776   -2.2255
#> 1000  52.1642   -2.2282
#> 1001  52.1922   -2.2286
#> 1002  49.4434   -2.6778
#> 1003  49.4434   -2.6778
#> 1004  49.1722   -2.1570
#> 1005  49.4138   -2.3634
#> 1006  57.7244   18.8811
#> 1007  57.7259   18.8753
#> 1008  51.1403    2.5730
#> 1009  53.3274    6.9300
#> 1010  55.5983    7.5783
#> 1011  43.1048    3.0844
#> 1012  50.0702   -5.0311
#> 1013  51.3857    2.4753
#> 1014  51.4097    2.5487
#> 1015  53.4077    6.1952
#> 1016  53.4032    6.1996
#> 1017  47.1757   -2.3306
#> 1018  47.1557   -2.5359
#> 1019  47.1705   -2.5441
#> 1020  47.1524   -2.5392
#> 1021  53.4166    6.2185
#> 1022  53.4200    6.1907
#> 1023  53.4163    6.2066
#> 1024  53.4174    6.2012
#> 1025  60.6852   17.1779
#> 1026  47.1971   -2.6656
#> 1027  47.1213   -2.5638
#> 1028  47.1930   -2.6654
#> 1029  47.1249   -2.5660
#> 1030  47.1945   -2.6605
#> 1031  47.1244   -2.5612
#> 1032  47.1459   -2.6401
#> 1033  47.1467   -2.6446
#> 1034  47.1497   -2.6417
#> 1035  47.1597   -2.4685
#> 1036  60.6130   17.4406
#> 1037  61.2013   17.1584
#> 1038  61.2058   17.1264
#> 1039  61.1982   17.1668
#> 1040  61.2035   17.1392
#> 1041  60.6809   17.1833
#> 1042  62.2785   17.3870
#> 1043  61.2041   17.1317
#> 1044  61.2018   17.1381
#> 1045  61.2016   17.1506
#> 1046  61.2048   17.1324
#> 1047  62.5520   17.4264
#> 1048  61.2044   17.1461
#> 1049  61.1932   17.1668
#> 1050  61.2027   17.1460
#> 1051  61.1970   17.1697
#> 1052  61.2062   17.1494
#> 1053  61.1971   17.1537
#> 1054  61.2072   17.1521
#> 1055  61.2048   17.1562
#> 1056  61.2092   17.1616
#> 1057  61.2061   17.1630
#> 1058  61.1960   17.1715
#> 1059  61.2060   17.1544
#> 1060  61.2011   17.1457
#> 1061  61.2043   17.1622
#> 1062  61.1993   17.1494
#> 1063  61.2065   17.1269
#> 1064  57.0478   16.6009
#> 1065  57.0743   16.6155
#> 1066  57.0789   16.5799
#> 1067  57.0316   16.5482
#> 1068  57.0760   16.5993
#> 1069  57.0380   16.5633
#> 1070  57.0348   16.5377
#> 1071  57.0427   16.5822
#> 1072  57.0369   16.5479
#> 1073  57.0489   16.5450
#> 1074  57.0508   16.5848
#> 1075  57.0549   16.6154
#> 1076  57.0604   16.5849
#> 1077  57.0702   16.6295
#> 1078  57.0664   16.6003
#> 1079  57.0438   16.5714
#> 1080  57.0639   16.6154
#> 1081  57.0303   16.5721
#> 1082  57.0703   16.5549
#> 1083  57.0579   16.5990
#> 1084  57.0637   16.5689
#> 1085  57.0692   16.5834
#> 1086  57.0699   16.5396
#> 1087  57.0654   16.5517
#> 1088  57.0749   16.5713
#> 1089  57.0342   16.5597
#> 1090  57.0448   16.5479
#> 1091  57.0401   16.5910
#> 1092  57.0676   16.5547
#> 1093  57.0690   16.5390
#> 1094  57.0701   16.5375
#> 1095  57.0755   16.5573
#> 1096  57.1522   16.3565
#> 1097  57.1459   16.3579
#> 1098  57.3363   16.5742
#> 1099  57.3250   16.5730
#> 1100  57.3146   16.5744
#> 1101  57.3251   16.5568
#> 1102  57.3162   16.5573
#> 1103  57.3293   16.5444
#> 1104  57.3297   16.5507
#> 1105  57.3328   16.5615
#> 1106  53.4179    6.1888
#> 1107  61.2005   17.1404
#> 1108  61.2036   17.1511
#> 1109  61.2059   17.1225
#> 1110  57.0188   16.5184
#> 1111  57.0176   16.5526
#> 1112  57.0275   16.5504
#> 1113  57.0260   16.5641
#> 1114  57.0201   16.5332
#> 1115  57.0414   16.5152
#> 1116  57.1547   16.4166
#> 1117  57.1417   16.4554
#> 1118  57.1248   16.4748
#> 1119  57.1537   16.4215
#> 1120  57.1300   16.5076
#> 1121  57.0992   16.5801
#> 1122  57.1406   16.5050
#> 1123  57.1163   16.5606
#> 1124  57.1223   16.5152
#> 1125  57.0979   16.5749
#> 1126  57.0920   16.5684
#> 1127  57.1144   16.5526
#> 1128  57.0855   16.6066
#> 1129  57.1151   16.5410
#> 1130  57.1247   16.5405
#> 1131  52.6402    1.5624
#> 1132  52.6388    1.5668
#> 1133  52.6911    1.5139
#> 1134  52.7443    1.4962
#> 1135  52.7015    1.3914
#> 1136  52.7389    1.5660
#> 1137  52.6937    1.4712
#> 1138  52.7385    1.6210
#> 1139  52.7082    1.5788
#> 1140  52.6881    1.5495
#> 1141  52.7099    1.5814
#> 1142  52.7586    1.5104
#> 1143  52.6599    1.5524
#> 1144  52.7088    1.5787
#> 1145  52.6333    1.6207
#> 1146  52.7176    1.6192
#> 1147  52.7322    1.5959
#> 1148  52.6834    1.5244
#> 1149  52.6914    1.4287
#> 1150  52.6904    1.4329
#> 1151  52.7012    1.5467
#> 1152  52.7598    1.5098
#> 1153  52.6987    1.4247
#> 1154  52.7374    1.4832
#> 1155  52.7252    1.6338
#> 1156  52.6931    1.4243
#> 1157  52.7191    1.6088
#> 1158  52.7592    1.5003
#> 1159  52.7327    1.5012
#> 1160  52.7176    1.5047
#> 1161  52.7226    1.5045
#> 1162  52.6932    1.4755
#> 1163  52.7306    1.5043
#> 1164  52.7166    1.3862
#> 1165  52.7237    1.3615
#> 1166  52.7116    1.4609
#> 1167  52.6727    1.5004
#> 1168  52.6758    1.5077
#> 1169  52.6829    1.4875
#> 1170  52.7047    1.4511
#> 1171  52.7004    1.4222
#> 1172  52.6916    1.4393
#> 1173  52.7048    1.4196
#> 1174  52.7135    1.4046
#> 1175  52.7018    1.4462
#> 1176  52.7013    1.4411
#> 1177  52.6823    1.4886
#> 1178  52.6901    1.4294
#> 1179  55.6250    7.5983
#> 1180  52.7150    1.5072
#> 1181  52.6901    1.5087
#> 1182  52.7374    1.4979
#> 1183  52.6878    1.4321
#> 1184  52.6930    1.4382
#> 1185  52.6944    1.4308
#> 1186  52.6963    1.4183
#> 1187  52.7044    1.4443
#> 1188  52.6684    1.5616
#> 1189  60.0186    5.1712
#> 1190  60.1074    5.0872
#> 1191  60.1164    5.0993
#> 1192  55.5883    7.5733
#> 1193  60.1199    5.0954
#> 1194  60.1214    5.0800
#> 1195  55.5817    7.5717
#> 1196  56.0575   12.6772
#> 1197  55.3130   10.9110
#> 1198  54.9436    6.2380
#> 1199  51.9943   -2.1729
#> 1200  52.0133   -2.1834
#> 1201  52.0337   -2.1977
#> 1202  55.5700    7.5683
#> 1203  52.0566   -2.2004
#> 1204  52.1364   -2.2334
#> 1205  52.5929    5.3722
#> 1206  52.5817    5.3689
#> 1207  52.5842    5.3705
#> 1208  55.5617    7.5700
#> 1209  53.4134    6.2188
#> 1210  51.5667    2.9833
#> 1211  55.6250    7.6217
#> 1212  50.6474   -3.1868
#> 1213  55.6167    7.6133
#> 1214  36.9689   -7.8666
#> 1215  50.6480   -3.1867
#> 1216  55.6100    7.6083
#> 1217  55.6000    7.6000
#> 1218  55.5917    7.5983
#> 1219  61.0474   14.5685
#> 1220  61.0221   14.5776
#> 1221  61.0739   14.5427
#> 1222  60.8711   14.7430
#> 1223  61.1261   14.6041
#> 1224  61.0594   14.5181
#> 1225  61.0933   14.5540
#> 1226  51.7040    2.8117
#> 1227  61.0747   14.5179
#> 1228  51.7040    2.8117
#> 1229  55.5833    7.5933
#> 1230  44.1439   -6.3056
#> 1231  43.7465   -5.8363
#> 1232  40.6845    1.4664
#> 1233  60.8711   14.8324
#> 1234  55.5650    7.5933
#> 1235  60.8486   14.6955
#> 1236  60.8070   14.9501
#> 1237  60.8647   15.0052
#> 1238  60.8929   14.7887
#> 1239  60.8438   14.8001
#> 1240       NA        NA
#> 1241  49.9680   -6.2453
#> 1242  60.8312   14.7358
#> 1243  60.7768   14.9493
#> 1244  60.8457   14.9418
#> 1245  49.9705   -6.2525
#> 1246  51.0598   -4.1927
#> 1247  50.3320   -3.5315
#> 1248  50.3241   -3.5746
#> 1249  50.3409   -3.5635
#> 1250  51.0817   -4.2442
#> 1251  50.6484   -3.1869
#> 1252  50.6478   -3.1844
#> 1253  50.6471   -3.1902
#> 1254  60.9078   14.7425
#> 1255  60.8906   14.6936
#> 1256  51.4064    2.8185
#> 1257  50.2796   -3.8737
#> 1258  51.4064    2.8185
#> 1259  55.5617    7.5917
#> 1260  60.9464   14.6208
#> 1261  56.0482   12.6794
#> 1262  56.0441   12.6564
#> 1263  55.2044   -6.9513
#> 1264  60.8824   15.0525
#> 1265  43.2379    3.4994
#> 1266  53.3180    6.9386
#> 1267  56.0461   12.6737
#> 1268  55.3080   10.8930
#> 1269  55.2043   -6.9574
#> 1270  49.7269   -2.2760
#> 1271  56.0436   12.6389
#> 1272  53.3013    7.1724
#> 1273  29.2544  -13.4784
#> 1274  55.6033    7.6150
#> 1275  55.6283    7.6250
#> 1276  29.2194  -13.5018
#> 1277  29.2312  -13.4406
#> 1278  35.9950   -5.5681
#> 1279  29.2008  -13.5133
#> 1280  29.2393  -13.4813
#> 1281  35.9875   -5.6369
#> 1282 -51.6153  -59.5109
#> 1283 -51.5061  -58.9800
#> 1284 -51.5018  -59.0112
#> 1285 -51.5945  -59.0371
#> 1286 -51.5112  -59.0492
#> 1287 -51.4845  -59.0568
#> 1288 -51.5150  -59.4265
#> 1289 -51.5082  -59.0194
#> 1290  51.3812    2.4529
#> 1291  48.0677   -4.9744
#> 1292  53.3228    6.9422
#> 1293  53.2959    6.8094
#> 1294  36.0025   -5.5813
#> 1295  36.0441   -5.7167
#> 1296  36.2310   -6.1790
#> 1297  53.2561    6.6985
#> 1298  53.1262    6.6066
#> 1299  53.1465    6.6039
#> 1300  53.0248    6.6643
#> 1301  56.0472   12.6167
#> 1302  51.3513    3.1988
#> 1303  36.4730   -6.2070
#> 1304  51.3613    2.9670
#> 1305  48.0629   -4.9696
#> 1306  48.0630   -4.9777
#> 1307  36.5594   -6.2978
#> 1308  37.1263   -7.3034
#> 1309  37.4000   -7.2091
#> 1310  43.1838    5.3788
#> 1311  43.1961    5.5125
#> 1312  43.1828    5.5533
#> 1313  55.2261   -6.5573
#> 1314  55.2234   -6.5556
#> 1315  55.2285   -6.5553
#> 1316  55.2280   -6.5361
#> 1317  55.2263   -6.5389
#> 1318  55.2195   -6.5321
#> 1319  55.2225   -6.5443
#> 1320  55.2243   -6.5418
#> 1321  55.2102   -6.5315
#> 1322  55.2198   -6.5280
#> 1323  55.2216   -6.9280
#> 1324  42.2865   -8.6600
#> 1325  42.7563   -9.0243
#> 1326  42.1782   -8.8932
#> 1327  43.2022    5.4808
#> 1328  36.1167   -5.8500
#> 1329  36.2833   -6.1530
#> 1330  50.2011   -3.9507
#> 1331  50.1442   -4.1724
#> 1332  50.1865   -4.1389
#> 1333  50.2147   -4.3781
#> 1334  42.9200    3.0740
#> 1335  43.5164    3.8969
#> 1336  43.5253    3.9085
#> 1337  38.4511   -9.0203
#> 1338  38.4446   -9.0397
#> 1339  49.9765   -6.2526
#> 1340  36.0193   -5.6279
#> 1341  51.3850    2.5332
#> 1342  42.3373    3.2579
#> 1343  51.3805    2.5767
#> 1344  51.3805    2.5767
#> 1345  53.3117    6.8847
#> 1346  53.1451    6.6885
#> 1347  53.1102    6.7108
#> 1348  53.2554    6.5096
#> 1349  53.2230    6.5950
#> 1350  52.9489    4.7895
#> 1351  52.9328    4.7925
#> 1352  53.1788    5.4174
#> 1353  53.1800    5.4238
#> 1354  53.2098    5.4380
#> 1355  51.6958    2.8185
#> 1356  51.6946    2.8203
#> 1357  51.6936    2.8160
#> 1358  51.6946    2.8203
#> 1359  53.3033    7.0371
#> 1360  53.3002    7.0734
#> 1361  53.2968    7.0819
#> 1362  53.2325    7.2081
#> 1363  53.2298    7.2089
#> 1364  53.3154    7.0965
#> 1365  53.3158    7.1172
#> 1366  53.2812    7.1623
#> 1367  51.3850    2.5332
#> 1368  51.6958    2.8185
#> 1369  53.3071    7.1017
#> 1370  53.3019    7.1626
#> 1371  51.6956    2.8158
#> 1372  50.2285   -4.5575
#> 1373  53.3145    7.0775
#> 1374  50.5518   -0.7413
#> 1375  51.6483    2.5362
#> 1376  51.6936    2.8160
#> 1377  43.2025    5.2291
#> 1378  42.2149   -8.9012
#> 1379  43.1919    5.2183
#> 1380  42.1831    3.1234
#> 1381  50.2469   -4.4248
#> 1382  50.5707   -3.0807
#> 1383  53.3178    6.1570
#> 1384  53.3581    6.1512
#> 1385  53.3607    6.1491
#> 1386  53.3592    6.1479
#> 1387  50.0702   -5.0311
#> 1388  50.7279   -0.4841
#> 1389  50.6799   -0.8048
#> 1390  50.7077   -0.7573
#> 1391  51.3346    2.6151
#> 1392  51.3033    2.7125
#> 1393  51.0016    3.8569
#> 1394  51.0559    4.2002
#> 1395  49.4894   -0.5227
#> 1396  49.4868   -0.5105
#> 1397  42.2390   -8.8988
#> 1398  42.2149   -8.9034
#> 1399  42.2134   -8.9049
#> 1400  42.2132   -8.8966
#> 1401  42.2121   -8.8979
#> 1402  42.2137   -8.9056
#> 1403  42.2127   -8.9053
#> 1404  42.2107   -8.8984
#> 1405  42.2118   -8.8993
#> 1406  42.2155   -8.9021
#> 1407  42.2109   -8.9004
#> 1408  42.2138   -8.9041
#> 1409  42.2135   -8.9030
#> 1410  42.2121   -8.9005
#> 1411  42.2135   -8.8992
#> 1412  42.2146   -8.8993
#> 1413  42.2149   -8.9012
#> 1414  42.2137   -8.9006
#> 1415  42.2143   -8.9023
#> 1416  42.2108   -8.9004
#> 1417  42.2125   -8.9019
#> 1418  56.4988   -6.7365
#> 1419  56.5220   -6.6957
#> 1420  56.5483   -6.6481
#> 1421  51.0235    3.7883
#> 1422  51.1051    4.1411
#> 1423  53.2717    6.3395
#> 1424  42.2102   -8.9099
#> 1425  41.9047   -8.8975
#> 1426  42.2134   -8.9049
#> 1427  42.2160   -8.8999
#> 1428  42.2135   -8.9030
#> 1429  42.2143   -8.9023
#> 1430  42.2110   -8.9053
#> 1431  42.2140   -8.9055
#> 1432  42.2104   -8.9030
#> 1433  42.2146   -8.8993
#> 1434  42.2137   -8.9006
#> 1435  42.2088   -8.9072
#> 1436  42.2138   -8.9041
#> 1437  42.2137   -8.9056
#> 1438  42.2149   -8.9034
#> 1439  42.2120   -8.9037
#> 1440  42.2127   -8.9053
#> 1441  42.2107   -8.8984
#> 1442  42.2118   -8.8993
#> 1443  42.1936   -8.8893
#> 1444  42.2390   -8.8988
#> 1445  42.2135   -8.8992
#> 1446  42.2121   -8.8979
#> 1447  42.2121   -8.9005
#> 1448  42.2109   -8.9004
#> 1449  48.9942   -2.8718
#> 1450  48.4271   -5.1450
#> 1451  48.7478   -3.9687
#> 1452  48.9556   -2.9331
#> 1453  48.7837   -2.9140
#> 1454  48.4852   -5.1134
#> 1455  48.6727   -4.5432
#> 1456  48.8900   -2.9558
#> 1457  48.0599   -4.8960
#> 1458  48.5365   -4.8138
#> 1459  49.0303   -2.8638
#> 1460  53.2738    7.1712
#> 1461  51.3345    2.5150
#> 1462  42.5497   -8.9478
#> 1463  42.7563   -9.0243
#> 1464  42.1782   -8.8932
#> 1465  43.4024    5.0103
#> 1466  53.2594    6.4902
#> 1467  53.2656    6.4832
#> 1468  53.3174    6.4698
#> 1469  43.1936    5.2389
#> 1470  43.2717    3.4829
#> 1471  43.4070    5.0545
#> 1472  43.3204    5.0544
#> 1473  43.3201    5.1617
#> 1474  43.3101    3.6043
#> 1475  43.3201    5.0632
#> 1476  39.4366  -31.1544
#> 1477  50.6857   -2.7992
#> 1478  51.6483    2.5362
#> 1479  49.1722   -2.1570
#> 1480  49.4864   -0.5969
#> 1481  52.5461    5.8554
#> 1482  52.7593    5.1156
#> 1483  50.1452   -4.1983
#> 1484  49.2556   -2.1111
#> 1485  39.4390  -31.2601
#> 1486  39.4382  -31.2587
#> 1487  39.4389  -31.2525
#> 1488  50.1363   -4.1550
#> 1489  50.1347   -4.1534
#> 1490  50.1439   -4.1748
#> 1491  48.8752   -3.4644
#> 1492  48.8874   -3.5184
#> 1493  48.8765   -3.6246
#> 1494  48.8352   -3.5890
#> 1495  49.4305   -0.2527
#> 1496  48.7422   -2.4975
#> 1497  48.6961   -2.6233
#> 1498  48.7512   -2.6604
#> 1499  51.2745    2.4486
#> 1500  37.8189   -0.6756
#> 1501  37.3403   -1.6022
#> 1502  39.6375   -0.1636
#> 1503  38.5703   -0.0378
#> 1504  50.4370    4.8638
#> 1505  50.3818    4.8670
#> 1506  50.2227    4.8918
#> 1507  50.7099    5.6835
#> 1508  50.2802    4.8931
#> 1509  50.5294    5.2413
#> 1510  50.7773    5.6971
#> 1511  50.5805    5.4038
#> 1512  50.2513    4.9158
#> 1513  50.3464    4.8536
#> 1514  50.3160    4.8765
#> 1515  50.2160    4.8288
#> 1516  51.7207    4.8915
#> 1517  50.6126    5.5773
#> 1518  50.6543    5.6224
#> 1519  51.1987    5.9817
#> 1520  51.7184    4.8910
#> 1521  50.4611    4.8696
#> 1522  50.4836    5.0168
#> 1523  51.1667    5.9134
#> 1524  51.7509    5.8791
#> 1525  37.1814   -7.4069
#> 1526  53.3523    6.1019
#> 1527  53.3546    6.0824
#> 1528  53.3142    6.0465
#> 1529  53.3127    6.1262
#> 1530  53.3549    6.1432
#> 1531  53.3213    5.9781
#> 1532  53.3257    6.0221
#> 1533  53.3367    6.0498
#> 1534  53.3508    6.0793
#> 1535  53.3417    6.0499
#> 1536  53.3575    6.1207
#> 1537  53.3539    6.0771
#> 1538  53.3504    6.0348
#> 1539  52.1700   -2.2576
#> 1540  52.1691   -2.2461
#> 1541  52.1730   -2.2201
#> 1542  52.1692   -2.2316
#> 1543  52.1502   -2.2241
#> 1544  51.8144   -2.4367
#> 1545  52.1684   -2.2230
#> 1546  52.1815   -2.2244
#> 1547  54.3591   18.9540
#> 1548  54.3591   18.9540
#> 1549  54.3591   18.9540
#> 1550  50.1864   -4.1416
#> 1551  42.5161    3.1446
#> 1552  42.4810    3.1454
#> 1553  42.4793    3.1540
#> 1554  42.3191    3.3309
#> 1555  42.4812    3.1568
#> 1556  42.4737    3.1568
#> 1557  42.4679    3.1633
#> 1558  42.4661    3.1633
#> 1559  42.4657    3.1678
#> 1560  42.4644    3.1647
#> 1561  42.4627    3.1625
#> 1562  42.4602    3.1634
#> 1563  42.4570    3.1689
#> 1564  51.1695    2.6015
#> 1565  42.4402    3.1790
#> 1566  42.4343    3.1767
#> 1567  42.4018    3.1692
#> 1568  42.3479    3.2408
#> 1569  55.5674   -6.9474
#> 1570  55.5932   -6.8648
#> 1571  55.5428   -6.9964
#> 1572  55.5959   -6.8569
#> 1573  55.6174   -6.7529
#> 1574  55.6245   -6.6822
#> 1575  55.6425   -6.6248
#> 1576  55.6203   -6.7763
#> 1577  55.4638   -7.1592
#> 1578  55.6319   -6.6590
#> 1579  55.6553   -6.5834
#> 1580  55.5866   -6.8912
#> 1581  55.6263   -6.6753
#> 1582  55.5085   -7.0682
#> 1583  55.4737   -7.1386
#> 1584  55.6230   -6.6910
#> 1585  55.5774   -6.9257
#> 1586  55.6179   -6.7684
#> 1587  55.6007   -6.8396
#> 1588  55.6131   -6.7883
#> 1589  55.6160   -6.7254
#> 1590  55.5218   -7.0391
#> 1591  55.4460   -7.1960
#> 1592  55.4879   -7.1100
#> 1593  42.3391    3.2726
#> 1594  55.6372   -6.6422
#> 1595  55.4671   -7.1514
#> 1596  55.6527   -6.5927
#> 1597  55.6103   -6.8059
#> 1598  55.4980   -7.0886
#> 1599  55.6199   -6.7088
#> 1600  55.4772   -7.1317
#> 1601  55.4945   -7.0953
#> 1602  55.5396   -7.0039
#> 1603  55.6129   -6.7980
#> 1604  55.6585   -6.5766
#> 1605  55.5747   -6.9332
#> 1606  55.5639   -6.9548
#> 1607  55.6030   -6.8312
#> 1608  55.6395   -6.6342
#> 1609  55.5050   -7.0747
#> 1610  55.5821   -6.9089
#> 1611  55.6159   -6.7349
#> 1612  55.4701   -7.1452
#> 1613  55.6503   -6.6008
#> 1614  55.4805   -7.1257
#> 1615  55.4601   -7.1670
#> 1616  55.6344   -6.6505
#> 1617  55.5710   -6.9400
#> 1618  55.5119   -7.0612
#> 1619  55.6156   -6.7438
#> 1620  55.4847   -7.1174
#> 1621  55.6193   -6.7613
#> 1622  55.6473   -6.6089
#> 1623  55.6204   -6.6993
#> 1624  55.5016   -7.0817
#> 1625  55.5567   -6.9689
#> 1626  55.5844   -6.9002
#> 1627  55.5804   -6.9160
#> 1628  55.5888   -6.8826
#> 1629  42.3378    3.2768
#> 1630  55.6449   -6.6173
#> 1631  55.5155   -7.0532
#> 1632  55.4529   -7.1809
#> 1633  55.4498   -7.1875
#> 1634  55.5971   -6.8512
#> 1635  55.6080   -6.8145
#> 1636  55.5250   -7.0323
#> 1637  55.6055   -6.8228
#> 1638  55.4564   -7.1741
#> 1639  55.4911   -7.1025
#> 1640  55.6178   -6.7170
#> 1641  42.3371    3.2803
#> 1642  55.5911   -6.8740
#> 1643  55.6173   -6.7836
#> 1644  55.5188   -7.0460
#> 1645  55.5464   -6.9895
#> 1646  55.5501   -6.9822
#> 1647  55.5285   -7.0250
#> 1648  55.5321   -7.0183
#> 1649  55.5357   -7.0113
#> 1650  55.6291   -6.6672
#> 1651  42.3263    3.3162
#> 1652  42.3233    3.3242
#> 1653  42.3207    3.3216
#> 1654  42.3209    3.3259
#> 1655  42.3214    3.3296
#> 1656  51.4102    3.4545
#> 1657  42.2921    3.3062
#> 1658  42.2844    3.3000
#> 1659  42.2893    3.3106
#> 1660  42.0476    3.2170
#> 1661  42.2428    3.2675
#> 1662  42.2390    3.2660
#> 1663  42.2366    3.2625
#> 1664  42.2377    3.2596
#> 1665  42.2349    3.2279
#> 1666  42.2092    3.1234
#> 1667  42.2341    3.1327
#> 1668  42.2267    3.1285
#> 1669  42.2219    3.1255
#> 1670  42.1998    3.1222
#> 1671  42.1904    3.1228
#> 1672  42.1758    3.1244
#> 1673  42.1685    3.1252
#> 1674  42.1611    3.1263
#> 1675  42.1537    3.1279
#> 1676  42.1469    3.1319
#> 1677  42.1395    3.1353
#> 1678  42.1330    3.1387
#> 1679  51.0930    4.5068
#> 1680  51.1358    4.5937
#> 1681  51.1335    4.5888
#> 1682  51.1174    4.5492
#> 1683  42.0522    3.2066
#> 1684  42.0459    3.2089
#> 1685  42.0384    3.2064
#> 1686  42.0320    3.2020
#> 1687  43.2940    5.1859
#> 1688  58.2663   11.4331
#> 1689  58.2635   11.4280
#> 1690  58.2632   11.4363
#> 1691  58.2666   11.4408
#> 1692  58.2601   11.4239
#> 1693  58.2597   11.4319
#> 1694  58.2592   11.4402
#> 1695  58.2627   11.4446
#> 1696  58.2564   11.4193
#> 1697  58.2558   11.4278
#> 1698  58.2553   11.4355
#> 1699  58.2589   11.4494
#> 1700  58.2632   11.4199
#> 1701  58.2557   11.4437
#> 1702  58.2662   11.4253
#> 1703  58.2685   11.4317
#> 1704  58.2662   11.4490
#> 1705  58.2622   11.4531
#> 1706  58.2592   11.4573
#> 1707  58.2562   11.4530
#> 1708  58.2773   11.4901
#> 1709  58.2585   11.5041
#> 1710  58.2979   11.5208
#> 1711  58.3701   11.6043
#> 1712  58.4028   11.5918
#> 1713  58.2272   11.4134
#> 1714  58.2534   11.3898
#> 1715  58.2888   11.3091
#> 1716  58.0455   11.3147
#> 1717  58.2909   11.1758
#> 1718  58.3590   11.0920
#> 1719  57.4850   11.7054
#> 1720  51.6098    3.0279
#> 1721  51.6079    3.0337
#> 1722 -51.5341  -59.0590
#> 1723  50.5413   -3.5019
#> 1724  55.5603   -6.9620
#> 1725  55.5535   -6.9755
#> 1726  42.0246    3.2018
#> 1727  42.0177    3.2038
#> 1728  50.5353   -0.6744
#> 1729  50.5432   -3.5140
#> 1730  58.2286   -2.9408
#> 1731  51.4206    3.6303
#> 1732  47.1742   -2.0652
#> 1733  53.0277    5.2002
#> 1734  67.1360   15.4428
#> 1735  67.1727   15.4535
#> 1736  50.2269   -3.7756
#> 1737  67.1718   15.4447
#> 1738  47.1596   -2.4685
#> 1739  67.1694   15.4347
#> 1740  51.4383    3.6470
#> 1741  67.1702   15.4230
#> 1742  51.3545    3.7950
#> 1743  51.4022    4.0300
#> 1744  51.4167    4.0249
#> 1745  51.4112    4.0292
#> 1746  51.3553    3.7610
#> 1747  51.3483    3.8147
#> 1748  51.3725    3.7230
#> 1749  51.3466    3.8002
#> 1750  51.3655    3.7345
#> 1751  51.4639    3.5126
#> 1752  51.4424    3.6458
#> 1753  51.4273    3.6271
#> 1754  51.4347    3.6365
#> 1755  51.4118    3.6072
#> 1756  51.3881    3.6087
#> 1757  51.4738    3.5117
#> 1758  51.4321    3.6239
#> 1759  51.4034    3.4659
#> 1760  51.4170    3.7188
#> 1761  51.3805    3.7173
#> 1762  51.4116    3.7075
#> 1763  51.4072    3.7081
#> 1764  51.3970    3.7153
#> 1765  51.4173    3.6216
#> 1766  51.3913    3.7162
#> 1767  48.5267   -4.8233
#> 1768  67.1784   15.4073
#> 1769  67.1854   15.4029
#> 1770  67.2152   15.3854
#> 1771  67.2119   15.3801
#> 1772  67.2074   15.3811
#> 1773  50.6130   -3.4369
#> 1774  67.2002   15.3800
#> 1775  67.1969   15.3775
#> 1776  58.2466   -2.6566
#> 1777  67.1933   15.3777
#> 1778  58.2357   -2.9035
#> 1779  67.2325   15.3570
#> 1780  67.2332   15.3442
#> 1781  67.2360   15.3354
#> 1782  67.1973   15.2983
#> 1783  67.2324   15.2407
#> 1784  67.2305   15.2312
#> 1785  67.2275   15.2255
#> 1786  51.8535    3.1567
#> 1787  67.2251   15.2199
#> 1788  67.2446   14.7434
#> 1789  67.2423   14.7442
#> 1790  67.2319   15.2416
#> 1791  56.6475   -6.6357
#> 1792  67.2366   14.7628
#> 1793  67.2350   14.7661
#> 1794  67.1246   14.9900
#> 1795  67.2898   14.9764
#> 1796  67.2901   14.9421
#> 1797  67.2947   15.1352
#> 1798  67.3087   15.1512
#> 1799  51.5807    2.9960
#> 1800  67.3169   15.0907
#> 1801  67.3055   15.0128
#> 1802  67.3062   15.1923
#> 1803  67.2362   15.7018
#> 1804  65.1065   12.4357
#> 1805  65.3164   12.9156
#> 1806  50.4957   -2.9671
#> 1807  65.1041   12.4159
#> 1808  65.0644   12.4765
#> 1809  65.1316   12.5145
#> 1810  65.1348   12.5670
#> 1811  56.7834   16.4163
#> 1812  51.4084    2.5491
#> 1813  65.1109   12.3998
#> 1814  65.0945   12.4015
#> 1815  65.1346   12.5825
#> 1816  65.1014   12.3993
#> 1817  65.1061   12.3991
#> 1818  65.3290   12.9406
#> 1819  51.2858    2.4387
#> 1820  65.1134   12.4539
#> 1821  65.1342   12.5879
#> 1822  51.3808    2.4526
#> 1823  42.2125   -8.9019
#> 1824  65.0726   12.4869
#> 1825  65.0834   12.4624
#> 1826  55.3363   10.9932
#> 1827  59.4606   17.7805
#> 1828  59.4371   17.6931
#> 1829  59.3826   28.2068
#> 1830  59.5898   17.7841
#> 1831  50.6504   -2.9636
#> 1832  57.0981   16.6494
#> 1833  57.0842   16.6344
#> 1834  57.1536   16.4017
#> 1835  42.4780    3.1566
#> 1836  51.3812    2.4529
#> 1837  52.9234    5.0413
#> 1838  52.8379    5.7120
#> 1839  48.3708   -5.0633
#> 1840  52.8449    5.6840
#> 1841  51.4847    2.3063
#> 1842  51.3346    2.6151
#> 1843  43.5054    3.9716
#> 1844  48.9212   -2.9854
#> 1845  57.1629   16.3473
#> 1846  58.2712   -2.8218
#> 1847  51.1264    4.5719
#> 1848  58.3019   -2.8640
#> 1849  58.2707   -2.8750
#> 1850  58.2370   -2.7117
#> 1851  58.2471   -2.7115
#> 1852  58.2572   -2.7113
#> 1853  58.2773   -2.7091
#> 1854  58.1252   -2.6862
#> 1855  58.1354   -2.6862
#> 1856  58.1453   -2.6860
#> 1857  58.1555   -2.6858
#> 1858  58.1655   -2.6858
#> 1859  58.1754   -2.6856
#> 1860  58.2266   -2.6852
#> 1861  58.2368   -2.6852
#> 1862  58.2468   -2.6852
#> 1863  58.2568   -2.6851
#> 1864  58.2672   -2.6828
#> 1865  58.2773   -2.6849
#> 1866  58.1249   -2.6575
#> 1867  58.1351   -2.6599
#> 1868  58.2568   -2.6565
#> 1869  58.2670   -2.6587
#> 1870  58.1348   -2.6313
#> 1871  58.1452   -2.6334
#> 1872  58.1553   -2.6333
#> 1873  58.1654   -2.6309
#> 1874  58.2262   -2.6327
#> 1875  58.2260   -2.6062
#> 1876  58.2370   -2.6013
#> 1877  59.3476   28.1905
#> 1878  57.1303   16.5188
#> 1879  56.0003    8.1161
#> 1880  65.1366   12.4509
#> 1881  65.2748   12.8554
#> 1882  65.0829   12.3148
#> 1883  65.1568   12.3146
#> 1884  65.1342   12.4490
#> 1885  42.9158    3.0661
#> 1886  52.5233    6.4017
#> 1887  52.5317    6.4901
#> 1888  52.5286    6.4978
#> 1889  52.5259    6.5011
#> 1890  52.5158    6.5602
#> 1891  52.5212    6.5709
#> 1892  52.5253    6.5664
#> 1893  52.5654    6.6179
#> 1894  52.5700    6.6131
#> 1895  52.5719    6.6156
#> 1896  52.6207    6.6678
#> 1897  52.6204    6.6924
#> 1898  52.6218    6.6980
#> 1899  52.6181    6.7104
#> 1900  52.5630    6.9484
#> 1901  52.5602    6.9490
#> 1902  52.5046    6.9619
#> 1903  52.5078    6.9618
#> 1904  52.5071    6.9693
#> 1905  52.4864    7.0075
#> 1906  52.4853    7.0084
#> 1907  52.4341    7.0684
#> 1908  69.9729   23.4064
#> 1909       NA        NA
#> 1910  38.4678  -28.5528
#> 1911  58.1501   14.4114
#> 1912  58.0519   14.4154
#> 1913  52.1684   -2.2230
#> 1914  57.9443   14.3127
#> 1915  57.8747   14.2640
#> 1916  58.4861   14.8295
#> 1917  49.9731   -6.2459
#> 1918  43.3267    3.6473
#> 1919  48.9067   -2.5561
#> 1920  48.8998   -2.5718
#> 1921  48.8829   -2.5718
#> 1922  49.9753   -6.2645
#> 1923  49.9802   -6.2683
#> 1924  57.7236   18.8878
#> 1925  57.0702   16.5700
#> 1926  42.2104   -8.9030
#> 1927  61.1080   14.5432
#> 1928  61.1174   14.4890
#> 1929  60.8697   14.6618
#> 1930  51.0772   -4.2303
#> 1931  51.0679   -4.2115
#> 1932  51.0744   -4.1816
#> 1933  51.0585   -4.1845
#> 1934  55.3012   10.8622
#> 1935  43.2043    5.2484
#> 1936  38.4466   -9.0396
#> 1937  38.4579   -9.0026
#> 1938  51.4064    2.8185
#> 1939  42.1267    3.1545
#> 1940  42.1004    3.1880
#> 1941  42.0831    3.2016
#> 1942  50.6543   -2.8762
#> 1943  42.6257   -8.7831
#> 1944  42.2132   -8.8966
#> 1945  53.3160    6.3530
#> 1946  53.1080    6.4409
#> 1947  53.1305    6.4548
#> 1948  53.1688    6.4874
#> 1949  53.1812    6.4989
#> 1950  53.1860    6.4658
#> 1951  53.1924    6.4635
#> 1952  53.2477    6.3024
#> 1953  53.1329    6.6153
#> 1954  53.2718    6.5064
#> 1955  53.2099    6.4898
#> 1956  53.2113    6.4846
#> 1957  53.2151    6.4968
#> 1958  53.2171    6.4889
#> 1959  53.2141    6.4103
#> 1960  53.1905    6.3193
#> 1961  53.2550    6.4821
#> 1962  53.2600    6.4743
#> 1963  39.4371  -31.2483
#> 1964  39.4341  -31.2455
#> 1965  39.4376  -31.2428
#> 1966  39.4374  -31.2418
#> 1967  39.4374  -31.2399
#> 1968  39.4374  -31.2395
#> 1969  39.4366  -31.2384
#> 1970  52.1701   -2.2425
#> 1971  36.8156   -2.5392
#> 1972  42.3414    3.2601
#> 1973  52.1701   -2.2702
#> 1974  52.1771   -2.2890
#> 1975  52.1196   -2.2415
#> 1976  42.3414    3.2669
#> 1977  42.4706    3.1580
#> 1978  42.4683    3.1605
#> 1979  42.3197    3.3334
#> 1980  42.3248    3.3204
#> 1981  42.2319    3.2192
#> 1982  42.3184    3.3231
#> 1983  42.2441    3.1397
#> 1984  42.0522    3.2218
#> 1985  42.0505    3.2243
#> 1986  42.0492    3.2263
#> 1987  42.0473    3.2275
#> 1988  42.0453    3.2254
#> 1989  42.0437    3.2279
#> 1990  42.0427    3.2266
#> 1991  42.0419    3.2292
#> 1992  42.0402    3.2279
#> 1993  42.0410    3.2249
#> 1994  42.0422    3.2224
#> 1995  42.0446    3.2193
#> 1996  42.0580    3.2140
#> 1997  42.0690    3.2125
#> 1998  42.0612    3.2150
#> 1999  51.7044    2.8126
#> 2000  51.4118    3.6341
#> 2001  51.4018    3.7089
#> 2002  51.3533    3.7522
#> 2003  51.4348    4.0270
#> 2004  51.3536    3.7376
#> 2005  51.3585    3.7454
#> 2006  51.4239    4.0228
#> 2007  51.3703    3.7511
#> 2008  51.3649    3.7655
#> 2009  51.3602    3.7798
#> 2010  51.3865    3.7080
#> $par
#> $par$daterange
#> [1] "2016-01-01" "2017-12-31"
#> $par$type
#> [1] "ETN data"
#> $par$binSize
#> [1] "1 week"
#> $par$calculate
#> [1] "All"
#> $par$projects
#> [1] "Azorean acoustic receiver network"
#> $par$tagProjects
#> [1] "Lifewatch"